Reviews from

in the past

Even though I felt it to be the weakest season [if you could even call this miniseries that], it's still very much worth a play through, although I question the replayability of this compared to the rest.

Very short, very boring and not very fun to play. Like the character, and the examination of trauma could've been interesting, but it really wasn't.

I'm pretty sure that this will be the last time I ever touch this game. It's a 3-hour slog that fails to justify its purpose in any significant way whatsoever. It's a dull trial that forces players through what is easily the most inconceivably boring story of any Telltale game, and it only gets worse with every replay. I feel bad saying it, but it's just a worthless experience that does nothing to flesh out Michonne's character in any meaningful way. Skip this one in its entirety.

Yes, I enjoyed it a lot and I was worried I wouldn't, cause the average is 2.7

Probably cause I watched the show, so I already had a bond, before it started. But yes, I recognize that's not the best game of the twd telltale.

I don't really have negative stuff to say about it, I'm in love with the song of the opening, I almost cried with the gramophone part, and I like michonne, even if AMC fucked the end of the show, creating 3 spin-offs of twd to explain where the fuck Rick is <3

If you identify with me, maybe It's worth it, but I cannot promise you'll like if you don't.

Samostatně stojící uzavřený „interaktivní celovečerák“ jako alternativa k na několik sezón naplánovaným „interaktivním seriálům“, to je na papíře přesně to, co by mohlo vlít novou krev do žil poněkud vyvanulého Telltale přístupu.

Mohlo by se to díky jasně danému prostoru vyvarovat onomu pocitu „odnikud nikam“, který provází jejich sáhodlouhé opusy. Mohlo by se to soustředit na komorní sevřený příběh. Díky mnohem menšímu rozsahu by se to zároveň mohlo vyvarovat hluchých pasáží či na místě přešlapujícím zbytečným epizodám, které jsou morem posledních „velkých“ počinů tohoto studia. A v neposlední řadě si to díky sevřenosti v podobě jasného začátku a konce (a malému rozsahu) vyloženě říká o skutečné možnosti, co se rozhodnutí a větvení týče, protože není třeba řešit konzistenci po několik dalších let. Mohlo by, ale nic z toho neplatí.

Michonne není ničím více (a ničím méně) než celkem obstojnou novelou ze světa videoherních Živých mrtvých, která se i navzdory krátkému rozsahu místy dost táhne (i opakuje; nejen operace je scéna jak ze dvojky), ovšem umí jednou za čas nabídnout působivou vypjatou intenzivní pasáž (ať již v podobě quicktime gore festů či ambivalentní disputace o morálce se zdaleka nejrozumnější postavou celé hry, která je paradoxně na opačné straně barikády) čili ji nelze považovat za úplnou ztrátu času. Ostatně ono toho času mnoho neztratíte tak jako tak; cca 200 minut.

I liked Michonne alot so it was pretty cool to see, just unexpected

J’ai apprécié le gameplay nan c’est du lourd par contre faudrait peut-être terminer les épisodes parce que partir sur un point culminant c’est non.

Vive Michonne

Joguei após terminar os outros jogos da saga TWD da Telltale, foi bem curtinho, mas teve uma qualidade até que boa em geral, toda essa trama do passado da Michonne é muito bom e te bota pra pensar um pouco.

arte muito bonita, animações fabulosas, músiquinha boa, histórinha boa, escolhas boas, te deixam com um pensamento de "e se...?"
uma boa dlc, e não leva muito tempo pra terminar o jogo, é curtinho, mas dificilmente comentaria pra alguém jogar, é só daorinha taligado nada demais

This ones a good enough short story for Michonne. The different settings were great, the brutality in some of the scenes were unexpected. I didn't really expect anything from this game, but i thought it was pretty decent when i played it.

Another great tale from the folks at TTG. This time you play as Michonne during the time where she left the series before returning later. In this story, since you play as her you get to see how she is still experiencing guilt from the past of losing her daughters back when the outbreak first happened and you are working with a small group of people on a ship sailing on the sea until circumstances put you in the wrong place at the wrong time.

like many TTG games the characters are very well written and quite memorable, but at times I feel I could've gotten out of a situation with my own word-play and playing devil's advocate, but again this is based on a character and things need to move along for plot convenience.

If you enjoy TTG's games, you'll enjoy this one, but it certainly isn't as good as the other Walking Dead games they've produced, but that could be due to a lack of Clementine.

forgot to review this

it was boring i gave up after episode 1 and cheated the achievements

eu gosto desse spin off, o combate é o melhor da franquia de assistir é muito satisfatório, a história é interessante e a maneira como retratam o estresse pós traumático da Michonne, eu gostei.

It's okay. Nothing remarkable. I appreciated seeing Banang, but I did not appreciate Michonne hallucinating her kids every 30 seconds. It's hard to stay in the moment when we're being dragged back to her abandoning her kids. I'd recommend on a sale, since it usually goes for around $3 these days.

It was fine. Liked that it was short.

Excelente jogo, a telltale se aproveitou de um arco da michonne pra construir seu próprio jogo respeitando o canon

Wasn’t a fan of this one, was a nice change but different to the other ones. Michonne is good protagonist to play as. Story was good but not as interesting as the previous seasons imo.

the only thing i didnt like about this game is that it is too short

Y a que la fin qui vaut le coup

Why? Truthfully don't think anyone asked where Michonne was during the whole New Beginnings arc in the comics.

It was alright but truthfully a forgettable experience that had nothing to do with the telltale series.

I guess this was them trying to tell the fans that Telltale TWD's will have connections to the comics but truthfully never gets mentioned really in the comics...

This game doesn't even get remastered for the switch due to how useless this game was that should tell you something..

This was the last piece of Walking Dead content I played of the Telltale Games iteration. I remember enjoying it but it has kind of been lost to memory at this point. The first and second seasons stand at the forefront, while the DLCs take a bit of a backseat. I still need to play the other seasons.

I mean it's fine. But probably the most boring out of all of them. Just somehow uninteresting and hard to play even tho' it's the shortest of all

Review EN/PTBR

Michonne is an excellent protagonist for this story and I'm happy that more and more characters from the comics have an expanded lore for games, if I had to point out any flaws I think it would be more the factor of being too short with only 3 episodes but ends up being worth it

The quick time events are a little more frequent and quick in this game, making it more difficult than other games, but nothing absurd enough to make you die many times, in fact I didn't die once playing this game.


Michonne é uma excelente protagonista para essa história e fico feliz cada vez mais personagens dos quadrinhos tendo uma lore expandida para os jogos, se eu tiver que apontar algum defeito acho que seria mais o fator de ser muito curto tendo apenas 3 episódios mas pela frequência de acontecimentos até que acaba valendo a pena

Os quick time event's são um pouco mais frenéticos nesse jogo e em maior quantidade deixando mais difícil que os outros jogos porém nada de absurdo a ponto de fazer você morrer muitas vezes, em fato não morri nenhuma vez jogando esse game.

j'ai failli avoir des attaques a cause des jumpscares bande de connard

Walking Dead: Michonne (2016): No sé en que estarían pensando (bueno, sí, en el dinero rápido) para destrozar así su franquicia estrella. La animación y gráficos son de ps2, la historia, de un guionista de instituto, y al 14ª Flashback, lo siento, pero deja de impactar. (3,60)

para ser tan corto es super aburrido -_- michonne nunca dio tanto el coñazo con sus hijas!!!! además la decisión final es re ESTÚPIDA

100% convinced the Sam girl that looks like Max from LiS is a reference made only for moi