Reviews from

in the past

Trivia Time!

WarioWare is actually canon within the Zelda timeline! After using the Sheikah Slate to activate the Divine Beasts before the Great Calamity, Princess Zelda became increasingly enamored with the device. As you may know, King Rhoam eventually banned the Princess from continuing her research of ancient technologies, commanding her to focus instead on awakening her sealing power in preparation for the conflict with Calamity Ganon. But what you may not know is that the final straw for Rhoam was when Zelda came to him and showed him something she had been working on.

On the Sheikah Slate, Zelda had discovered how to program "microgames", and created cartoonish characters based on people she knew. Dr. Crygor was based on Robbie, Purah became Penny, and the King himself (due to his gruff demeanor) was reimagined as Dribble. While upset that his daughter had drawn him as an anthropomorphic dog, Rhoam was especially incensed by the idea that his daughter was becoming a "degenerate gamer", and, between dry heaves, he immediately forbade her from using ancient tech.

Stay tuned for more Trivia Time segments in the near future!

I have so much nostalgia for this so I guess that I'll automatically defend and think it's the best one, right? Well...after replaying it again: the artstyle definitely feels better than nowadays one, I'm 100% positive for it.
It's a great GBA classic nonetheless.
It's no WarioWare Twisted still. That one can't be surpassed by how amazing it was to play.

I have no idea what happened at all im this game but it was so fun, havent laughed this much to a game in a long time

A departure from the games Wario was originally known for, however, this game was a surprise hit for me. It is essentially a minigame collection, or rather a microgame collection, but the catch is that you must complete each challenge in a short timeframe. While simple, this game oozes replayability, personality, and charm, with a brilliant difficulty curve that makes it so that anyone can pick it up to play, but must dedicate their time to master. The only drawback is that once you have beaten the story, the challenges run quite thin. It is still a fun and engaging time, but I found it hard to pick up again once I fully beat all the levels. This game is widely available on the switch, so if you want something quick and quirky I can recommend this.

Historia y personajes muy divertidos, los microjuegos son excelentes.

Quando comprei o 3DS um dos primeiros jogos que zerei foi o WarioWare Gold, um jogaço que usa muito bem as gimmicks do próprio 3DS, foi incrível. E agora, alguns anos depois, decidi testar os jogos anteriores da franquia.

Peguei o primeirão, Mega Microgames, e tu é doido esse jogo é bom demais, mesmo sendo tão antigo é IGUALZINHO o Gold, ele usa tão bem o GBA, e os minigames são tão criativos. Tô animado pra jogar os próximos, mas esse aqui já valeu a tentativa de jogar.

The original WarioWare is simple in concept but also just as innovative and well executed. The colorful characters and many varied microgames are too much fun. There’s not much to say besides it’s endlessly replayable and feels like a perfect fit for the GBA. The microgames utilize the console to its best ability. The crunchy sound effects and music of the gba actually make this game way better. I love this game

WarioWare é uma mistura de bizarrice e diversão muito bem feita, é um excelente jogo pra momentos livres pequenos, me diverti bastante durante meus intervalos, é um ótimo ponto de partida pra conhecer a franquia, é curtinho e tem alguns extras pros que querem altas pontuações.

Big brain needed.

I don’t have one.

Fue anunciar ayer la salida de las consolas virtuales de GBA y GB y pegarme la viciada padre. Encima como se puede rebobinar si fallas, ha sido muchísimo más entretenido. Juegarral de minijuegos fantástico que hay que disfrutar sin entender nada de lo que ves XD

Fast paced gameplay that keeps you on your toes. The characters are all so fun, too! But once you finish it, odds are you won't replay it.

Wow! This is great! I mean, I loved Smooth Moves for the Wii, which was basically my only exposure to this franchise before going all the way back to the beginning with this one. It's a fantastic and weird concept from Nintendo and I love the spirit of it. So much so that I’ve unofficially made it a goal to collect all the WarioWare games in their physical forms! Especially because I’ve learned some require the original hardware (like WarioWare: Touched! or WarioWare: Twisted!) to play them properly. Plus Mega Microgames has a game where you spray a "pink flower" with a bidet nozzle. Tell me that isn't just PEAK gaming. Go ahead. Try.

A game series I knew relatively nothing about. I started it on the plane to Cancun, and finished it shortly after getting home.

Os mini-games são divertidos e o jogo carismático, mas não é nada demais, vai melhorar muito nos outros jogos pelo menos.

O primeiro WarioWare não deixa a desejar de forma alguma, sendo um dos jogos mais criativos da plataforma e principalmente deixando o tom e ritmo maluco da série desde o começo! Ótimo jogo!

I discovered emulation with this game, thanks wario

I really wish Nintendo can go back and make this game for the other installments cuz this is literally peak wario wario mega microgames

I picked this game for my Minigames spot in Retro Achievements. I played this back when it first came out and I loved it. This time around, I forgot how crazy and off the wall this game really is. Micro games lasting from three to five seconds was such a great idea when this came out. You can complete the game in less than a hour if you just play and beat each stage once. But the beauty of this game is it replayability! Beating your high score and unlocking the rest of the micro games. And also unlocking other mini games like paper plane, Dr. Wario and my favorite Pyoro 1 & 2!

This and Wario Land 4 have the same director, and once you know this you can really feel it! the original warioware is timeless and only takes a couple hours to finish, and that's great. games you can finish in one session and it being fun every time are some of the most important games out there. Also every time i play any warioware game it makes my brain happy in a way i can't fully explain...

Estaba en llamada y me metí a jugarlo por curiosidad y me llevé tremenda sorpresa 🧘 muy bueno para las personas inquietas (yo)

Esse é um daqueles jogos que podem ser utilizados tanto em uma aula sobre game design quanto em uma aula sobre os efeitos da cannabis na psique humana. E dada a duração do jogo ainda daria tempo pra jogar o resto da franquia antes da aula acabar…

Resumindo: não existe motivo para não jogar WarioWare, Inc. Só cuidado pra quem não tiver TDAH, porque é capaz de desenvolver jogando isso em doses elevadas.

Started playing this on a whim through Switch Online. The games are simple, yet abundant which can make this game quite addicting at times. The last few levels for me were actually pretty difficult. Only knock on it is that its very short and I'm probably not gonna be replaying it anytime soon. But I had a good time with it

Short and simple, not much to it, but all the WarioWare charm is still here

Unironically masterclass in game design. Try it on Switch if you can.

minha namorada tinha insistido pra eu dar uma experimentada nesse jogo, e vc pode ter certeza q eu n imaginava q ele ia me grudar desse jeito.

acho q hj em dia existe uma certa falta de videogames q sejam 'jogos' propriamente ditos, pequenas brincadeiras com regras simples e fáceis de pegar. acho legal como aqui esse conceito é levado ao mínimo possível, e é meio q impressionante como todo 'micro jogo' consegue ser engajante de uma forma ou de outra.

mas acho q o q me vendeu esse jogo mesmo foi a apresentação. esse talvez seja um dos jogos mais bonitos do gameboy advance, com uma variedade estética bem única e personagens coloridos e muito bem animados. é um jogo meio q muito legal de se olhar. poderia olhar pra esse jogo por horas. bem anos 2000, mas do melhor jeito possível.

destaque tbm vai pra música. tem música aqui q eu nunca imaginaria saindo de um gameboy advance. é simplesmente muito boa. como todo o resto desse videogame. esse videogame é muito bom?

meio q n esperava, mas realmente saí desse aqui amando WarioWare.

Incredible artstyle but not enough stuff. And also funny