Reviews from

in the past

esse aqui não me agradou muito não... eu nem lembro se cheguei a zerar ele, quase nunca abria ele, fingia que nem existia.

this is my favorite snes bomberman! something about it just feels right...

Does it have an amazing story? Do you really need one?

A puzzler with creative level design and fun upgrade mechanics but what sets this apart is the boss fights. You'll find yourself breezing through levels just to see what's waiting for you.

we as a civilization did not deserve this game. it's too good for us.

Final world was designed by serial killers.

puta downgrade do anterior, além de tirar o modo cooperativo

Acho que esse é o mais difícil dos cinco do SNES

O que menos gosto dos cinco jogos, o level design é frustante (dificuldade artificial) e é removido o modo co-op. Pelo menos eu tenho muitas boas memórias com o Battle Mode.

Joguinho aleatorio que peguei pra passar o tempo, apanhei muito mas eventualmente eu peguei o jeito, ai ficou gostosinho, ate o ultimo mundo de fases que fica IMPOSSIVEL se voce é noob igual eu que morre e perde os power up, mas beleza eu gostei da experiencia, estou animado pra testar outros jogos da franquia.

Better than the first as it left quite the impression. It has a very different vibe from the usual bomberman as the map/scenes are much bigger than the usual single screen grid and is also single player only in story mode due to the larger area. I especially like how distinctly different each zones were so it made playing through the game fun.