Reviews from

in the past

A very fun 3D Mario game. The character movement could be a bit faster and in general I do prefer the charm of 3D Land, but this is a very pure and fun Mario experience.

Played with an old middle school friend and had lots of fun with it

This game is a real good time with others. Still not quite to the level of NSMB Wii for me, but still really fun

Jogo divertido no começo, mas que começa a frustrar por ser EXTREMAMENTE fácil.

Pelo que dizem os mapas bônus são um pouco mais desafiantes, mas não quero passar por diversas horas de gameplay chata para chegar lá.

Para mim um dos melhores Marios 3D para não falar o melhor

Fought my teammates more than the enemies.

Great game released at the wrong time. While Mario fans were eager for a true return to form in the 3D Mario genre after the slew of 2D games, we received this. If released at any other point, would've seen much more acclaim from fans, although fans now seem to be recognizing how well made it is. Charming, good art style, great platforming and level design.

Although its graphics are basic, the simple fun of 3D World cannot be overstated. It is just fun, nothing more, nothing less. A great time with friends.

Another goated couch co-op game from Nintendo

Super Mario 3D Land fully realized. The levels are all well-crafted and stand on their own as unique experiences, there are no levels I wouldn't come back to. The platforming take some getting used to thanks to the distant, and usually fixed, camera, but it is the best way to get this style of game to work. I hope they consider doing another game in this style.

I recommend plaything this couch CO-OP (3-4 can be a bit much but fun for a level or two). A great game to play with a friend all the way through. Not too long and a good amount of challenge throughout.

A new timeless classic. Full of imaginative level design and whimsy. In every level there is a reason to smile from the beginning until the end. This game is a cozy nostalgic blanket that will make you feel 20 years younger. A stark reminder that time is fleeting and that death shall come for us all.

i wish i had friends when i played this

Super Mario 3D World brings classic Mario platforming into a vibrant 3D space filled with creative level design. The game shines with its delightful variety of power-ups, especially the iconic Cat Suit, and is truly a blast in its four-player cooperative mode. While the fixed camera perspective can occasionally present challenges, Super Mario 3D World remains a charming, colorful, and incredibly fun family-friendly adventure.

Probably THE mediocre 3d mario game. Just copies the gimmick of Super Mario 3D Land by being a 3D mario but it doesn't work when it's done twice. Not a bad game but not outstanding either

Much like New Super Mario Bros Wii, this game is a bit carried by the multiplayer HOWEVER it's in 3D now and it's such a blast the adventure you can have with friends and family. I didn't 100% the game but I hope to do so one day. Fantastic game.

I enjoyed playing this game so much on my Nintendo Wii U.

I know it's an extremely unpopular opinion but this is up there as one of if not the BEST 3D Mario game for me as experiencing these worlds the way I did was truly something special for me at the time that I had played this game. It was also one of the first games that I went out of my way to 100% and I enjoyed my time doing it so much + with the bonus content after 100% is well worth it and so much content within the game.

Each level looked so beautiful and being able to see these 3D levels in HD for the first time was a very memorial experience for me!

The multiplayer is also a very fun experience with the added competition mode of who scores the most for this useless crown ends up being so fun.

this game has so much content and will always remain very very special to me and also came at a time that I really needed a game like this.

I just really wish that they would've added online on here which they later did on the Switch.

Nossa, esse jogo é incrível demais! Tenho um carinho enorme por ele, me marcou de uma forma que outros não fizeram. Um dos melhores jogos da franquia com certeza e um dos melhores jogos 3d que já joguei. Nem mesmo Super Mario Odyssey me marcou como esse. Além de tudo ainda teve uma DLC que também é maravilhosa. Zerei 2 vezes e fiz o 100%. Super recomendo!

the cat mechanics…. just so unserious

Com certeza o melhor Mario blz

Fuck it, é melhor que o galaxy.

good take on 3d mario if mario 64 did this and this did the mario 64 thing the gaming universe would have been better

My favourite Mario game. All I gotta say about this game is that catboy Mario goes crazy

El mateix dic que amb el Land, pero canviant 3ds per wii u.