Reviews from

in the past

Probably the most wacky entry in the series, it is a perfect game to show what the Wii is capable of while maintaining the best parts of the previous Warioware games.

Estaría mejor si los mandos de la Wii no funcionaran como un cojo manco ciego cagado y meado

It's a Wii, Wario. What did you expect?


Played this first as a kid at my cousin's house and was blown away at how hilarious and creative it was. Such a gem

Sadly I'm an only child so I only experienced the single player version of this game when I was young, but recently I tried it out with friends and it's actually so exhilarating!

WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a quirky, off-the-wall adventure that'll have you questioning reality and laughing hysterically at the same time. While some might deny its existence (seriously, who's ever heard of it?), those in the know understand its zany appeal.

This game is like stumbling into an alternate dimension where chaos reigns supreme, and Wario is your mischievous guide. With its unique microgames and unconventional controls, it's a wild ride from start to finish. Whether you're racing against the clock or trying to figure out what exactly you're supposed to be doing, each microgame offers a fresh and unexpected challenge.

Sure, it may not be as legendary as its sequel, WarioWare: Shove It Up Your Own Ass Game (seriously, who comes up with these names?), but Smooth Moves holds its own as a wacky, unforgettable experience. So, if you're ready to embrace the absurdity and dive headfirst into the chaos, give WarioWare: Smooth Moves a spin. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning reality along the way.

Score: 8/10

This is THE Wii game. Every Wii exists to play this game.

The level with all the Nintendo references was cool as shit

Some of the best use of the motion controls for the Wii. WarioWare Smooth Moves uses the Wii's gimmick to its best ability and it's very fun and easy to go back to.

Dans les premiers mois de la Wii, tout le monde n'avait d'yeux que pour Wii Sports. Comment découvrir les usages de la Wiimote et ses possibilités dans différents sports... Mais il y en avait un qui proposait pourtant BEAUCOUP mieux.
Et c'est Wario qui s'en chargeait, avec un nouvel épisode de WarioWare baptisé Smooth Moves. Si on reste sur le classique d'enchaîner les mini-jeux à un rythme de plus en plus effréné, c'est du côté de la manière dont on se sert de la Wiimote qui prend le joueur par surprise.
Des présentations DÉBILES de comment on doit tenir la télécommande pour réussir les épreuves qui vont suivre, si bien qu'on apprend tout ce qu'il faut au fur et à mesure, et on tente tant bien que mal ensuite de réussir ce qui est demandé.
C'est stupide, mais c'est génial, comme d'habitude avec WarioWare. Un des must-have de la Wii, selon moi.

Peak WarioWare. Change my mind

I don't think this is as good as Touched, but it's by a HAIR. The microgames are just as whacky and fun, there's charm oozing everywhere and the Forms are still very responsive for the most part. If someone preferred this over Touched I wouldn't blame them at all.

I don't usually like rating games this high purely off of fun factor alone (if that were the case, I'd have RE5 as an all-time favorite... how horrifying to think about) but I've got to do sooomething for warioware, yknow? It's well-deserving besides. Though it was my first warioware game, having played it some many years ago, I revisited this game sometime in mid 2023 and I had a thoroughly fun time with it! The microgames are all very interesting and intuitive, barring a small handful I couldn't figure out how to make work. the variety in the usage of motion control is great and i.m falling asleep now bye

One of the best multiplayer party games ever made.

Nem sei se este jogo é conhecido, mas este era incríiiivel. Os minijogos eram muito bons e a minha parte preferida é o modo história

One of the reasons why I hyped the Wii a lot. It's a nice WarioWare overall, just expect you'll finish it in a single day just like any other game of the series.

Not much to say here. I played this game for the first time this year and my brain exploded.

Not all of the minigames are exceptional, it's pretty short and it gets to a point towards the end where repetition sets in, but this game is so damn fun, smooth, quick and well put together that I couldn't complain. It's fun as fuck!

I mean, how the hell did the team even reached these ideas? I'm not only talking about the minigames themselves, but the whole package. Presentation, music, graphic style, story (?????) and design. Everything here was cleverly built to make you play, replay and have a blast.

Fantastic moves, mr. Wario. Well done! Mario must be pissed...

… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I've seen the deepest darkness and wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness, raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker like Moses on the hill
My Guinness record baker, I abide your will
… The first of reciter, I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters, beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… Prophets I've been reading, stories I've been told
Before I end my breathing, I travel in the soul
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played the double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
Adieu, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away

I'm like wario big fat boy

Wish I could go back in time and play this with my friends again :')

eu sei que vc quase assassinou seu amigo do lado no lobby da bomba pq ele te passou faltando 1 segundo pra explodir

my dad walked in on me playing this game once, stared at me play for a bit, shook his head, then went into his room and started yelling at my step mom about how I was gay... :/

This is still the peak of Warioware for me. It's extremely short but that doesn't mean a damn thing if the whole game is replayable which it is. Even going back to this one I was able to find more appreciation in the overall content provided. It's the most fun party game you can have on the wii and is by far the best Warioware game in my opinion.

I had something for Young Cricket