Reviews from

in the past

Inventé dans Garry's Mod (à mes yeux) mais très bien repris. À avoir dans sa bibliothèque section "Party Games très bons".

This is genuinely so much fun.
Prison is the best map.

Pretty fun game with friends with a decent platinum. Though it can get repetitive and tiresome fairly quickly, especially if not everyone is fully invested.

Feels like Assassin’s Creed multiplayer blending into a crowd, hiding your human movements in a sea of npc’s. The gameplay is tense and exciting.

Haven’t played a game yet where we don’t end up with big grins on our faces, wondering whether we gave our friends the slip. Its a tactical punching game, where everyone is anxious to make the first move. I can’t wait for more levels to be released so my homies and I can jump back into this.