Reviews from

in the past

This game made me take my Wii from the darkest depths of my closet, and that alone makes it my worst enemy for making me face the horrors of cables, connectors and configuration, and as the savior, for finally giving me an excuse to complete Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Resident Evil 4 in the near future.

After the absolute joy that was Twisted I went into Smooth Moves with a very optimistic view; I had seen some things and read some reviews that looked like it would follow some of the same missteps that Touched! did, but wanted to believe, how could I not trust the Wii iteration of a series of a man that steals and that barely pays his employees?

Well, to my absolute joy, I did have reasons to trust him, because Smooth Moves rocks! Not as hard as the first one or Twisted, but this is fucks, not gonna lie.

The micro-game collection this time around is very interesting: it has higher highs than usual, as it has the lowest lows of the series. They are either absolutely delightful or pretty barren and simple, hardly any in between, tho luckily there are by far more quality ones. However, all of them are similar to the ones in Touched!, in the sense that ALL are either dependent on you shaking the Wii-mote or using the pointer, nothing else. And you may be asking ''wait, if it kind of does the same thing the DS game did, just using a new control scheme that feels reiterative, what makes it good?'' and let me tell ya my dear reader, the answer is very simple... PRESENTATION!.

WarioWare has always been absolute bonkers since its inception, but this time around they just went into full bat-shit insanity mode. Do not be mistaken, a lot of the micro-games are fun on their own, but it's the way everything is shown that just sells it. The Arts, as the game calls them, are nothing more than an excuse to put the Wii Mote in funny ways, but they are a VERY good excuse; this is by far the game in the series that made me laugh the hardest, even when it gets intense: it's dumb in the best way, and invites you to be dumb, to act stupid, to do crazy shit, and the results is giving the minigames much more feedback and depth they would have had otherwise. And the arts aren't the only thing that inject rhythm into the game.

Not only both the visuals and music are crisp as hell once again, the overall game is just more irreverent, more shameless in the best way possible. Whereas past games were just Wario and his friends making games because he found a way to make money... here he founds an ancient artifact and he just takes it... WONDERFUL. The rest of the stories are once again presented in a more episodic format, and they are delightful as always, and once again a bit more crazy than usual. The side content is also pretty neat, as it is the brand-new post-game! Orbulon and Crygor are stages that appear after the final boss, and they are fantastic send offs for the character based stages.

Smooth Moves is, by far, the game in the series that asks the most out of you, but if you are willing to give it, it's one hell of a time, still flawed, nothing that was already present in previous entries and could be considered ''bad'' is gone, but it's still a very nice time, one to which I wasn't scared of being completely submerged in its stupidity. It has Jimmy P. for crying out loud, this game knows damn well what it is.

Oh, and also, one final warning, those who tell you that the Wii had not Star Fox games are not to be trusted. They are both liars and deceivers, and want you to be left unaware of the truth that Wario holds… plus, it’s also better than Star Fox Zero, which is just funny at this point.

Cranked out the Dolphin emulator for this one! And honestly, this might be my favorite one! I had some trouble with the motion controls at parts but once you get in the groove of it it feels like WarioWare was MADE for them. This is also the wackiest, and most challenging in the series. Lots of fun!

Fun, short, quick, replayable, but kinda unreliable. I think I like the personality this game has a lot more than Move It!, but the controls are a lot more responsive in Move It!. Usually once a stage the controls do not work even though I am doing the correct form and I lose a life, it's not that bad considering you have 4 lives but still, In Move It! I believe that the controls were at fault for me losing a micro game only twice in the entire game. This is a minor annoyance though I would rank this game slightly below Move It!, but it's still an amazing WarioWare!

I'm like wario big fat boy

pretty fun, the games that work with the motion controls end up working really well but the games that dont just kinda really fall flat

i also had a lot of issues with my wiimote during this game lol, probably just me and my set up but im noting it regardless


Virtuosic and joyful use of hardware "gimmicks" to their fullest potential. It's like if an awesome alt-control game was just... On a commercial console everyone owned.

A lovely although short collection of really fun and goofy minigames. Warioware always suceeds in making me smile and this is no exception. Some minigames or "poses" can be quite bs however i found this entry to be the best in the franchise and the best use of the wii remote on the wii.

Probably an essential entry in the Wii's library. Unfortunately, it's emblematic of a lot of the Wii's library in some ways, and not just the cream of the first-party crop. Certain microgames just don't give the feedback they need to convey how they actually function. A key example is the Boss microgame for the Tiny Wario set (the "final boss" by most accounts). While it looks like the actions required are conveyed on-screen (a human figure holding a wii remote is shown performing actions you are meant to mirror, and is preceded by three other figures, such that the timing seems unambiguous), it genuinely feels like the game wants you to perform some of the actions a half second EARLIER than the visuals would suggest (doing so allowed me to pass, after many failures)(Edit: after considering this again months later, it might be the case that my current setup suffers from a critical amount of display lag).
Still, don't let that or my score deter you at all. Getting into a groove, playing a set of microgames and doing all the exaggerated motions the way Nintendo's advertising division dreamed you would is actually a lot of fun, even completely alone.

my dad walked in on me playing this game once, stared at me play for a bit, shook his head, then went into his room and started yelling at my step mom about how I was gay... :/

It's a Wii, Wario. What did you expect?


Just to preface this, I played this game with a Wii Remote that had Wii Motion Plus built in, and it played near flawlessly thanks to the built in gyro paired with the IR Sensor. I had a lot of fun, way more immersive and intuitive than I felt with the original WarioWare on GBA or Touched, and I really liked seeing how creative the game got with the many different ways you can hold the Wii Remote to do different movements. The narrator and text accompanying each new style of holding it was also hilarious and got some good laughs out of me.

Smooth Moves also gets props for being the only Wii game I've played so far that's let me comfortably sit in my reclining chair while using the motion controls effectively, even when my cat Cookie decided to sit on me while I was playing. Ironically, her sitting on me coincided with me playing Jimmy T.'s game where a ton of cats follow him through the city, haha.

This is also the first WarioWare game where I seriously took note of the soundtrack. Not that I think previous WarioWare games had bad OSTs mind you, but this one's really hooked me in a lot more ways than I thought it would. Shout out to Penny's minigame themes especially, great techno.

I mentioned this in my Touched! review, but as a big Nintendo fan, 9 Volt's segments are usually some of my favorite parts of these games due to them incorporating actual Nintendo games into their minigames, even moreso this time around due to the game allowing for more true 3D and by that same token, referencing 3D games like Metroid, Wind Waker, Pikmin and more! Really cool.

The motion controls worked pretty flawlessly and I ran into very few minigames where I felt the controls weren't working with me. It definitely helped that my childhood was filled with many times of me playing Wii Sports Resort and sword play to get good at using the Wii Remotes Motion Controls. And as I said before, it was made even nicer by the fact I didn't even need to stand up to do them either.

The only time I had to stand up to use the motion controls properly was for the final boss fight which was a dance off, but it was totally worth it in that instance.

Honestly a fun blast that I wouldn't mind revisiting in the future. It's made me realize why a good amount of people are excited for the return of motion controls with WarioWare Move It! coming to Switch in one week from today. However, given the Switch's motion controls are MUCH more lacking compared to the Wii's, I don't have high hopes that the game will play nearly as nicely as Smooth Moves does with a Wii Motion Plus built-in Wii Remote.

Overall, this was another fun short WarioWare romp that I found more fun than the previous two.

Playtime: 2 hours, 25 minutes.

WarioWare works real well with motion controls - none of the movements are so precise that the Wiimote's lack of precision holds it back, and the system lends itself to quick pick-up-and-play party games. Not a game that I sunk tons of hours into, but never had a bad time when I did play it.

One of the reasons why I hyped the Wii a lot. It's a nice WarioWare overall, just expect you'll finish it in a single day just like any other game of the series.

Wario broke into my house, farted on me and stole my wii. This game is fun

Very short game but very fun besides some issues with a small portion of minigames. Overall I have to say it's an epic collection of minigames for all ages and fun to finish in the leadup to Drake's upcoming album "For All the Dogs" releasing October 6th. I will be thinking about this game quite a fair bit while I listen to his new music.

A Warioware game is only as good as its 9-volt stage. The 9-volt stage here is pretty good.

Do you think the whole point of this game is the fun that comes from how silly you look performing all the moves with a Wii controller? Well, wait till you see how silly you look by your goddamn ass self trying to guess how the same moves work on dolphin with a switch pro controller

Some of the best use of the motion controls for the Wii. WarioWare Smooth Moves uses the Wii's gimmick to its best ability and it's very fun and easy to go back to.

WarioWare game that has Ashley in it = immediate extra star

I dont know man it's wario ware on the wii, this fucks so hard.

… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I've seen the deepest darkness and wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness, raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker like Moses on the hill
My Guinness record baker, I abide your will
… The first of reciter, I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters, beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… Prophets I've been reading, stories I've been told
Before I end my breathing, I travel in the soul
Where thorns are a teaser, I've played the double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
I cry, I pray, mon dieu
Adieu, mon dieu
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away
… I'm crucified, crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed
I'm crucified for the holy dimension
Godlike ascension, heavens away

Esse é facilmente o MELHOR Warioware existente. Ele usa e abusa da criatividade com o Wii remote, as poses são uma ótima adição ao jogo, deixa ele mais divertido e difícil de enjoar. Jogo perfeito!

stupid fun. may not be the best warioware, but it is my favourite. great memories playing this with friends.

very fun, motion controls are a little jank but comes with the territory playing this era of wii games. would prolly be 5/5 if everything actually worked in this game lol

also includes best star fox game since 64

Easily the most fun and creative WarioWare game. So many crazy and novel concepts in this Wii launch game that it’s insane. It never gets old, and that’s saying something since that’s really rare for the genre

No doubt about it; this is the best WarioWare game. Super charming and great microgames to boot. Here's hoping the next one on the Switch is gonna be any good!

Feels a little jank sometimes but I absolutely adore the presentation here. The softspoken explanation voice is gold.

The best WarioWare game. So many wonderful memories with this one and very creative.

Excellent party game but why do you need to play through the entire single player first to get to the Multiplayer Stuff(?) bizzare