Reviews from

in the past

Nazi Cristoph Waltz doesn't exist, he can't hurt you.
Nazi Cristoph Waltz:

Playtime: 14:20 Hours

Longer, bigger, crazier, better? Not quite, but part two of Machine Games Wolfenstein reboot series is at least on the same level as the very good first part. It's hard to believe that the game was released in 2017 as pretty as the graphics are, especially the lighting effects and character models.

Apart from that, this second fight against the regime is filled with some really stupid but at the same time ingenious twists, really brute action interludes and a lot of black satirically charged humor. It all works much better than in the first game and the DLC.

Unfortunately, the gunplay is not as good and unique as in the predecessor. This one feels more like Call of Duty, has less impact and less of a trash factor. The level structure is also sometimes opaque and confusing and the AI is no longer as clever as it was in "The New Order". Nevertheless, the Hollywood-ready production and the crazy pace, as well as the action and humor, are really very successful. All in all, a very strong second part, but one that can't outdo the first.

not a big fan of some differences from the games before, like weapon wheels for it takes too long to choose a weapon while in a gunfight. didn't like how it started with sluggish controls and bullet sponge enemies, felt like it was torture at the beginning. but damn... this game has some of the greatest cinematics i've seen, has such great storytelling, and such a personality.

Masterpiece except the writing can be painfully obvious or even just painful at times. I agree with every political point that's made here, and even then I can't bear it.

However. One of the DLC characters is voiced by Claudia Black. You can play that DLC and pretend that you're playing as Morrigan Dragon Age, but somebody had the bad idea of giving her a gun. Masterpiece.

Wow this game sucks. I remember playing the original and its DLC in 2019 and having a pretty good time. The dialogue in the first hour of this game is some of the worst I've ever heard and the plot is actual nonsense. Characters are stiff and the game is constantly trying to force overly sentimental emotional moments that are awful.

This isn't even to mention the gameplay. Gunplay sucks and there's no weight to anything. You run like Sonic the Hedgehog but the game wants to make you stealth every encounter - with the stealth system itself being extremely basic. I don't remember the first one feeling this bad. At least I didn't pay for it.

"Oh, William, I wish we could spend some time alone, but...

...we're so close to New Orleans"

Hilarious portrayal of Nazis. I shelved it when my computer crashed every time I tried to run it.

Kinda repetitive missions and 5 something hour gameplay wasn't enough.

I don't think I'll be finishing this one. I'm very disappointed with this game, it's just not fun, the story is very boring and generic and the gameplay feels very bad. I was hoping for something fast paced in terms of gunplay like Doom eternal or Titanfall 2 but this is nothing like it. The guns feel unsatisfying to shoot, they are more like bb guns than firearms, the level design is okay but the color pallet makes loot and enemies hard to see, specially the waypoint marker, it's awful and it's very hard to see with the color they chose. Stealth is a joke, it's useful but as boring as it gets. Why is ammo not picked up automatically? Why is it so awkward to change weapons? I don't have a clue. Another think I didn't like is the health system, you know how in Halo they invented the overshield to make players more aggressive and not worry about health that much? And you know how most shooters since copied that by recovering health automatically when covered? Well, wolfenstein 2 decided to do the complete opposite, not only you do not regain health passively, you actually lose health by the second for some unknown reason, it's boring, it's stupid and doesn't make sense. Waste of time.
Update: did finish it, didn't get any better

i was pretty close to beating the game, probably like 1-2 hours left, but my file corrupted and my last save file was a couple of in-game hours before. i have no intention of redoing the previous shit again, especially with me playing the game on the hardest difficulty. i wasn't really enjoying the experience with the game anyways. the story was boring as hell. the gameplay was uninspired and didn't justify it being a sequel. i also think this game unfortunately deals with the inherent evolution of game technology. the game feels way too sluggish and "realistic" for my liking. one thing i loved about "return to castle wolfenstein" was the beautiful fluid movement; it's the type of game i would love to speedrun. the fast-paced movement and smooth controls allowed for more fun gameplay. this game doesn't have any of this, and it's sorely missed for me.

Story is definitely weaker than the first game, but the combat, levels and graphics are all slightly better than the first game. Still a great game nonetheless.

Dropped the ball after the new order, boring ass game that I couldn't bother finishing, lacks the substance that kept me in the new order

Better game mechanics but worse story than the new order.

Good but the first one seemed better to me

Chafibueno! Excelente shooter, absurda historia clásica de una película de serie B, personajes carismáticos y escenario perfecto para un género. Algunos aspectos de la base central me desesperaron, pero en general es un buen juego violento para pasar el rato.

This review contains spoilers

A very impressive sequel, that keeps the same intense guns-a-blazing action, and improves it to keep that same level of fun. Wolfenstein II's main campaign is very well written just like the first, although some incredibly silly and unrealistic parts in the story make the game feel less gritty and realistic as the first. Saying that, Wolfenstein II still delivers a fantastic story about the terrifying thought of the Nazi's winning WW2. This topic is again done very well, adding to the base game and enhancing the story to keep the fun alive.

One of the most off-the-walls games I’ve ever played. Shooting mechanics are great, but the story is what glued me in from the start. The New Order is good, but this game improves on it in every way.

Mesmo com a gameplay batida tem partes muito interessantes

another redbox game i rented and completed, and oh my god I was not expecting this Billy/BJ to just be Him. The story, dialogue, voice acting, all parts of this game was great

not as good as the first game but it still fun something i dont like and something are better then the og but it good

Bigger and badder than its predecessor, this sequel to Bethesda's Wolfenstein remake offers even more bloody mayhem as you continue the fight against the Nazis that have dominated the world. It's really a case of more, more, and MORE with plenty of outrageous twists and turns that include sending you into SPACE. It's a great follow-up to a great remake, and just as fun as ever to blow away the world's most straightforward bad guys.

Лучше предыдущих — хороший баланс стелса и екшона. Игра более юморная, чем предыдущие — это на пользу. Много видео-вставок (слишком много?), между миссиями можно бегать по кораблю и слушать забавные диалоги. Круто сделано, что начинаешь в инвалидном кресле, крутой плот-твист в сцене с судом, короче мне в целом понравилось, entertaining. Дополнительные миссии из энигмы (убить оберкоммандеров) какие-то скучноватые, я думал они будут экстра-сложные. В целом, игра не особо сложная, но на самых высоких difficulty levels становится не прикольно, потому что очень быстро убивают. Ждём Wolfenstein 3 (уже 2024 год, алё).

Me encantó el gameplay y la historia

My favorite game of the series. Amazing story, fun gameplay, good music. Played on Hard.

It had some good moments, but more stupid moments that were just too over the top for me, which I'm sure is what they were going for but not to my tastes. Gameplay was pretty damn good throughout which is why I'm giving it what it has.