Reviews from

in the past

Es un juego cuanto menos curioso.

Tu tren no para de moverse por el "espacio" en un rail flotante, y tu debes ir recojiendo recursos y demas.

Lo probe, pero ahi se quedo.

Genuinely really great with friends. It's essentially Raft but the story is much more straightforward and the survival experience is given to you with limited resources in specific time intervals. You only have a small amount of space between time gates to get all that need, and that's really interesting. The literal and figurative railroading of this games progression shockingly really works.

I had a really fun time playing this co-op with my friend, it was chill to just float through the void collecting and crafting. I cannot in good conscience say that it is a well made game though. Needs a LOT of work before it feels like it's something I could recommend to anyone else.

Didn't get to get too far into it, since the person I played with it essentially hard stopped playing it for 2 months straight now, so I'll give my thoughts.

I saw a lot of reviews about this game complaining about it's tedious nature and I definitely see the annoyance. Unlike a game like Raft, Voidtrain never really breaks it's own loop or experiments in a new interesting way for FOREVER. I got around 10 hours in and approximately 20-30 "floors" or "levels" and it really just feels like it's groundhogs day over and over again.

While me and my friend were able to enjoy playing it, it just took too long to do anything meaningful, which is the common complaint I have for games like this. While the survival aspects are passable an the gun-building is nifty, none of it really holds the game up well enough for it to go much of anywhere.

Despite having fun in our own way though, I think what really nailed it into the coffin was learning my friend, a big fan of raft, uninstalled it shortly after our last play session; I'm sure that paints enough of a picture.

Awful writing, this could be so much more interesting and atmospheric without the narrator. The animation is really vibrant and evocative, why not let that tell (show) the story instead of a guy yelling into our ears.

I like the idea of crafting and upgrading this train, but the tedium of crafting a bench to research a smelter to give me resources to research and craft another bench is incredibly trite. The focus should be on the incredible environments here, not on making copper wire from scratch. Let crafting items be impactful and hard-earned, so when I do craft it feels like a real decision I made and the thing I built feels like a deserved reward.

Also, the controller support is really unpolished if that's something you care about.

Voidtrain is a game that's been on my radar for a while, and I finally got around to playing it with a few of my friends. After spending some time in its quirky universe, I can confidently say it's an experience that left me with mixed feelings.


Unique Concept: Voidtrain's concept is undoubtedly intriguing. Who wouldn't want to explore a strange, ever-changing train traveling through an otherworldly void? The game's setting is a breath of fresh air in the gaming world.

Visually Captivating: The game's art style is a delightful blend of steampunk aesthetics and cosmic wonder. Voidtrain nails the ethereal atmosphere and manages to keep you visually engaged throughout your journey.

Crafting and Upgrades: Voidtrain offers a decent crafting system, allowing you to tinker with your train and upgrade it in various ways. This adds a layer of progression and customization that some players might find appealing.


Lack of Depth: While the concept is unique, Voidtrain falls short in terms of depth. The gameplay loop eventually becomes repetitive, and the story lacks the depth needed to keep players engaged for extended periods.

Unpolished Mechanics: The game's mechanics, especially combat, feel somewhat clunky. You might find yourself frustrated with the controls and the overall execution of certain actions.

Limited Replayability: Once you've completed the game, there isn't much incentive to go back and replay it. The lack of diverse objectives or branching storylines limits its replay value.

In conclusion, Voidtrain is a game that sparks curiosity with its unique premise and captivating visuals. However, it falls short in terms of depth and polish, making it a somewhat mediocre experience. If you're a fan of experimental indie games and don't mind overlooking some rough edges, it might be worth a short stopover in the void. Otherwise, you might want to wait for updates or discounts before hopping aboard this train.

I played the demo for this game during the last NEXT fest on Steam and it seemed fine. I have never been a huge fan of survival games like this, it's kind of like Raft or other base-building/research/collecting games. It has a cool atmosphere, I love the void, and for the first 20 minutes that is what carried it but after a while the gathering of resources just became tedious and you need so many resources to make and research things. I never ended up getting to the first stop because I kept stopping to collect things so I may have just been playing non-efficiently but it is not a game I would pay $30 for.