Reviews from

in the past

Hilarious portrayal of Nazis. I shelved it when my computer crashed every time I tried to run it.

Kinda repetitive missions and 5 something hour gameplay wasn't enough.

I don't think I'll be finishing this one. I'm very disappointed with this game, it's just not fun, the story is very boring and generic and the gameplay feels very bad. I was hoping for something fast paced in terms of gunplay like Doom eternal or Titanfall 2 but this is nothing like it. The guns feel unsatisfying to shoot, they are more like bb guns than firearms, the level design is okay but the color pallet makes loot and enemies hard to see, specially the waypoint marker, it's awful and it's very hard to see with the color they chose. Stealth is a joke, it's useful but as boring as it gets. Why is ammo not picked up automatically? Why is it so awkward to change weapons? I don't have a clue. Another think I didn't like is the health system, you know how in Halo they invented the overshield to make players more aggressive and not worry about health that much? And you know how most shooters since copied that by recovering health automatically when covered? Well, wolfenstein 2 decided to do the complete opposite, not only you do not regain health passively, you actually lose health by the second for some unknown reason, it's boring, it's stupid and doesn't make sense. Waste of time.
Update: did finish it, didn't get any better

i was pretty close to beating the game, probably like 1-2 hours left, but my file corrupted and my last save file was a couple of in-game hours before. i have no intention of redoing the previous shit again, especially with me playing the game on the hardest difficulty. i wasn't really enjoying the experience with the game anyways. the story was boring as hell. the gameplay was uninspired and didn't justify it being a sequel. i also think this game unfortunately deals with the inherent evolution of game technology. the game feels way too sluggish and "realistic" for my liking. one thing i loved about "return to castle wolfenstein" was the beautiful fluid movement; it's the type of game i would love to speedrun. the fast-paced movement and smooth controls allowed for more fun gameplay. this game doesn't have any of this, and it's sorely missed for me.

Story is definitely weaker than the first game, but the combat, levels and graphics are all slightly better than the first game. Still a great game nonetheless.

Dropped the ball after the new order, boring ass game that I couldn't bother finishing, lacks the substance that kept me in the new order

Better game mechanics but worse story than the new order.

Cara, a história é um pouco melhor que a do primeiro e do spin off, mas os outros títulos tem maior variações na gameplay, Wolfenstein 2 é basicamente a mesma coisa do começo até o fim. O gun feel me parece pior que os outros também, simplesmente não gostei de atirar nesse jogo.

Dogshit gameplay supported by an all-timer plot. We need to dump 500 million dollars of US taxpayer money into MachineGames

This game has a moment where a black woman’s (rightful) suspicion of the daughter of a Nazi commander is resolved by said Nazi daughter choking said black woman, and none of the writers saw any problem with that, huh?

Got a lot of nasty crashes when I played this on PC. Found the difficulty to be all over the place and not very fun at all. Wanted to like it a lot more than I actually did. Felt like it under-delivered on KKK guys to blast during the main story, they're all in the post-game missions. Oh well. I still like the part in these games where you blow up nazis.

For some reason I thought it was a smart idea to get this on the Switch and while it wasn't entirely bad I definitely didn't get to experience the game the best way. However, the game is very enjoyable. Really cool world building, character design and story. The game has many similar design philosophies brought over from other modern Id software titles as far as enemy placement and collectibles are concerned. Lots of weapons to experiment with and even more Nazi soldiers to tear through with them. Some levels are strikingly bad and feel like a chore to complete but overall the game is a treat due to the satirical story. Not a very replayable game but one you will definitely enjoy on the first run through.

Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus

Coming from a long time fan who loved pretty much all the wolf games. This game is very frustrating.

This game is pretty mid nearing bad. I dunno why it is the way it is but god damn if it didn't frustrate me to no end.

Gameplay is pretty boring. You go from a to b and during that you gotta kill commanders asap before more enemies spawn if you are spotten. The game really doeesn't do much more than this. No enemy variety and no scenario variety aside from like 3.

The level design is horrible. The levels are very linear yet the game attempts to make it seem otherwise by giving you so many dumb hallways that lead to nothing but some collectables (and even that isn't really a given). It also doesn't help how every level is bland and pretty much a wasteland or sewer looking thing.

Combat can be good. But its rare its fun. From the weird difficulty spikes to the stupid decisions like having you mash square to pick up stuff. First game and dlc also did this and I am still not sure why they do it. Actually I know why for the health at least, for the overcharge health system. I wanna understand why it is even here. What's so bad about walking over medkits and getting health? Same with ammo and armor. Why do you want me staring at the ground while I am being shot at instead of just cutting the bullshit.

The story was also weirdly dumb. First game was very well done and charming. Meanwhile this one attempts to be serious and handle serious things only to then turn around and insert toilet humor out of nowhere destroying the tension and the mood.

In comparison Wolfenstein 2009 and Return did so much better in their design. From level variety to enemy variety to weapon varity (no seriously, why is this game so limited compared to the old games? And the enemies... Fighting the same types over and over got boring fast.)

4.5/10 Mediocre,

El Fascismo se combate con ultraviolencia, pero se derrota con amor

Mesmo com a gameplay batida tem partes muito interessantes

another redbox game i rented and completed, and oh my god I was not expecting this Billy/BJ to just be Him. The story, dialogue, voice acting, all parts of this game was great

not as good as the first game but it still fun something i dont like and something are better then the og but it good

Bigger and badder than its predecessor, this sequel to Bethesda's Wolfenstein remake offers even more bloody mayhem as you continue the fight against the Nazis that have dominated the world. It's really a case of more, more, and MORE with plenty of outrageous twists and turns that include sending you into SPACE. It's a great follow-up to a great remake, and just as fun as ever to blow away the world's most straightforward bad guys.

Лучше предыдущих — хороший баланс стелса и екшона. Игра более юморная, чем предыдущие — это на пользу. Много видео-вставок (слишком много?), между миссиями можно бегать по кораблю и слушать забавные диалоги. Круто сделано, что начинаешь в инвалидном кресле, крутой плот-твист в сцене с судом, короче мне в целом понравилось, entertaining. Дополнительные миссии из энигмы (убить оберкоммандеров) какие-то скучноватые, я думал они будут экстра-сложные. В целом, игра не особо сложная, но на самых высоких difficulty levels становится не прикольно, потому что очень быстро убивают. Ждём Wolfenstein 3 (уже 2024 год, алё).

Me encantó el gameplay y la historia

My favorite game of the series. Amazing story, fun gameplay, good music. Played on Hard.

It had some good moments, but more stupid moments that were just too over the top for me, which I'm sure is what they were going for but not to my tastes. Gameplay was pretty damn good throughout which is why I'm giving it what it has.

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Frau Engel was hilarious. Best villain since I don’t know when. So well acted. So wacky, an all timer freako bitch. Could have done with more scenes, but also quite satisfying to finish her off. MUCH prefer that ending to the bad and not good boss fight endings of the previous two wolf games.

Great looking game, solid step up in that department. Good story. Very fun and funny too, not just Engel. Like that shit with the actors and hitler was s-tier goofy shit, especially BJs disguise. All the other characters had their moments as well of fun and funniness. Like Anya ripping her shirt off at the end. Or Bombate banging sigrun. Or Wyatt going full fuckazoid on acid…What a wild ass game.

Got stuck on the last boss fight without realizing it was the last boss fight. Also, I think most men would enjoy watching there pregnant wife, covered in blood, and shooting two assault rifles topless.

"You're among wolves now. And these are our woods."

Usually have no patience for these run-and-gun type of affairs, but I found the writing here so captivating it had me hooked from beginning to end. BJ goes immediately to my Mount Rushmore of favorite action protagonists of any medium. One of the most punk FPSs I've had the pleasure to play, and goes way beyond what one would expect from the usual Wolfenstein game, even compared with its predecessor. I know some people feel mixed on it, but this was totally my shit through and through.

Acho extremamente satisfatório o caminho que a história vai tomando. Consegue sintetizar muito bem ideias cômicas com o tom trágico, e essa criatividade é o que me faz achar esse melhor que o primeiro, já que não há grandes mudanças na gameplay (gostei bastante no primeiro e continuo gostando bastante nesse). Mas devo admitir que o final foi meio broxante.

Could be a lot better but it's meh at best

this game slaps so much, but the ending? felt a little anticlimactic, I needed more explosions