Reviews from

in the past

Trivia Time!

WarioWare is actually canon within the Zelda timeline! After using the Sheikah Slate to activate the Divine Beasts before the Great Calamity, Princess Zelda became increasingly enamored with the device. As you may know, King Rhoam eventually banned the Princess from continuing her research of ancient technologies, commanding her to focus instead on awakening her sealing power in preparation for the conflict with Calamity Ganon. But what you may not know is that the final straw for Rhoam was when Zelda came to him and showed him something she had been working on.

On the Sheikah Slate, Zelda had discovered how to program "microgames", and created cartoonish characters based on people she knew. Dr. Crygor was based on Robbie, Purah became Penny, and the King himself (due to his gruff demeanor) was reimagined as Dribble. While upset that his daughter had drawn him as an anthropomorphic dog, Rhoam was especially incensed by the idea that his daughter was becoming a "degenerate gamer", and, between dry heaves, he immediately forbade her from using ancient tech.

Stay tuned for more Trivia Time segments in the near future!


Este foi um dos jogos que mais me surpreendi positivamente. As fases deste jogo são SUPER CURTAS, Elas têm apenas 5 segundos de duração cada (exceto os chefes, que são minigames maiores de fato). Cada microjogo que se passa em um mundo aumenta a velocidade do jogo.

A jogabilidade é simples e intuitiva. Antes de cada microgame, o jogador recebe instruções rápidas, como "Enter!", "Avoid", etc (Por exemplo, no minigame "Enter!", você deve conduzir Link para dentro de uma caverna. No minigame "Eat!", o jogador deve comer uma maçã, banana ou sanduíche).

As referências a outros jogos da própria Nintendo abrilhantam o game. Encontramos refs de The Legend of Zelda, Wild Gunman, Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, Urban Champion, Metroid, Sheriff, Balloon Fight, Mario Paint, F-Zero, Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros...MUITO GENIAL O METAVERSO ANTES DO METAVERSO (A fase em que o tema são os jogos da própria Nintendo é incrível).

Pra terminar o jogo ainda conta com microjogos extras que podem ser jogados em multiplayer (Porém joguei no emulador não faço ideia de como era o multiplayer no GBA...)

- Muito diferente e divertido.

- Alguns joguinhos só são superados na tentativa e erro.

Suggested by @DeemonAndGames for this list.

Wario Land 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, and the overall Wario Land series is great for what is basically a Mario spin-off. It uses an exaggeration of Mario, an icon of gaming, as a vessel for a subversion and exaggeration of tropes of 2D Platformers and games in general. What’s so interesting about WarioWare is how despite its similarities, it’s an extremely different game. WarioWare is more overtly about games, but I don’t think this means it’s entirely without subtext. A very surface-level look of this game would say that it’s composed of titular microgames that, for the most part, are completely different from each other and very simple. I complain a lot about unnatural variety and minigames, so I should hate this game.

However, there’s a little more to the story, and I mean that literally. Microgames are presented as solutions to the current character’s problem in every stage, but... why is this? Why does picking your nose help Mona escape from the cops? Yes, many games have stories that are clearly excuses for gameplay to happen, but most try to provide some kind of context or reason why you’re doing what you’re doing. When I play Donkey Kong Country, I know that I’m going through these levels because the banana thief K. Rool is at the end of my journey, I know the bananas along the way were likely dropped by him, and I know the enemies are his subordinates. And while I do like many of the characters in the game, the story is basically just there to provide that context and sense of cohesion.

WarioWare is a game without context or cohesion, and this is actually its greatest strength. The most context for microgames is a single descriptive word of your goal, and the only cohesion is some kind of basic theme of the microgames like “sci-fi” or “nature”. Even artstyles change between games, as one may go for realism while another is retro-game styled, with everything in between. All this leaves is extremely short and simple games with extraneous details stripped out. You need to figure out your goal and execute it all within a few seconds. It’s a novel idea, but the way WarioWare executes the fine details is what elevates it to greatness. As a set of Microgames goes on, the pace increases and twists are thrown into microgames which you previously played, and there are different variants of these microgames, meaning that even when you become more familiar with one microgame it can still surprise you. It also helps that while different in most ways, many microgames have some level of consistency for the less forgiving aspects of a microgame, and the more unique games are often focused on that uniqueness. At the end of a stage, you have a ‘boss’, which is a little more complicated than other microgames, and these are still simple but have a little more to them. One’s a little shmup, one’s basically Punch-Out!!, and they feel fitting to top off the smaller challenges. It helps that even after these bosses are defeated, you can return to a stage and enter an endless mode where you can try to top your high score, leading to tons of replay value. It’s all an unexpectedly exhilarating playing experience.

Honestly, my main issues stem from the fact that while microgames are mostly consistently great, there’s a few exceptions. Some don’t feel doable first time around, whether it be for an inaccurate opening word or aspect of the game that isn’t readily apparent. Some detail of controls may not be clear until you try the microgame once, which makes some harder than others when playing for the first time. Also, a lot of these microgames are just some kind of timed button press, which is slightly disappointing. Really though, this is still a great game. Through its sheer lack of consistency and theming, the game feels ironically unique and iconic. I’m definitely going to try more of these games, but I’m not sure if they’ll really hit the same way this one did. If there’s one thing that this game taught me, the feeling of trying and solving something for the first time is core to games. Replicating that feeling in a sequel is a tall order, but if there’s any gaming icon I’d expect to pull it off, it would be Wario.

Y'know, this game hits so differently when your playing it on headphones. The sound design and music is so much more detailed than I originally thought and that enhanced my enjoyment of the game. I wish the sound chip on the GBA wasn't awful but the sound guys: Yoshitomi Ryoji, Ohsawa Kazuyoshi, and Miyamoto Kyoko made this one of my favorite soundtracks for the GBA.

This was one of the games I played a lot when I was kid and loving it despite not finishing it, I think. It still holds up today which I'm very happy about. Thanks Mom and Dad for buying me this, you made me a very happy camper!

This is one of those games where it feels like the developers were given a lot of creative freedom to do what they wanted, and combined with the challenge of dealing with GBA hardware, it results in an unmistakable, jolly, quirky game. The frantic nature of its minigame gauntlets are addicting but also perfectly bite sized for portable consumption. The game also has very well made cutscenes for the main "story", which are honestly better than a lot of modern games made on consoles much more powerful. It's impressive how well the game can build a whimsical cartoon world through the art direction and cutscenes, especially considering the limitation at hand. It goes to show how far human ingenuity can take you. My only complaint is that some of the basic minigames and boss games are too frequently repeated.

this is like my one billionth playthrough of this and it's always a joy. I played in japanese this time but I have every microgame so ingrained into my head I don't actually need to read the prompts. still, very fun exercise in hiragana and katakana speed reading!

i like how this game has a gender select option even though it changes only honorifics and like two characters, but it still feels nice

Bizzaro, mas muito bom KKKKK

WarioWare inc. é um jogo que é uma serie de minigames rápidos aonde você tem que passar até um determinado nível, e o jogo é bem curtinho. (zerei em 2h)

Sinceramente superou minhas expectativas, minha nota só por ver os vídeos do jogo seria no máximo um 4, mas quando joguei subiu e muito KKKKK, por conta da gameplay e com algumas musicas e samples do Wario Land 4. (outro que zerei e é muito bom tbm) 7/10

everyone should take one hour of their life to beat this awesome game

Jimmy T has major Tumblr Sexyman energy

The original WarioWare is simple in concept but also just as innovative and well executed. The colorful characters and many varied microgames are too much fun. There’s not much to say besides it’s endlessly replayable and feels like a perfect fit for the GBA. The microgames utilize the console to its best ability. The crunchy sound effects and music of the gba actually make this game way better. I love this game

Game curto pra finalizar mas os minigames fazem você jogar por horas, muito divertido. Vários personagens legais.

eu aprecio muito jogos que tem um design similar a de um brinquedinho, daqueles com regras simples e intuitivas que você pega e fica distraída com a própria energia cinética da coisa. peguei ele pra testar rapidinho e acabei me apegando ao estilo.

O primeiro WarioWare não deixa a desejar de forma alguma, sendo um dos jogos mais criativos da plataforma e principalmente deixando o tom e ritmo maluco da série desde o começo! Ótimo jogo!

I sincerely believe that WarioWare is the perfect design in terms of an arcade-style gameplay experience. It’s so brilliant, intensely addictive, and fun. Growing up, if I knew we were going on a long road trip, I would never forget to pack this game. Hours melt away when you play a WarioWare game and I still think this is one of the best entries in the series.

There’s beauty in simplicity, pretty much every microgame is intuitive. The premise is simple, you’re given a short hint, some wacky visuals or scenarios, about 6 seconds, and you gotta figure out how to win using just the D-Pad and/or A Button. You get 4 lives and the speed and difficulty of the games increase as you progress. It’s such a fun cycle in no small part to the fast reactions, the feeling of chasing a high score, and how strange the game is.

Wario and his cast of friends all have cool designs, nice music for their stages, and fun cartoony scenarios to watch unfold for the story mode.

WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$ is a stroke of game design genius. You’re not getting a compelling story or deep gameplay mechanics, but you are getting some of the most raw fun you can out of any game.

(I may also be biased since I love Wario so much.)

This game absolutely FUCKS. This is 100% peak Wario.

In this game we witness the tale of Wario, a man that enters the videogame industry just for the money, and when it realizes it takes effort to make one, he decides to do one based around short minigames and using his friends to do all the work for him, and in the game's ending he tries to steal everyone's money and says he hates everybody.... and somehow, he's still a better CEO than Bobby Kotick.

I have had my couple of WarioWare rides over the years, being able to play the games when staying at friend's houses, but when it comes to actually owning and beating them... yeah let's just say that I'm not Mr. Wario MacWario's best client.

But I decided to finally to finally give a try to the past entries of my favorite capitalist pig, and what better place to star that with the Ware that started it all? And honestly... I already knew it was going to be good or at the very least enjoyable, but I never could have expect it to actually like it so much; like, despite being the first game of the series, which propms it to have the terrible and sever First-Game Syndrome, I genuely belive this a better game than Get it Together, the last entry on the series and the only one I had beaten until now.

They clearly knew what they wanted to go for since the beginning: there's a well-defined sense of weird style and irreverence across the entire game, which in a way was to be expected. Wario games have always stived to be a kind of antithesis to the Mario formula, in both looks and sounds, but it's in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! where Wario explored new horizons that its father series a never did, and the result was a perfect fit for the character.

The colors and shapes, the extravagant character design, the more episodic format of each of the bizarre character stories (never in a million years would I expect to see on a Nintendo game a character running away from police in a motorbike while a monkey throws bananas at the police cars, but it’s real and it’s beautiful), and the fantastic sound design and music, energetic and up-beat in its own weird way , and even when they re-use some Wario Land 4 music pieces, it still feels right and adds instead of taking away from the experience.

And it all goes so fast It feels like the game is at 2x speed, but it just works. The speed of everything makes it so you can barely understand or process what the hell is happening , but enough so you can appreciate it and have fun with it, and that also goes for what makes the bulk of the game: the minigames.

There are a few minigames that are overly simple, incredibly similar with each other and even those that don’t make it known too clearly what you can and can’t do despite the overall controls being pretty straightforward, which is a huge deal considering how fast paced everything is and the limited number of opportunities you have. Good thing is that most of them are actually worth more than a buck: original and entertaining, weird and unique, each and everyone having a clear visual identity that can go from crude drawings to just photos of real-life stuff; it makes inconsistency its biggest strength, and it’s that what makes you not being able to stop looking at it… and it’s also just really fucking funny and absurd, which is also a plus.

Even with a lack of varierity of the modes and Jimmy T. being re-used some times as a kind of mini-boss (which depending on who you ask that’s a positive or a negative, I consider a negative for repetition’s sake but.. it’s fucking Jimmy T., you don’t mess with Jimmy T., you don’t mess with the music ), even with its flaws, the amount of fun and even challenge in its short campaign makes it more than worth it. There’s nothing like WarioWare, at least not at the time of its release, and at least not as fun and goofy.

We did it everybody. We are Wario Gaming.

Incredibly fun mini game collection that has a ton of replay value. Sure the game can be beaten in less than 2 hours, but trying to get high scores in everything is so fun. I love the style and music here too. Just an all around loveable game!

I liked the mini-game where you had to get a visa to travel to any foreign country of your choosing. But then Wario steals all of your identification. What a sneaky little guy.

minha namorada tinha insistido pra eu dar uma experimentada nesse jogo, e vc pode ter certeza q eu n imaginava q ele ia me grudar desse jeito.

acho q hj em dia existe uma certa falta de videogames q sejam 'jogos' propriamente ditos, pequenas brincadeiras com regras simples e fáceis de pegar. acho legal como aqui esse conceito é levado ao mínimo possível, e é meio q impressionante como todo 'micro jogo' consegue ser engajante de uma forma ou de outra.

mas acho q o q me vendeu esse jogo mesmo foi a apresentação. esse talvez seja um dos jogos mais bonitos do gameboy advance, com uma variedade estética bem única e personagens coloridos e muito bem animados. é um jogo meio q muito legal de se olhar. poderia olhar pra esse jogo por horas. bem anos 2000, mas do melhor jeito possível.

destaque tbm vai pra música. tem música aqui q eu nunca imaginaria saindo de um gameboy advance. é simplesmente muito boa. como todo o resto desse videogame. esse videogame é muito bom?

meio q n esperava, mas realmente saí desse aqui amando WarioWare.

A thunderbolt of game design brilliance. A superior idea delivered with such charm and panache that it couldn't help but catch on. Held back only by the weaknesses of its platform and a couple minor rough edges.

I will not rest until Backloggd lets me log and rate each and every game present here.

Nintendo really dared to say "how many games can we make that utilise just 5 total buttons". Then they proceeded to make it work through a combination of addicting fast-paced gameplay, chaotic energy and a smorgasbord of graphic styles to keep your brain thinking it's not just playing the most basic games ever made.

And yes I did say 5 buttons, the A button and each direction on the D-Pad. Even in a very limited game like this, they still decided to omit the B and shoulder buttons (the latter being used exclusively for a handful of unlockable multiplayer games).

One element I really love about the game is how every characters intermission screen (the part that shows up between microgames) has a different appearance, with the lives being represented by something new in all of them.

There's a surprising amount of unlockables, including a fully functional Dr. Mario, appropriately named after Wario instead.

What I wasn't a big fan of were how long the boss stages were. Yes they maxed out at like 3 minutes, and in a regular playthrough they serve their purpose as a slightly meatier challenge to round off a characters stage, but when you replay stages to unlock all microgames those 3 minute sections between 3 second ones really drag the process out.

I also found it weird how 2 characters randomly had introduction games thrown into their own pool for seemingly no reason (technically 3, but the last one is Wario, which is fitting as Wario himself is actually represented in the introduction games).

Quando comprei o 3DS um dos primeiros jogos que zerei foi o WarioWare Gold, um jogaço que usa muito bem as gimmicks do próprio 3DS, foi incrível. E agora, alguns anos depois, decidi testar os jogos anteriores da franquia.

Peguei o primeirão, Mega Microgames, e tu é doido esse jogo é bom demais, mesmo sendo tão antigo é IGUALZINHO o Gold, ele usa tão bem o GBA, e os minigames são tão criativos. Tô animado pra jogar os próximos, mas esse aqui já valeu a tentativa de jogar.

Holds up very very well being the first warioware game!! :) It's crazy to see how far the series has grown!!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

This game is crazy fun! Never expected to like it so much, and I love to compete for scores with friends.

love this game so much, the concept is so ingenious and addicting and it's backed up by a presentation loaded with SOUL between the multimedia visuals and Wario Land 4-style sample remix heavy sound. There are a few rough edges, a couple minigame ideas get recycled wholesale (take a shot every time you mash a or tap a when the bar is red) and sprinkling the starter minigames throughout every stage feels a little bit like padding. Always a great time to pick up and play

WarioWare é uma mistura de bizarrice e diversão muito bem feita, é um excelente jogo pra momentos livres pequenos, me diverti bastante durante meus intervalos, é um ótimo ponto de partida pra conhecer a franquia, é curtinho e tem alguns extras pros que querem altas pontuações.

Having played other games built around the “mini games” concept, I wasn’t expecting much from these Wario Ware games, but the way you are thrown at them faster and faster and you have to adapt and react as fast as you can really makes these games addicting, and this is the one I played first.
It’s stupid, crazy, inane, and utterly satisfying. That rush you get when you get trough a super fast set up is worth the price of admission.

como pode um jogo de minigame que só precisa aperta um botão ser tão divertido

Wow! This is great! I mean, I loved Smooth Moves for the Wii, which was basically my only exposure to this franchise before going all the way back to the beginning with this one. It's a fantastic and weird concept from Nintendo and I love the spirit of it. So much so that I’ve unofficially made it a goal to collect all the WarioWare games in their physical forms! Especially because I’ve learned some require the original hardware (like WarioWare: Touched! or WarioWare: Twisted!) to play them properly. Plus Mega Microgames has a game where you spray a "pink flower" with a bidet nozzle. Tell me that isn't just PEAK gaming. Go ahead. Try.