Reviews from

in the past

very enjoyable concept, but I despise the setting

A shooter on rails where you shoot by typing words and eventually phrases correctly, a great game to improve your typing skills. Completed the main story but didn't 100%. When getting this one you also get the "main" version, House of the Dead Overkill, which is a regular shooter on rails that you shoot with your mouse or joystick.

Campy, silly, and fun enough. Very easy to put in your own custom dictionaries, which makes this much more enjoyable when you see the goofy stuff you have put in yourself.

are you shit at typing? do you like zombies? want to improve your typing skills?

this game is for you

A Westernized take that tries its best, but comes nowhere close to the classics. The music can be pretty great at times but it's overall a pretty sleepy experience. Incredibly late '00s.

Неоптимизировнная, неиграбельная, а поиграть очень хотелось, задумка интересная.

boom boom bang bang, fuck director's cut challenges


A fantastic light gun game with tons of personality and charm. Do wish it was a bit harder and the bosses weren't so easy but still a great time from beginning to end.


I kinda hate the grindhouse vibe but I do like clicking on my keyboard.