Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely a very solid RTS, I'll admit I'm a very casual RTS player, but this just hits all the right notes for me.

One of the very first games, I've ever played.

Great game! A really good sequel.

Finishing this game would constitute finishing either one of the campaigns and I cannot genuinely do so without doing some nefarious typing. Yes. Skill Issue.

Otherwise, underneath is the more charming retro Blizzard RTS (compared to the complete jank of its predecessor) that allows it to still be enjoyed a good amount by a user today. The art, lore and music totally shine throughout.

Story mode not great but multiplayer was fun for a while.

Like a lot of early RTS games this has some issues where it's pretty exciting until you manage to stabilize then it falls off. Still a fun game. I have a lot of nostalgia for it, it was the first game I ever asked my parents for.

My first ever RTS game, and an excellent introduction to the genre. After the promise shown in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, the sequel steps things up with an improved visual style, smoother controls, and new units and abilities. Compared to other games in the genre, this is a relatively simple game with two races that are more or less equal (apart from different magic), so strategy sometimes comes down to who's got the bigger army. Still, it showed how Blizzard could improve on their formula and laid the groundwork for what would become their very best title in a few short years. I'll mention the expansion here as well: Beyond the Dark Portal only adds a new map tileset and new story missions, but the unique heroes were fun additions!

Almost certainly better than Warcraft 1, but looking back I do appreciate how unforgiving 1 is right away. If you're not careful you can lose the first mission pretty easily. This game reaaaaaaaaallly eases you into it to the point a lot of the early missions are pretty boring.