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A tarefa do jogo era superar ou igualar a ótima surpresa que foi Wolfenstein: The New Order, o primeiro game da franquia. Felizmente The New Colossus acerta em trazer a mesma fórmula de seu antecessor, a mesma jogabilidade frenética e insana, mas com novos elementos de jogo e uma história muito boa.

O protagonista e história estão melhores do que nunca.
A história do game brilha, expondo as fragilidades do protagonista. O arco narrativo beira uma "Novela Mexicana" pelo tanto de coisa que ocorre (O patriotismo incomoda mas é aquilo né, o game é estadunidense...)

Os novos personagens ajudam a abrilhantar o jogo (Tá aí algo que esse game é bom, em construir bons personagens).

Apesar de simples, a história do game é absurda e divertida o suficiente para prender o jogador até a conclusão da historia.


- História muito boa.
- Jogabilidade divertida.
- Personagens carismáticos.

- IA beira o injusto em alguns momentos.
- Curva de aprendizagem falha.

Cara, a história é um pouco melhor que a do primeiro e do spin off, mas os outros títulos tem maior variações na gameplay, Wolfenstein 2 é basicamente a mesma coisa do começo até o fim. O gun feel me parece pior que os outros também, simplesmente não gostei de atirar nesse jogo.

God damn this game was kicking my arse towards the end. Maybe I just suck really bad at it, but I'm just gonna complain about it anyway. The amount of explosions in this game is ridiculous! Some horribly unfair enemies with these super high damage attacks. That final boss fight is the main culprit for this. I played on the medium difficulty, yet the boss would kill me in just 2 hits and the attacks were extremely hard to avoid, because of the massive blast radius. Super frustrating. I literally had to save scum just to get past it. Good fun though apart from that. I enjoyed the more expansive levels and the ability to return to the areas and kill the remaining commanders and get the collectables. The story is so dumb and so fun. Compliments the gameplay very well. Maybe a tad bit better than The New Order?

Playtime: 14:20 Hours

Longer, bigger, crazier, better? Not quite, but part two of Machine Games Wolfenstein reboot series is at least on the same level as the very good first part. It's hard to believe that the game was released in 2017 as pretty as the graphics are, especially the lighting effects and character models.

Apart from that, this second fight against the regime is filled with some really stupid but at the same time ingenious twists, really brute action interludes and a lot of black satirically charged humor. It all works much better than in the first game and the DLC.

Unfortunately, the gunplay is not as good and unique as in the predecessor. This one feels more like Call of Duty, has less impact and less of a trash factor. The level structure is also sometimes opaque and confusing and the AI is no longer as clever as it was in "The New Order". Nevertheless, the Hollywood-ready production and the crazy pace, as well as the action and humor, are really very successful. All in all, a very strong second part, but one that can't outdo the first.

The graphics look sick and runs like a dream on my rtx 3060 laptop, I would've never imagined to run a AAA title that looks this gorgeous at 150 fps at 2k max. Shame how pc ports are this horrible now, this game looks as good as any new AAA game if not better and the fact that it performs ten times better🤌🏽. I did not like the game's tonal inconsistency and would've really appreciated a better auto heal feature like other fps games. Loved the combat and gameplay even if I felt the last part of the game against the twin robots to be a little too overwhelming. The transition between the game and cutscene sucks ass, actually the visual quality of the cutscenes in general sucks ass. Story kinda sucks too (don't get me started with the dialogues) but yeah definitely feel like the villain was good, but still 0 depth except that she's a nazi psychopath.

After such a strong start with The New Order, The New Colossus really needed to deliver on its promise of depicting the liberation of America from the Nazis by being bigger and bolder in its gameplay and particularly its story. In some ways, it surely delivers on that, and in others, it does not.

To start with its story, for the most part, The New Colossus towers above its predecessor, delivering a much more involved narrative that explores B.J.'s abusive, deeply troubled past and digs into his psyche as he's brought back from the brink at the end of the last game only to emerge as a broken man.

It's riveting stuff and the stakes are surely high this time, as, despite their previous victories, the Kreisau Circle is no less close to liberation from the Nazis than they were before. However, that's until the new cast of rebels joins on, including the incredibly written Grace, performed wonderfully by Debra Wilson, as well as the tenacious Horton, performed by Chris Heyerdahl, who leads the New Orleans communist revolution.

Really, the writing in this game is top-notch, not just in the new characters but across the board, with truly some of the best dialogue I've ever heard in a video game, particularly when B.J. first meets Horton at their hideout and argues with him into joining the resistance. Overall, there's a fantastic cinematic flair and presentation to the narrative this time that really come together.

However, that narrative is not without its faults. For one, this game is kind of all over the place tonally, more so than the first game. While, for the most part, I didn't mind the balance they struck with comedy and drama here, I can easily see why some would not be on board. I equate it to Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman movies, particularly the second one, where the script is so down to clown that you're not entirely sure if you should take the serious moments seriously, lest there be a comedic rug-pull at the other end.

Like I said, I was personally fine with it in this case, but I can totally see why some may not be into it.

The ending is also something I take umbrage with. Not so much the ending scene itself but the fact that that's where they end things. It feels much more like the end of the second act of the larger story than the end of the story altogether. I can only assume that they were confident that Wolfenstein III would soon follow this one, since it's a bizarre choice for a conclusion.

The terrible heavy metal cover of 'We're Not Gonna Take It' they use over the end credits is also a bizarre choice.

As for the gameplay, it does deliver a heavier, harder combat experience compared to the last game. I wouldn't really say on the whole that it's better or worse than the combat of The New Order; it's just... different. The guns, takedowns, and general movement feel like they have more weight to them, and unfortunately, as a trade-off, stealth feels less like a viable plan of attack than it was in the last two entries.

As a result of this heavier feeling of combat, perhaps my biggest issue is how difficult it is, even on the normal and easier difficulties. While there were issues with difficulty imbalances in the combat arenas of The New Order, here it feels like the entire game is a crapshoot of varying levels of challenge. Whether that's down to AI or encounter design is neither here nor there, but it's just more frustrating than anything else.

Regardless, I still believe The New Colossus to be a good sequel to The New Order. In terms of story, for the most part, it delivers on writing, characters, and plot very well, although its tone and choice of ending scene stop it from being out-and-out superior to the first game. Gameplay-wise, its heavier, faster combat delivers too, but at the expense of some uneven difficulty in enemy encounters.

Overall, though, it's surely enough to make me wonder where Wolfenstein III is already.


Acho extremamente satisfatório o caminho que a história vai tomando. Consegue sintetizar muito bem ideias cômicas com o tom trágico, e essa criatividade é o que me faz achar esse melhor que o primeiro, já que não há grandes mudanças na gameplay (gostei bastante no primeiro e continuo gostando bastante nesse). Mas devo admitir que o final foi meio broxante.

Many small annoying issues: identifying where you're being shot from, visually boring and non-distinct weapons, and mixed bag story. The first third is outright boring, many beats are over the top without feeling like being so adds anything to the actual narrative, just craziness for its own sake. But decent. Played on game pass, so not too upset by it being so-so.

I really wanted to like this game. I bought this the day of release, I even bought the collectors edition...and then quickly sold it after I beat the game. The New Order was a decent shot at a reboot and had some interesting story beats like with Blazkowicz coming to terms with the Nazi's winning the war and seeing the atrocities that they have inflicted upon the world. It had some dark moments that struck a little close to home coupled with some silly campy moments with fun action that somehow worked. New Colossus dials all of that up to 11. It goes from silly to absurd and obnoxious. The gunplay is okay and pretty similar to the first entry but the enemy spawns feel like they're never-ending and are also walking bullet sponges which drags things on for far too long. The map design of the levels also feels like they're too big for no particular reason that you'll find yourself getting lost in some spots. The graphics are impressive, it's a very good looking game and the sound design and voice acting is great. My main problem is the story, map design and overall gameplay just weren't fun or interesting for me which was a big let down as I enjoyed the New Order and Old Blood quite a lot.

how i wake up knowing my enemies are ontologically evil and there is no act against them which is wrong

O jogo é MUITO bom, a gameplay, os gráficos, toda gunplay é muito satisfatória e recompensadora.
Infelizmente, a história não é muito bem dirigida, as cinemáticas as vezes parecem um pouco distantes do resto do jogo.
Como um todo, é uma ótima experiência, ansioso pela sequência e definitivamente irei jogar os outros títulos da franquia.

Action shooter that is cover based. Absolutely oxymoronic. But presentation and style is pretty great. Horrible to play though.

so. mechanics and graphics were improved from the last games. shooting nazis feels even better. but that's just it. the story is a piece of shit - the writers didn't make a minimal effort to make the game remotely credible, and what they did to wyatt should be a crime. side quests are okay, but boring and the process of having to replay the areas to kill commandants and finding collectibles - that for some reason aren't trackable on the map - is VERY annoying. this game is a complete joke

Intenta doblar la apuesta de la anterior entrega y se pasa de frenada. La aventura pulp perfectamente equilibrada de The New Order pasa a ser una parodia gran parte de tiempo en su secuela y no ayuda que las mecánicas estén implementadas sin tener en cuenta como interactúan entre ellas.

Pero matar nazis siempre es divertido y nueve de cada diez veces eso te va a sostener el juego.

For me, on a par with or even better than its predecessor. Yes, the story my be a bit too over-the-top at times, but hey, it's Wolfenstein :D I actually really liked the writing for the most part. It had a certain Tarantino vibe, which I found very fitting. Playing the game was just as fun as it was in The New Order. And again, and I can't stress this enough: Killing Nazis was, is and will always be extremely fun :D

Espancar nazista é sempre bom

Achei que não ia ser superior ao anterior mas me enganei, Wolfenstein II atendeu todas as minhas expectativas, jogabilidade gostosa e perfeita que sempre funciona, só a furtividade que é meio meh

A história desse aqui achei do caralho, os personagens muito carismáticos e sempre dando um certo alivio cômico na hora certa, mas sem faltar aquela pitada de drama que mostra o lado frágil do William e de sua equipe, achei sensacional a ''desconstrução'' do personagem, sem toda aquela gama de cara badass, peço por mais protagonistas assim.

Pra mim esse aqui é nota máxima, foi diversão e emoções do início ao fim, e alias, seria pau no cu da minha parte avaliar mal um jogo que te permite estraçalhar facista e nazista. (peço por mais jogos assim também)

Vou ser sincero que não ligo pra história (tanto que não sei a história de nenhum dos dois), mas em gameplay esse jogo é uma melhora do caralho em comparação ao New Order, a única coisa que eu achei que deixou em falta foi a necessidade de constantemente combinar duas armas, eu praticamente só fiz isso de verdade uma vez, no último momento do jogo ainda por cima, e eu também gostaria que tu pudesse usar os três upgrades ao invés de só poder escolher 1 até o final do jogo, mas talvez isso fosse quebrado demais. Mas de resto é incrível, provavelmente a melhor gameplay dos FPS que vieram antes de Doom eternal (não joguei ultrakill)

Basicamente jogo perfeito pra só abrir, colocar um vídeo pra escutar e matar uns nazistas, fácil uma das experiências mais relaxantes que eu tive

From what I've seen the general consensus is that this game is inferior to The New Order and Old Blood (I haven't played Old Blood yet so my comparisons will be mostly from New Order) but I actually found myself liking this game more.

Now storywise in terms of depth and the depressing tone yeah New Order is superior but I still think the story works in this. The story is a lot lighter in tone but it still can be serious when it needs to be and kinda gives it a Tarentino movie vibe (also helping that the comedic scenes are generally pretty funny) and while I appreciated the lack of restraint in showing the horrors of the Nazis in the previous game they are both still Wolfenstein and should have some level of absurdity and I think if they showed more concentration camps or horrible experiments it would just be repeating story points unless they got really creative with it. I also like how the story has some sense of progress. In New Order, for the most part the resistance didn't really have any grand plan but made it up along the way which worked because it showed the desperation the resistance had at the time. In New Colossus now that the resistance has all its stolen Nazi tech, they form an actual plan. So almost every action in this game is united under a main goal of liberating America.

But enough about the story I'm a gameplay guy first and foremost. And this is the main reason I prefer it to New Order. Now I think that games combat was great but when the going got tough in later levels, I always found myself falling into the same strategy of hiding in a corner with a charging station and abusing the Minigun and multishot upgrade for the lasergun. Here if I tried that same strategy, I would've never completed this game. The combat is much more hectic thanks to the wider enemy variety and better weapon variety this time around (as of note the schockhammer might just be the most glorious shotgun I have ever wielded). I also love how you can sprint full speed while dual wielding. I get originally there was a trade off of increased firepower at the cost of slower speed but I almost never found myself single wielding any weapon that had a dual wield option so it could get a little tedious. The sprinting definitely gave this game a true run and gun style game. That combined with the various weapon upgrades, wide set of heavy weapons, the ability to dual wield different types of weapons at once, enemy variety, and the various perks of the contraptions created such a vast and wide array of options for approaching both combat and stealth and it had a crazy good soundtrack to back it up.

Now the main reason this has the same score as New Order despite me liking New Colossus more is primarily because of one huge flaw in my eyes. That being a lack of a new game plus. I mean come on one of the most fun parts of linear games is blitzing through earlier levels while maxed out and this game isn't open world so I don't understand how they couldn't put in an option to full on replay chapters. And it just doesn't feel the same through these level areas with the oberkommando missions as they lack the story cutscenes and some the moments are some of my favorite moments in any story driven game. But the moment to moment gameplay is still a fine as hell experience that I definitely recommend.

"Oh, William, I wish we could spend some time alone, but...

...we're so close to New Orleans"

Tecnicamente, The New Colossus é superior a The New Order. A gameplay é mais solida e mais polida, com adições que impactam positivamente tanto na ação quanto no stealth, e houve um upgrade gráfico notório, jogo é muito lindo ate hoje. Só que em questão de história e level design ele é inferior a The New Order, as fases foram simplificadas pra uma estrutura bem mais repetitiva que no primeiro, que entregava fases bem diversificados no que fazer e como avançar por eles, a fase da prisão por exemplo, onde voce vira um rato num labirinto gigante e passa por dezenas de lugares diferentes, mas não só isso, essa sequencia pisou na bola com as boss battles totalmente jogadas e os equipamentos futuristas que não foram bem inseridos e muitos deles overpower... Mas é um FPS divertido que se salvou pela gameplay, personagens que continuam cativantes, e a fase ausmerzer que é a única o nível do primeiro.

Historia Zika, e gameplay divertidissima, muita pouca coisa pra dizer sobre, o jogo me fez pensar pra caralho, o 1 e o 2.
O Dialogo com a cientista lá da nossa base e tudo, a historia da mulher preta FODA e tudo mais, inclusive a Review dos dois games é a mesma, porque os dois é mesma coisa.
O 1 sendo um pouquinho mais fraco.

To start off, I think this game was absolutely overhated. A lot of media attention from actual Nazis who can't stand the idea of being confronted by their problematic ways.
Gameplay: The guns felt even better than the first game somehow. I know that's a common complaint, but they felt so much more punchy and had more impact. Where I take issue is the map design and difficulty spiking. Large circular maps with enemies flanking constantly and no indicator for where you're being shot from leads to a VERY rough time on the highest difficulty. There were even some fights where I had to lower the difficulty because a checkpoint would load me in front of a brute enemy with 20 health and no shields. I played relatively stealthily, so sections with forced openness became pretty grating. I imagine if I played with the ramming shoulders those sections would have been more fun. Also, for a cover shooter, sometimes it was impossible to actually have good cover and the maps were a bit too open. Other than that, I had a great time turning Nazis into viscera. Levels with hallways and lots of cover felt amazing.

The writing, on the other hand, was all over the place. There were some really amazing sections, but they were followed by things that were WAY too goofy, especially in contrast to the first game. I think the humor was at least effective though. This game had me laughing a lot. A lot of people complain about a lack of interesting characters, but I thought Grace and Horton were great, and the interactions between characters in the hub areas make the game feel alive.

All in all, I had a great time playing this game.

good game. every time you think it can't get any more wild, it calls you an idiot and immediately proves you wrong. sick soundtrack.

Jogo vergonha alheia escrito por uma adolescente progressista de 15 anos.

The New Colossus holds a mythical, unkillable love at its core. Once again, it takes the masculinity of action and applies it directly to protection and advocacy and love for people that deserve to be stood up for, especially in times where natural-born privilege means that your voice is a tool to pave paths and lift up those around you who have needs that aren't being heard. B.J. is a modern golem, a point driven further with plot beats throughout this game, he is the embodiment of uncompromising love and justice and the strength that comes from that emotional unity.
This is a ridiculously strong duology, even more successful I'd say than Doom 2016 and Eternal. I don't always love Machinegames' sense of humor, harmless as it is, and Eternal is the peak of it ruining the vibe for me, but Wolfenstein never fails to hit its emotional beats when it needs to and so the balance of comedy and drama works just fine. The characters really shine here, down to NPCs you get a line or two out of in passing. The way they're handled shows a real depth of care from the developers and parallels Metro Exodus' train segments fantastically in making the hub feel like a lived in space full of real people fighting for a cause. The gunplay, again much like Metro, feels weighty in all the right ways and makes the stunts you pull off feel even more legendary before one-upping them with fantastic setpieces one after the other. The design doesn't get old, either, and I never found myself wearing down while going through the extra content. I still haven't played the SAS extras, and I don't know if I will, but everything provided through B.J.'s campaign is just about perfect to me

A sequel to make it even better but has some downsides.

While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, this game is unapologetically over-the-top and oozes with personality. The gunplay is satisfyingly chaotic, allowing you to turn your enemies into Swiss cheese with an arsenal of ridiculous weapons.

The story takes unexpected twists and turns, with wacky characters that will leave you both amused and intrigued. And let's not forget the joy of mowing down hordes of Nazi soldiers while wearing a suit of power armor.

This shit was ass lol

Unironically one of the worst stories I've ever witnessed in a video game in recent memory. It feels tonally a lot different than New Order, with this game completely relying on spectacle and shock value with no well thought out story beats to accompany it, like a bootleg Tarantino movie. So many annoying characters that really don't serve any significance to the story.

The gameplay feels really good in terms of the movement and guns but it really doesn't do anything significant to separate itself from New Order besides doing the bare minimum.

In my experience, this game was way shorter than it’s predecessor. I beat this game in 8 hours while The New Order took me about 14 hours to beat. Part of that could’ve been the fact that New Colossus felt way easier than New Order but generally there were less levels in New Colossus anyways. The levels for the length weren't anything amazing either, however the art style of some of the levels like the Manhattan level do look gorgeous.

On surface level this game seems fine but the more you even remotely think about it, the much worse this game gets.

I would give this game a much higher rating if the story wasn't so offensively bad and the game was generally longer.