Reviews from

in the past

they're gonna bury me with this game

Actually way way better than expected. Movement is awesome, the secrets really cool and overall a really really fun game.

It even susprised me how you can express jokes just with gameplay visuals, I really laughed with the fish in world 4

Just what I needed! Lucky! Bravo!!!!

The e-reader levels are really as good as everybody says.

Pros: It's gotta be the e-reader card stuff, they added so much replay value to this game, in ways that, hell, even the Super Mario Maker series still hasn't given us. The e-reader was a separate GBA device that let you scan the barcodes on physical trading cards, that would then upload elements into the game. Here, there are plenty brand new stages and a few classic old ones too thanks to the e-reader, with varying levels of challenge. And the added content is rich, there's even power-up cards, like, the entire cape power-up from World is in this, and it's just as great as it was in SMW, there's also a new boomerang weapon you can use too, which, isn't really a power-up, but it's a boomerang that you can catch and throw as often as you can keep catching it, neat! There's also stages that have you plucking vegetables just like in SMB2, stages that have you running on walls and ceilings like SMW, and stages with "no-return" exit gates from Yoshi's Island. It's a best of Super Mario Advance collection!! These stages were locked to the e-reader, so one could consider that a con, but I had the e-reader, I collected the cards, and man, that too was fun, so for me, it's definitely a pro!

Also, the entire game of Super Mario Bros. 3 is here too, of course, heh, with Luigi and his added abilities from Super Mario Advance 2! Changes things up enough to play the game again in a different way. It's a great port of the All-Stars version of SMB3, and hey, they fixed Mario's gloves! He's actually wearing them now!

Also another fun little minor addition, Game Boy Player support, where if you played the game on a Gamecube with the GB Player, you'd have rumble support on the Gamecube controller, heh, not bad!

Also also, every Super Mario Advance included a remade version of Mario Bros., and it's no different here, the same game is included, but now that there were four Super Mario Advance games, we now had four game paks with Mario Bros, which allowed four player bouts of Mario Bros. with all of the benefits and options of doing four-game pak mode, it was really genius of Nintendo to allow multiplayer of that mode with any version of Super Mario Advance!

Cons: SMB3 itself is still not my favorite of Mario games, it's great, don't get me wrong, but I would've loved these e-reader additions to a better game like Super Mario World, using that game's base engine instead. Still, it's hard to complain about all added bells and whistles here, it's certainly the best version of SMB3, period.

What it means to me: This version of the game was the first time I ever played SMB3 from beginning to end, first time I ever beat it, in fact! And so, naturally, it means more to me than the other Super Mario Advance series game releases, it just gave me so much more. And even with later releases on Wii U and Switch, they pre-set all of the e-reader stages on them, even the e-reader stages that were never available in North America, due to the cards for them only releasing in Japan. So years later I got even more enjoyment out of this game! It's the game that keeps on givin'!

Played using mGBA on my modded Wii with a ROM hack that unlocks all of the e-Reader courses. I will come back to this game someday to finish them off, as I love Super Mario Bros. 3 and can see how this is the definitive version.

I don't need to say much about this since super mario bros 3 is already a masterpiece, but this version has a save feature which makes it automatically superior

Happy Mario Day.

Sorry Mario World fans, this will always be the BEST classic 2D mario game, and Advance 4 is an excellent port.

But man FUCK that title. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3. Bro that is like two steps away from a Kingdom Hearts title.

Played on NSO GBA

Played through the main game and the majority of the e-reader levels on a GBA with flashcart.

Bright vibrant colors for a GBA game thanks to being able to force a "Gameboy Player Mode".

Arguably the definitive Mario 3 experience with a bunch of fun bonuses to go along with it.

Really good way to round out. The extra levels really give this extra value. The controls are not as good as the original, but still a great value for 38 extra levels.

Best Mario game. It takes the NES/SNES version and makes it better.

This one really isent for me. I felt alot of the time like i died due to getting jumped by enemies that suddenly came into frame and dident give me enough time to react. Also felt like the controls were a bit "heavy" and slow to responf for my liking. The music is a downgrade from the original in my eyes. That being said its still Mario, the quality and challenge is deffinetley there and i can understand why people have verry fond memories of this one. I guess im just a Yoshis Island kinda guy myself, feel like that game gives me a bit more wiggle room while this game asks for a bit more precision

Much as I love Super Mario World, Mario 3 will always be my favorite in the series. I really love (and prefer) the aesthetic of the NES original, but the GBA version is also a great way to play it. Playing an old favorite with new-to-me additions in the e-reader levels was such a treat.

The SNES version is better. The screen crunch, reduced audio quality, and washed-out colors all make this a big downgrade.

The e-reader levels are of questionable quality. It's neat to see every type of 2D mainline Mario (up to that point) crammed into the SMB 3 engine, but they should've implemented checkpoints as well. It's especially annoying for the long fortress and airship levels.

There are lots of examples of poor level design. A towering tour has one blind leap of faith that can unfairly kill you. Slip Slidin' has a bullshit moment with the penguin knockback. The all music note levels are annoying. Castle Dash has an obstacle that kills you regardless of whether you're powered up or not. It's a shoe-in has a segment where accidentally killing the enemy without pulling off a jump results in mandatory backtracking. A caped escape has a really frustrating maneuver required near the end. Bowser's Airship 2 has fire bro fireballs that can kill you from off-screen. Para beetle challenge might just be the worst official Mario level outside of anything in The Lost Levels.

One of the most fun 2d plataformers ever. The new E-reader levels are specially fun. The Filed of view is small in this version of the game but the new levels even it out

Really great way to experience the original Super Mario Bros. 3

I get that out of the options available, most prefer the original NES version and I tend to agree. This feels like an ungraded version of the All Stars version which has upgraded graphics and a save system. There are a few additions, some voice clips and rough use of rumble were the most obvious to me. It also keeps track of completed worlds, which is cool.

I love playing these tightly packed levels and by finishing the game you can go back and replay or tidy up uncompleted levels.

Less obvious is the inclusion of Level Cards which was a rudimentary form of DLC. These are included in the Switch Online release, and were on the Wii U release. These borrow elements from Super Mario Bros. 2 with turnips and World with the criss crossing quad cannon shots and Chargin’ Chuck. In a time where the last new 2D Mario to release was probably Yoshi’s Island this is a welcome inclusion and sort of paves the way forward to New Super Mario Bros and Mario Maker series going forward.

I don't find myself enjoying Mario Advance 4 as much as the original SMB3, but it's still a perfect example of Nintendo competently porting over one of its 2D platformer classics. The inclusion of the eReader content was a brilliant way to round out the package too. I never got to experience those levels until the Wii U eShop rerelease, but there's some good stuff in there for sure.

The better and improved version of the original NES game! The art sprites look prettier, and the voice lines (while not having much variety) made it more charming!

Can't believe they made the best physics of any game ever in 200BC

I don't think I have ever, in the decade or so since I last played this game as a child, been able to tap in to the kind of deep, primal rage that Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 inspired in me. There are bite marks on my DS lite because of this game. However, with age, I have simply come to accept that I am bad at platforming games and do not like them. That being said when I die and go to hell the devil is absolutely going to sit me down in front of this game

Sempre quis zerar mario 3 depois que finalizasse o world e finalmente consegui na versão de gba, que infelizmente é consideravelmente mais fácil que a versão de snes, pois não tem um "game over" de verdade. Ao perder todas as suas vidas vc não volta no marco 0 do mundo atual mas sim na fase que vc acabou de perder. Tornando a versão de gba a mais fácil de completar.
Mas é um ótimo jogo, com várias inovações e criatividade com muitos desafios nas fases. Única reclamação que tenho são sobre os chefes. Os da fortaleza é sempre a mesma tartaruga, que vc precisa atingir 3 vezes pra ganhar, e que ao longo do jogo as lutas contra ela vão "dificultando", se movendo mais rápido ou voando ou o chão se mexendo... mas nada muito desafiador. Quanto aos chefes dos castelos são os kopalings, que são diferentes uns dos outros, mas que tem os mesmos movimentos. Sempre atiram raios do cetro mágico e quando vc pula neles eles entram dentro do casco e podem te dar dano. Apenas pule três vezes e pronto, as arenas mudam levemente de formato nao adicionando tanto desafio, mas basicamente eles são todos iguais. Diferente do world em que os chefes tem características totalmente diferentes, alguns vc derrota em uma gangora derrubando na lava, outro saindo de canos, outro que cai do teto... por isso que além dos gráficos, mario world é superior ao mario 3.
Outra pequena coisa que não gosto muito são as vozes do Mario sempre que ele pega vida, power ups, morre etc... se vc for ruim em mario igual eu, vai ouvir mil vezes " mama mia!" Um pouco irritante mas nada demais.

é quase o mario 3 do super mario all star porem tem uns extras legais e a musica ta levemente piorada infelizmente a musica de creditos que era muito boa tambem foi trocada nessa versão

Versão fantástica de um jogo excelente, tem tudo que a versão do All Stars teve porém melhorada em pequenos detalhes, minha versão favorita sempre será a do o bom e velho console 8 bits da Nintendo mesmo achando essa uma opção muito boa do Mario 3 também.

Pretty good Mario game, I like the options of levels and how short and sweet they are, just wish there was more ideas.

Best version of Super Mario 3 + 38 more levels know as World E.
Very Fun, however it's not challenging enough!

El mejor Supra Mario junto a Land

Only thing I don't like that much about this is the sounds, but that's pretty much a system-wide issue, so it's not too big of a deal

I'm keeping the GBA Marios in my collection, even though there are the original NES classics still available, even though there's also All-Stars, even though the SNES originals are far better as well, even though they sound much worse and the screen crunch is not great, for the simple reason that the goofy Charles Martinet voices are in these. That's it. It's the end of 2023 and I have officially reversed my stance on Charles Martinet Mario voice. Gimme more wahoo! and letsa go! please. Oh, you want a patch for Super Mario Advance 4 that gets rid of the Charles Martinet voices? That already exists, dumdum, it's called Super Mario Bros. 3.

Weird how I never knew what I had all along until it's finally gone. On an unrelated note, I do tend to get into classic bands just as their members start passing away. My first major Beatles phase started not long before George Harrison died. Ramones? High school, well after Joey left this earth but right when Dee Dee got it. The Clash? Around the same time, RIP Joe Strummer. The Cramps? Oh, you better believe it was around 2009 when I was starting grad school and Lux Interior passed away. The moral of this story is if you want to live, you better not let me like what you do. Hideo Kojima is going to be immortal, I guess

Heck yeah, Nostalgia and good old mario. I mean, it is the classic Jump&Run Mario experience, on todays standard it is not really all that special, but doesnt really do anything wrong either. One of the first games i ever played tho

Lots of fun, but World 8 is a bitch. Obviously helped set up the rest of Mario, alongside the first 2 (technically 3) games.