Reviews from

in the past

The first of my best trilogy, bad gameplay but one of the best stories.

why did i spend more time reading books than playing

Very early impressions: (not having played other Witcher games)
The combat doesn't bother me at all. It is unusual and unnecessary, but it doesn't really hamper the experience. It is mechanically shallow, and too easy, but that is offset by other aspects of gameplay which keeps the experience fresh.

The story begins in a bizarre way, as if the game itself is also a sequel, and it doesn't really bother to explain much to the player. The only saving grace is that Geralt himself has amnesia, so he's as confused as the player. Unfortunately, he doesn't ask a lot qu- well... he does ask a lot of questions, but he doesn't ask the important ones, imo. He's too aloof, which doesn't help with the player's confusion in the world.

Thankfully, it doesn't get long for you get your bearings if you can withstand this strange alien world long enough. The game does through off the deep end, but you slowly learn how to swim.

The only thing I could tangibly feel being bad and even annoying to an extent is the voice acting; but... even that is charming to an extent in retrospect. It just clashes with the actually good writing of the dialogues. A lot of the jank clashes with what the game is trying to go for quite often, in fact. Random cut-scenes in middle of a wholly different scene, important things randomly happening without much ceremony, complete lack of facial expressions... they're not deal breakers, but they do induce a couple of "wtf"s here and there.

But it's definitely a good game overall. No reason not to play it and skip over to Witcher 2. Just remember its release date and set your expectations accordingly. And try to get past the awfully boring opening. It'll get better once you're set free into the world.

Nowdays... Yeah, playing this game was tough.
Great story and atmosphere tho

Шоташота да, насправді давно так в гру не хотілось грати, єдиний мінус в кінці уже духота починається, бафів не скрафтиш, а противники пруть і пруть один за одним, геймплей насправді на 2-3, але лор (не сюжет) все компенсує.

Levei 6 anos pra zerar, mas valeu a pena demais

Ca n'a pas super bien vieilli. J'ai lâché aux marais

I understand all problems from technical point of view. But this games is insanely atmospheric and just lures you in.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and for CDPR's critically acclaimed RPG franchise it's here.
I'll be quick and blunt, this game sucks. I do not recommend it to anyone who wants good gameplay or a smooth experience.
It has redeeming qualities like the writing and music, the humor of the main cast is there in full view with Gearlt's reactions to the dumbest things being priceless. The story itself is intriguing and kept me very interested in an otherwise dull game full of backtracking
across three or four major set pieces (set in the same city) where they took away teleporting for some reason after giving me it and boring combat. Me replaying this years later has only reconfirmed my original feelings of the game.

This review contains spoilers

Невероятно душная и нудная игра.

Начнём с того, что я решил пройти первого Ведьмака именно после прохождения 3-ей части. И конечно после 3-ей части играть в первого ведьмака просто невозможно. После 10 часов геймплея я начал проходить игру через силу, потому что он настолько нудит тебя своим геймплеем где тебе нужно постоянно бегать и где фаст-тревел был доступен только в храмовом квартале.
Сам геймплей игры скудный, у вас в буквальном смысле всего 4 элемента геймплея: Сражения, Бег, Кости, Драки. Именно эту часть нужно будет исправить в ремейке, который уже находится в разработке. Так же не ясна мне механики где на 2 меча, вам дают БЛЯДЬ 9 видов боя, в которых ты будешь постоянно путаться. Также эти 9 видов боя надо отдельно прокачивать, и всё равно в конце игры тебе это не сильно поможет если проходить игру на максимальной сложности как это сделал я. Древо прокачки простое, но в нём есть такие статистики которые должны приходить не с вкладыванием очков, в с уровнем то есть должны сами прокачиваться с течением всей игры. Ну допустим силу удара и т.д. Так же в игре местами бывают элементы боя в которых ну просто очень сложно победить и это зависит не от скила, а от отвратительной боевой системы.
Также стоит оценить сюжет, в котором тоже не так всё хорошо как хотелось бы. Скажу сугубо моё мнение, последняя 5 ти минутная вставка лучше всего сюжета игры. Нам кидают кучу персонажей, с некоторыми из которых можно будет потом взаимодействовать, а с некоторыми нет. Я до сих пор не понимаю для чего сюжету нужен Альвин, это просто персонаж даже не функция а словно болванчик которому не придумали никакой развязки. Также в начале игры нам вводили ведьмака Лео, за которого Геральт мстил Саламандрам и про которого сюжет тоже забывает. Да и сама история которая развивается вокруг замыслов Саламандр такая себе, ведь ты просто всю игру бегаешь и убиваешь этих болванчиков. Короче это игра явно не про сюжет. Единственный кто меня порадовал так это старый добрый Золтан, который очарователен в этой части также как и Лютик.
Но за что я поставил игре именно оценку 6/10, так это за её атмосферу и замечательный саундтрек, который радовал меня на протяжении всей игры. Да и к плюсам можно отнести левел дизайн который действительно хорош, именно хорош для того времени. Но на самом деле потраченного времени жаль.


They should have called it "Witcheroo Bogaloo". That way the title would go accordingly with the clunky gameplay and ass voice acting. Story is quite good nonetheless

Tried to play this after Witcher 3, I just wanted more witcher but it’s too dated and was difficult to get into. Combat is basically a mouse click mini-game. The story for what I played though was very good.

Datado mas com história mt boa

Old Game Review:

After reading the books I decided to play this. As a fan of the books it was cool to see all the references and I thought the story was pretty good. Unfortunately, the gameplay was a little rough, so I'm excited for the remake.

The Witcher 1 is a relatively modern RPG that, like Dragon Age: Origins, also shares many qualities with the CRPGs of the late 90s and early 2000s, particularly in its writing. The story, characters, and world are the real stars of the game and carry it quite heavily. Although the writing has a pretty large variance in quality, with some dialogue feeling out of place, with characters speaking like people the modern period at times (references to psychoanalysis and therapy in a clearly medieval world?), and some pretty terrible and stilted voices for npcs, although I hear the original version of the game had even worse voice acting. That being said most of the main quests and more elaborate side quests are interesting with believable characters and motivations. The detective/mystery quest in Vizima being the part that actually drew me in and convinced me to finish the game. Starting the game, outside of the main city, is pretty dull and is what caused me to drop the game years ago. Once inside the city, the game improves dramatically. Other than the starting areas, the only part of the game I greatly disliked was Chapter IV, where the game breaks its pacing with what feels like a filler arc. It interrupts the flow of the main quest to dump you into a new area that had little to no significance to the main plot threads (and also has an obscene amount of backtracking across big zones).

It has been said a million times before, but the combat in the Witcher is not very good. While functional and not broken, it is mindless, essentially being a rhythm game where you click at appropriate times and Geralt will do long animations of attacks. There is no impact or real feedback, and it quickly becomes an unconscious ritual where you tune out mentally for the majority of your time with the game. As long as you level up enough, you should not have trouble 99% of the time, because there is a lack of gear. You will be using your default equipment for most of the game, only getting a handful of new weapons or a better piece of armor via a couple quests in the latter half of the game. So money becomes kind of useless, only being useful for gambling, a few bribes, and paying the cheap toll to rest at inns. Alchemy was strangely not as important as the game implied it to be. Perhaps it was because I played on the medium/default difficulty, but I only found myself using the night vision and health potions. I used oils a handful of times and never touched the bombs. By doing the majority of the content in an area I was almost always overlevelled for combat encounters.

Admittedly I had been quite biased against the Witcher for years. When the Witcher 3 blew up in 2015, I saw it as a "reddit/HBO" game and wrote the series off. Now that I have beaten the first game I can say that it is quite a good and well-written RPG, I don't consider it to be flawless or even one of my favorites, but I think it is one of the stronger role-playing games of the 2000s era.

Tentei muito jogar isso, mas não dá. A gameplay envelheceu muito mal, é lenta, repetitiva e chata. A atmosfera é boa, o mundo de The Witcher é fantástico, a história com certeza deve continuar sendo interessante. Só que esse combate com certeza estragou minha experiência e não vou voltar a jogar.

esse jogo é extremamente injustiçado pela gameplay, sendo que ela é maravilhosa, junto da história

a gameplay desse jogo é bizarramente ruim mds mas pensando no resto tem pontos bem positivos que salvam um pouco a nota dele, ainda assim, não acho que vale a pena jogar pela trilogia tlgd, só vai pro 2 logo ou só joga o 3

Não é um jogo ruim, mas a jogabilidade foi cansativa o suficiente pra me fazer dropá-lo quase no final dele então é isso. Um grande feito para o estúdio.

It's not a bad game, the gameplay is, but you get used to it, and I'm waiting for a good remake of this wonder

A primeira aventura do bruxo mais conhecido que harry potter para a bolha gamer

Jogo sensacional, história boa pra caramba mas infelizmente sua gameplay envelheceu igual leite, duríssima e provavelmente muita gente que for jogar ele hoje em dia vai abandonar ele por conta disso, só que da pra tirar umas coisas boas dele ainda assim

Vi muita gente reclamar do combate inclusive eu mesmo reclamei antes de jogar o jogo (erro grave esse reclamar de algo sem experimentar), mas quando joguei vou ser sincero que não achei la tão ruim assim, é um combate diferente que mistura action RPG com alguns elementos de RPG tradicional, só que isso não funciona tão bem porque, apesar de ter a esquiva implementada no jogo ela é até meio inútil já que tem hora que você aperta pra esquivar e simplesmente a esquiva não funciona por conta de atributos.

E pode ser que essa coisa dele ser RPG de ação misturado com tradicional confunda muito a mente de quem vai entrar nele pela primeira vez, esse jogo tem tempo certo de você bater pra executar os combos então se você ta vindo do TW3, pode esquecer toda aquela coisa mais Hack n slash que existe la, aqui a coisa é outra é na base da paciência (haja paciência) e da calma, suas habilidades de espadachim por aqui vão além de atributos no personagem, a sua habilidade em acertar os combos na hora certa e trocar o estilo de luta no momento certo também vai ser botado a teste.

E sobre a sua progressão de história eu achei incrivel, demorado demais mas não seria The Witcher se não existisse uma certa enrolação, o jogo é bem narrativo então algumas missões secundárias sendo bem boba pelo jogo ter um foco nas principais, mas fica tranquilo que se você quiser se aventurar pelas side quests, não vai se arrepender já que a grande maioria delas tem um conteúdo bem legal e te ensina mais sobre o mundo em que você tá

E falando de mundo eu amei a ambientação do TW1 ele tem todo um tom meio obscuro e pode causar até medinho se for sair a noite pra fazer as quests, graças a Enhanced Edition os áudios das dublagens e os efeitos sonoros tão bem melhor então se prepara ai pra molhar as calças jogando isso aqui de madrugada.

Acho esse jogo essencial pra quem quiser entender por completo a história dos outros 2 jogos e pegar os pontos chaves que ficam meio soltos no ar quando a gente só joga o 3, enfim, se tu tiver interesse em saber da história completa do bruxao não dispense o the witcher 1 por conta do seu combate estranho e jogabilidade antiga, vale muito a pena dar uma chance e inclusive tem até mods que melhoram mais a sua experiência no jogo, então só vai que é bola dentro!

(e se prepara.. esse jogo é grande.. tipo, muito grande mesmo)

O jogo tem seus méritos, mas é muito datado e não consegui aguentar continuar jogando.

Couldn't get into the combat mechanics. What's a mouse cursor doing in there...

Что я могу сказать после третьего прохождения первого Ведьмака на 100%, напишу кратко и по фактам, приведу сравнение из Дневника игры про Храмовый Квартал Вызимы. Эту игру можно сравнить со вздорной, грязной, отвратительной шлюхой, которая несмотря на свою отталкивающую внешность и сложный характер, все ещё способна подарить незатейливое удовольствие.

Это сравнение максимально уместно, ведь действительно эта игра, несмотря на то что она устарела, в ней спорная боёвка и устаревшая графика (эта игра просто нуждается в ремейке с новой боёвкой и графикой ну и переработать несколько моментов с наративной точки зрения, посмотрим как справятся CD Projekt RED с этой задачей), может принести незабываемые удовольствие от атмосферы, музыки, сюжета, мира, персонажей и для меня как фаната книг отсылками на них

"The evil that Witchers' fight stems from chaos, from actions aimed at disturbing order. For where Evil spreads, Order cannot be established. Instead of the light of the wisdom, the glimmer of hope and the glow of warmth, darkness ensues. And in darkness you find nothing but a blood, fangs and claws... like in the outskirts.

The right of Witchers to live and function in this world has fallen out of balance, because the struggle between Good and Evil now plays out on a different battlefiled with different rules. Evil has ceased being chaotic. No longer a blind, elemential power, Evil follows rules according to the rights it's been granted. It function in line with treaties...

Shit or no shit, witchers exist to slay monsters. How can I when the real monsters hide behind ideals, faith or the law...?"

The old-school graphics and clunky movements can be legit annoying. It's got its moments, it's really immersive, but the frustration gets to me and I cant get myself to finish it 😢

I should have committed more to this game after playing Dragon Age Origins, as I honestly liked the combat system. In the middle because this needs another chance

Really liked the game when I first played it despite its age, but after getting a new computer I could not get the game to run without crashing after 10 seconds. Yet to find a fix for this but if I do I will definitely be finishing the game