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A 2D fantasy Hack&Slash with an upgrade system. I don't consider this to be an RPG in any way. Pretty straighforward regarding progression and advancing the story. The fighting is too much button mashing for my taste, and the bosses are more of a "bullet sponge" than a real challenge.

Not a particularly bad game, but not worth the time either.

🔔 While images may captivate the view, it's analysis that unveils what's true. 🔔

Seen as bargain bin Vanillaware Ltd., Sword of the Vagrant is an indie bet for hack-and-slash lovers with some Metroidvania elements; a rudimentary adventure that doesn't shine in its plot, either due to the clumsy English translation or convoluted exposition, but rather one with some promising foundations in gameplay.

Despite finding it mediocre, throughout Vivian's quest, I felt compelled to unlock abilities, battle bosses, and equip new weaponry, finding enjoyment in this simple and linear loop. That said, despite some rough edges, Sword of the Vagrant presents you with decent combat, beautiful artistic style, and a medium duration of twenty hours to complete everything.

Perhaps a sequel will do justice and improve all the aspects mentioned above.

🌟 M I S C 🌟

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◻️ 📝 View the original post shared on September 17th, 2023
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◻️ ✍️ Written in European Portuguese, translated using A.I.
◻️ 📜 Review Number 131