Reviews from

in the past

The game is not as bad as youtubers have said. This one is less cryptic if you are not playing on hard as in the normal mode the locations are marked with a map. The music is crazy good in the volcano dungeon.

Way more interesting than it has any right to be. If you can look past the ghastly performance and combat, what lies beneath is an interesting RPG all about exploration and cool vibes. A genuinely interesting art direction, world structure, music, and item management bring this game a long way. I cannot imagine playing it without a guide however.

separates the True Kusoheads from the rest: those Normal Gamer's and the Demon's Darks they just love to roll around in. virtual hydlide is t&e soft's masterpiece (relative), for all that entails. it's like playing golf but with swords, and without any golf balls. not quite like a golf video game (don't worry t&e soft has you covered there too!!), but like actual golf, midsummer in humid, 40 celsius, salty air as the sun sears off your topmost layer of skin. it kind of hurts! it's kind of an unwelcoming, unpleasant experience that makes you wish, at times, that you were being lobotomized instead. but to think that way is reckless. Don't Mistake Recklessness for Courage.

The SEGA Saturn's answer to King's Field and Ocarina of Time. If it was released today it would be called a Soulslike and a Roguelike.

Virtual Hydlide has quite a few baffling design decisions and the Saturn can barely run it, but it has that special something that makes you want to keep playing despite it all. The game looks beautiful at times and can really draw you into it's world when it wants to. Give it a try!

I recommend you play on Normal or higher. At easy difficulty the game is so easy it becomes boring.

This was one of several games I was stuck with as a kid upon the Saturn launch. I never got all that far into it, certainly never making it past the vampiric castle, but this time around I followed a guide and, honestly? It’s still a dreadful, awful game but I found it endearing.

Time hasn’t been kind to this game, but it HAS been a kinder experience than how it would’ve been back in the day, which for me would have been to play this or Panzer Dragoon, the only good Saturn game I had at that time, for the 1000th time. Acquiring a taste for kuso games has helped tremendously as well.