Reviews from

in the past

Essa foi uma das experiencias mais frustante que eu tive.

another game with 100% achievements!!! I'm just too good at gaming

a complete waste of time, but i still played it for several hours.
i got all achievements with a record of 44, which apparently has a 0.0013126% chance of occurring. pretty fun all things considered. (99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big)

Juego corto pero interesante, mecánica simple pero adictiva, solo tardas un rato pero vas a seguir hasta tener todos los logros, parece que no pero se consiguen.

The button is a very simple game with light, funny commentary to accompany you on this button-pressing journey. The music is great, the commentary is amazing, but I cannot overlook the overwhelming simplicity of this game.

el juego de un boton es frustrante

me he frustrado pero a la vez he disfrutado ya que amo el azar, en mi primer intento llegue hasta 32 y se reinicio a 0

realmente es una experiencia...

Ah.. come on.. I'll press it a couple more times.. Maybe this is the one where I win big!

This is more a joke than a game but hey its a funny enough joke.
Personally I think it would be better with like +50 more achievements so at least your brain releases funny chemicals more often.

There isn't a game here. You just push a button. Is it an artistic statement to strip down to the essence of Cookie Clicker type idle games to show the absurdity at their core? Perhaps. But it failed to engage with me on that level due to not being addicting... Also the little quotes and quips from the developer at the bottom of the screen really aren't as clever as they think they are.

Introduction to gambling addiction

90% of button clickers quit right before they're about to hit 30 points

Lounge Companion

Almost as if in tone with this, I just wrote a good 4 paragraphs breaking down the math and average player rate from my bed until I accidentally cntrl a'd and backspaced it all by accident.

People are often too quick to disparage works that are 'annoying on purpose' like this for being shallow and teaching you something you supposedly already know. Yet I never see those know it alls actually bring these 'obvious truths' up when critiqueing other games, especially idlers or roguelites. In particular when rng threshold to win/wait mechanics are introduced. This depicts a more honest and upfront depiction of the gambling machine, it shows the humoring warmth and ambience while letting you actually fully internalize the futility of certain probablity thresholds in real time. The only thing here I think is subpar is the sarcastic commentary that appears under the button which is on the whole memetic and lacking. Even there, Elendow reminds you you are playing and they made the game along with reminding you you can take a break. There's a strong emphasis on trying to not make the player get sucked into the repetitive task at expense of their wellness while still maintaining a strong educational point. I prefer this immensely over the more sneering games of torment like Valefish's Crypt or that Baby ending in Stanley Parable, I think a lot of people don't realize how poorly thought through for player wellness these games tend to be. Instead putting addictive or stubborn play onto the player as a 'personal responsibility' rather than seeing a game designer as a serious preventative occupation. I will sound bitter here, but that's why I stopped bothering trying to write so effortfully on here all the time, whats the point if people think probability thresholds talk is 'histrionic'. It's rarely internalized, so at some point you just gotta put on the shades go out for a drive and stop trying. Props to this guy for making a point through a game structure instead.

Es un botón. Un botón que tiene diferentes colores (el mejor color es el dorado)

La música que suena de fondito es relajante, y no me hace estampar el ratón cuando se reinicia el conteo. (Porque se reinicia, se reinicia mucho)

Las frases son inspiradoras, sobre todo la de que compres Summoner´s mess 😁😁😁

Ahora en serio, es de los mejores clickers que he jugado. ¿Qué pasará si llegas a 100 seguidos?

took me 30 minutes but i finally beat the damn thing

7/10 would play through again

nem sei por que joguei isso, mas é legal

Me getting invested in games like this is proof that I should never try gambling

Not much to say- it's a stupid test of your patience. Time definitely seems to slow down when you're playing this. It took me six minutes to get all of the achievements but it definitely felt longer. I appreciate that they didn't ask me to go above 30. They definitely could've written more of the "witty" remarks that appear has you click the button since they were repeating very quickly.

Mindless meme "game" that I don't even know how I got it. Mildly amusing in the moment but was done after like 30 minutes. I'd be better off making a list of things to waste that time on. I can't even say I recommend it for a quick laugh or anything. I think I "played" it like while in a call with someone or waiting for a real game to load or whatever. Dumb nothing software that will get meme'd up because of "the joke". I don't remember why I bothered. I wanna dog on it more but also I don't because it's not even like I'm upset or whatever. It's just a nothing game. I only remembered I even played it because I randomly checked steam and it was my last game played. I don't even know how to end this "review" lmao. I stopped after that last sentence, logged into Steam support, and permanently removed this game from my account. I wonder if this is how normies feel when they say "games are a waste of time"?

peguei todas as conquistas ai parei de jogar

Da lo que promete, hay un botón lo pulsas y el resto es vicio y socialismo.

THE BUTTON by Elendow is a simple game about pressing a button. When pushed, the number on it increases, but the chance of the number resetting also increases. Random messages will appear beneath the button. I don't have anything else to say about this game.


Este juego traerá el fin del orden mundial y un nuevo amanecer para la raza humana

90% of gambling addicts quit right before they're about to hit it big

It's mostly certaintly a game, but gets bonus points for easy 100% achievements ¯\(ツ)

It's exactly as advertised.

it's perfectly crafted to annoy you in every way possible