Reviews from

in the past

definitely the best port-job of the 3d all stars collection. i find it odd but charming how they changed bowsers defeat dialogue slightly for the switch release.

I don't like how Mario controls in this game. You had to be there, I guess.

Je tiefer ich im Schloss vordringe, umso tiefer sinkt auch meine Laune.

first played the ds version. this game is fun and still replayable to me, holds up well.

This game is definitely not for me.

My first "3D" mario game was SM3DW and I'd say my first proper one (that isn't a hybrid of 2d and 3d) was Odyssey. It's still one of my favorites of of all time and one of the best things about it is its fluid and fun movement. When I got 3D all-stars for christmas in 2020 I was looking forward to a game that from what I heard had the second best movement in the series behind odyssey.

What I was greeted with is one of the worst cameras I've ever seen in a game (not the game's fault necessarily as it is an N64 issue but definitely something Nintendo could have fixed porting this game to the switch) and an extreme hands off approach when getting stars. This hands off approach is definitely in theory a neat idea, as It makes me more incentivized to go out and explore the maps which for their time were definitely impressive, but after beating galaxy and sunshine, it's simply done LEAGUES better in those games compared to this. A text prompt on how I might be able to get the star is fucking evil considering some of the bullshit you have to go through to get some of these stars. Sure odyssey didn't tell you shit, but at least in that game when I got a moon in that game I COULD STAY IN THE FUCKING LEVEL, SOMETHING THAT (was definitely a limitation from the N64 era) GETS REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING AFTER IDK 3 OR 4 OF THE 70 STARS YOU NEED TO BEAT THIS GAME?!

The fact the levels are so open also hurts me even more, as I can do some shit to get one star, see one in the distance that is marginally easier to get, get that one, and then have to do the exact same fucking setup to get the other star I was going for in the beginning. At least in the other 3D mario games I can only get one collectible so I can just get it over with one at a time, but kicking me out of the level and having me redo the same shit I did just got annoying, and led to me playing the game for a couple of hours, then dropping it for 6 months, until today where I finally decided to lock in, watch some youtube videos to tell me where to find the remaining stars I needed, and put this game behind me.

SM64 is definitely an important game. It was incredibly crucial for nintendo's and the entire video game industry as a whole's success, and it's impact can definitely be felt even today, and it also has spawned some of my favorite games of all time. However, as a game, I just can't bring myself to enjoy it as much as the other 3D Mario games I have played, which hurts, but is just a fact I've come to accept. This is a game you should definitely play if you haven't, but just not one that was made for me

It's very clear this game defined the 3D platforming gaming industry back when it released. For the time of it's release there are lots of amazing feats that were handled here when it debuted. That said I can't help but feel like the levels after you reach the clock tower upper area of the castle just aren't as good as the lower floor levels. And there are some parts of levels that just feel sluggish to go through. With that said this is a nice comfy game to go through.

Part of an overpriced collection but at the end of the day it's still mario 64! Not used to the lack of BLJ though so half a star off for that...

The Super Mario 3D All-Stars version of "Super Mario 64".

The first mindblowing 3D Mario game, for some reason I don't seem to enjoy this game. I disliked the camera heavily and found that I used guides a lot than try to learn my way and enjoy it. I sometimes forced myself to play it but I found many stuff about the game fun but not entirely.

It’s so hard for me to finish this game, I always just lose motivation after the first Bowser fight and Idk why

De verdad quisiera amar este juego como todo el mundo lo hace pero simplemente es un juego ok y es muy divertido sin embargo mas allá de eso no le encuentro mucho más, su movimiento es muy bueno aun que eso no cubra todas las otras cosas que no me conforman de este

Pela a primeira vez fiz 120 estrelas, eu tinha zerado esse jogo ano passado conseguindo so 70 estrelas e agora deu vontade de ir atras do resto, algumas foram bem complicadas? foi, mas com o tempo fui acostumando com o controle zuado e consegui, é um sentimento legal tipo "uau eu fiz 100%" poucos jogos eu consigo ser bom o suficiente pra chegar nesse ponto

This game has such a genius creativity behind literally everything from the music to the stage layout and design. So cool for a switch player like me to see where my beloved 3D Mario games started from.

Needed to take a break from Granblue Relink and mashing attack as Narmaya so I went and played this where I will be tapping A a lot instead. Still holds up pretty well after all these years. Last played it maybe 15 years ago and after a quick refresher I figured out how Mario controls again, but for real tho having to constantly tap A with where it's at on the Switch controllers wears thin quick as hell. Also this game is much shorter than I remember it being as a kid. Using the BLJ definitely helped in that too. Still a classic, and probably the best "baby's first video game" with how easily and intuitively it eases you into playing in a 3D space.

Cannot listen to the end credits theme anymore without thinking about Fesh Pince of Blair.

A timeless classic in which you can discover new things with each playthrough! I have beaten the game countless times and it is as fun as the first time every time all the time.
The latter half of the stages are a bit finnicky, so it doesn't get a perfect score, but it's simply amazing.
Like, come on, it's Mario 64, one of the most revolutionary games of all time.

Mario 64 has a lot of soul and playing it takes me back to my childhood, even though I never owned a N64. Unfortunately, the camera controls make for a very frustrating experience, that often times made me want to stop playing.
Also, having to exit a painting every time I got a star didn't feel great.
Still, for a 27 year old game, Mario 64 holds up very well and is still able to provide many hours of fun.

beat it 100% and to be honest this is still my least favorite 3d mario out of the good ones (64, sunshine, galaxy 1/2, odyssey) . game from 1996 holds up and plays like it was released yesterday its no surprise this game is revered

but its an absolute must play. regardless we must dissect miyamotos brain and figure out what he was thinking for 100 coins

While aged in some ways (namely in camera control) it is still mostly a joy to play and something everyone should experience at least once. However, the final few stages, namely Tiny-Huge Island, Snowman's Land, Tall Tall Mountain and especially Rainbow Ride, feel almost unfinished with poor level design and questionable collision, with Rainbow Ride being painful with how awful it is. Also, the final boss sucks. But still, the rest is near flawless and having one of the best soundtracks in the whole franchise.

This game is the reason 3D platformers are the way they are. The first of it's kind, Super Mario 64, got so much right when there was no blueprint to work from. For that reason alone does it deserve legend status. The movement (for its time) is crazy for what you're able to do and chain together, let alone in a 3D space. The worlds all have such a unique feel to them making you want to go explore every corner for a red coin or a star. The puzzles are doable, yet when you get one you've been trying to figure out it fills you with accomplishment rather than facepalming that you missed it. The last 10 or so stars for me, I personally found very challenging to scrape together which added to the accomplishment of clearing the game. While the first half of the courses are indeed very iconic, the latter half are much more difficult and choosing to engage with the harder courses surprised me by how difficult and frustrating the ending of this game could be. I think it did reveal a few flaws in the movement towards the end for me. Trying to move the other direction often had Mario move in a circle to get to that direction, causing him to fall off many platforms a substantial amount of times. In a modern game, this probably wouldn't be an issue, but you also can't blame the clunky controls because it really was the first time something of this scale was done in a 3D space - they got it right for the most part. Hard to not give this one a 5 star rating from me, even if parts were frustrating due to the controls.

Love this game, would be a perfect rating without the controls issues and jank

This is a very janky game. The camera barely functions (despite all of the games defenders always downplaying the issue), and Mario's movement often feel unresponsive. Combined with the tricky platforming of Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride can lead to many an unfair death.

there's a little something for everyone

The first floor of the castle is fun, but the levels take a sharp drop off afterwords. The third floor is the least fun I've ever had in a video game.

I enjoyed my time enough to collect all 120 stars. However, the process of getting there would have been much better if not for some issues. As expected for an early 3D game like this, the controls are wonky, and the camera is often frustrating. Concerning the levels, Hazy Maze Cave, Tick Tock Clock, and Rainbow Ride are all tedious to some degree. These stages are far from being awful, but they aren't stages I'm looking forward to replaying either. Some levels also kick Mario back to the castle grounds upon failure, which can get pretty annoying. But, the castle isn't big enough to make this a major problem. All things considered though, this is an important game with an iconic soundtrack that has left a huge positive impact on the industry.

The switch controls make this game soooo much better, but it can still be kind of bs. But, still, it's Super Mario 64. Amazing