Reviews from

in the past

Played this with the Linkle mod installed, which was a delight:

The only thing I can really knock it for is searching for the Triforce pieces, (which kid me ended up shelving the game over and never finishing lol) which still drags out what feels like a relatively tight game as far as Zelda games go.

Wind Waker’s refreshing aesthetic and setting promise a Zelda that fully adapts the series into a high seas odyssey. Regrettably, the game doesn’t commit to charting that path but instead merely covers all the old tropes in a fresh coat of paint.

Wind Waker soars when you’re actually partaking in a seafaring adventure - sailing towards some curious silhouette on the horizon, uncovering treasure maps, solving riddles, and tackling puzzles and combat gauntlets that dot many of the game’s islands.

However, much of your time is spent retreading all the familiar Zelda staples - solving chores, playing games of NPC telephone, fetching doodads and whatchamacallits to progress past arbitrary blockers, and wandering through elementally themed dungeons with the usual stable of items. All these tropes have proven themselves by providing the foundation for multiple candidates for “best game of all time”, but here they fail to play to the game’s strengths or unique identity.

Despite this, Wind Waker is still a very good game as well as a sumptuous feast for the eyes and ears. It’s also patient zero for the series’ then blind devotion to the Link to the Past formula in place of innovation, as if the formula alone defines a Zelda game.

thought it was very fun and loved the dungeons especially! although i found the game quite confusing at times, such as finding the tri-force shards, and don’t know how i would have accomplished certain aspects without google

meu primeiro zelda, gosto bastante

I could not imagine playing this game on gamecube without the fast sail the sailing gets annoying enough here. Pretty standard Zelda formula, dungeons get a little similar with having convient loopbacks that I feel destroy a bit of the exploration but not too big a deal.

it's almost as good as skyward sword

C juego todo hermoso bello y majestuoso lo recomiendo demasiado el primer Zelda que me pase y no me arrepiento de nada

UM DOS MELHORES ZELDAS JÁ FEITOS (Não que seja muito difícil ser um Zelda e ser bom), o jogo tem um gráfico MARAVILHOSO de lindo, personagens fofos e cativantes, esse Link é FODA, virou o herói da lenda na marra e por fim o mar, que consegue ser o melhor e pior ponto desse jogo, pois ele é um SACO de explorar no começo do jogo, com viagens longas até demais, mas que se encurtam quando você obtém a canção do fast travel e a vela aprimorada, que facilitam MUITO a viagem entre ilhas.

fiquei surpreso como muitas coisas são parecidas com BOTW nesse game, principalmente na parte da exploração. Jogo top 10/10

You know when you play a whole game and you really don't think much of it and then in one millisecond, at the end, everything clicks and you burst into tears?

Unpopular opinion I know but I found this game to be very tedious in the last third and it kind of marred the whole experience. Still a very solid game, and I love the change of style.

If this game didn't have such a godlike artstyle and soundtrack this would be 2.0 stars. I do not like the sea exploration at all, it's so huge yet empty...even with the fast sail it still fucking feels like a waste of time. The dungeons were fine but absolutely not enough to save this game...Toon Link's moveset had so much potential yet I feel like you're never really encouraged to do anything beyond spam the A button or whatever stupid ass gimmick the boss has if that doesn't work. I felt as if I would've loved the games story more since you have to save toon link's sister, a game that could have a story about family? That sounds fucking great to me but no...I felt nothing saving after saving aryll because after playing the game for a while I just stopped caring a out her. I had a feeling something important would happen with link's grandma too but no, I genuinely don't remember her doing anything important after the prologue.

I wish I liked this game because the artstyle and music is incredible but I just feel like I didn't have fun with 80% of the game...

Le meilleur Zelda avant que BOTW arrive, mais bon les edgelords du début des années 2000 voulait un jeu SOMBRE ET MATURE du coup on a pas eu de suite et on a eu Twilight Princess à la place (je l'ai pas fait j'attends le remaster sur Switch).

This was the first Zelda game I completed. I spent hours upon hours as a kid exploring the Great Sea and uncovering new secrets. It goes without saying that the art style is timeless, and the charm of Wind Waker is infectious.

Part 3 of my father and son 3D Zelda saga

To those who know the development of wind waker it’s no surprise that this game has its fair share of issues. From rushed development, to cut content and frivolous padding. I believe that on an objective level that wind waker is likely the worst 3D Zelda.

As I get older I get and the further away I stray from the nostalgia of my childhood the issues with this game become clearer and clearer, and I distinctly have had a diminished reaction to this game over time.

All that being said I do feel I have the most nostalgia for this game, and I think it’s because my mind is going back to how this game made me feel when I was a kid.

Playing through with my son, however, allowed me to relive that childhood through him. While wind waker has its issues and limitations, none of that matters to a kid.

My son adored everything about this game, from the artstyle, to the tone, to the palpable sense of true adventure. To a kid wind waker hit different, because a kid doesn’t know about the limitations of games, or problems with development. All a kid knows is that there’s a vast, open ocean and an entire world to save

As I grew up, without even realizing it, I became jaded towards wind waker. I believe that wind waker only works with a fresh and imaginative mind.

I will always love wind waker for what it gave me at the time of my initial playthrough

Since they're making a live-action movie I pray that this is the one they make

seria muito bom se não fosse a merda da quest da triforce e essa navegaçao de bosta

me falavam que esse era um dos melhores zelda então a experiencia foi bem decepcionante pra mim

I haven't finished this version, but I can say that they definitely did some necessary QoLs everyone appreciated. Here's the thing, as most people agree on that: I don't like the graphics choice, the game has way too light while the original one managed to do a perfect balance with its gorgeous toon-shading.

Is it the definitive version to play by the gameplay? I wanna say yes, but the Tingle Bottle (that substituted the funny GBA function) doesn't work anymore since the Miiverse is forever shut down.

I will consider it an 8/10 because sure, at basis is Wind Waker: it plays like it and looks like it. Just not as good.

My suggestion would be: check both versions and see which one suits you better.

I like this game when you are playing it. (I don't like the ship stuff)

This review contains spoilers

Classic entry in the Strand-type genre where Link must navigate the dying universe on his on-board AI-equipped spaceship in the far-future where entropy has reigned victorious.

Slapping ugly bloom shaders on a timeless cell-shaded aesthetic? No thank you! Switched to the original Gamecube version after five hours.

Wind Waker is one of the best games ever made and this is a good version of it even though I don't like the art style changes.

3rd favourite game of all time. While I can acknowledge its flaws as a game, in my mind, this is its own breathing world. The most comforting version of Hyrule. Each time I play this game, I get the exact same feeling in me as I did when I was 8 yrs old and playing it for the first time. While frequently complained about by others, in my experience, the triforce shards quest is absolutely perfect. It forces exploration and enables an easy and relaxing sail across the ocean. The art style is probably top 3 Zelda art styles as well

Standard Player: ooh fun Zelda game with sailing.
Completionist: enrolls in University as a photography student

A great remake to one of the best videogames ever. Some people prefer the original graphics since the remake makes them a little less cel shaded due to the new lighting, but I think they are absolutely fantastic. Personally I could make the argument that this is the most beautiful game ever made.

i wish i got the swift sail