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in the past

God this game is so damn boring.

Yoshi’s crafted world is a completely OK Platformer that offers much less than its predecessor “Wooly World”

The art-style is so much more boring than Wooly World’s and lacks so much identity, I mean all they did with Yoshi was cover him in peach fuzz when in the last game they made him entirely out of wool.

And the game is just a purely OK Platformer, and with so many other and better Platformers being on the market, it makes this game feel hollow in comparison.

I should say that while I don’t think it’s a bad game, I feel there’s little reason to go out and buy it.

Le jeu est sympathique, mais c'est vrai que Yoshi a du mal à avoir une licence qui rivalise avec d'autres licences Nintendo. Les jeux sont parfois trop simples, parfois ennuyeux.

Celui là l'est parfois, mais globalement il s'en sort mieux que Woolly World et surtout que New Island qui lui est vraiment le pire, je trouve... Yoshi's Crafted World a son charme, et il est bon à essayer si vous êtes curieux

My son loved playing this in coop, really fun game. It gets a bit repetitive tho.

I'm not gonna lie: this one hurts. Especially coming off the heels of how excellent Yoshi's Woolly World was. Everything feels simpler, the visuals aren't as appealing, the soundtrack got a massive downgrade & nothing feels as lovingly created as all the splendor on display in the previous game. I could only get so far in this game before the disappointment in this being Woolly World's follow-up made it difficult to continue. On its own merits, I'm sure it's a fine enough Yoshi game; it just had some big shoes to fill after Woolly World & came up very short.

I was really disappointed by this game. The awful music really doesn't help.

My son wanted a game and at the time not much has been released so here we are. The game has a cute aesthetic and jingles that put a smile on your face. I like how you can choose which colour Yoshi can go adventuring with. The game is very easy. I hardly died and that was due to experimenting instead of the challenge.
Due to ease of the game, it does make it a little boring to run through. However, the level variety and unique mechanics on some levels can redeem the some of the boredom. The main issue is the repetition of the stages.
To get all the flowers in the level you will need to get special items. Instead of giving you a list of the special items in one level in one shot, you will have to get the item, return the item and go through the stage AGAIN to get the next item. Worst part is some items are unfairly hidden and a chore to find.

Classic 2D platformer that does the basics competently but not much more.
+ cute aesthetic that stays consistent across all of the many different stage themes
+ great variety of mechanics to keep gameplay from becoming stale
+ precise controls
+ a lot of content for completionists
+ well-designed if easy bosses
- most generic story possible complete with childish dialogue
- tedious collectible gates that may require backtracking to progress

Yoshi's crafted world has a lot of charm, which paired with the well designed levels and bosses makes it a great platformer I'd highly recommend.

The environment and level design is all 'hand crafted', using random bits and pieces you would find around you house, and adding them into the background to make the world feel unique and, well, hand crafted. This incredible world design adds to yoshis crafted worlds calm atmosphere, with none of the levels, except some bosses, being stressful, instead all making you have fun over anything else. This does lead to a lack of difficulty, but that doesn't bother me at all as the target audience is little kids.

Overall, Yoshi's crafted world is super unique and charming, with a great hand crafted world design to make a calm and fun environment to experience the well designed levels and bosses.

Played during 2D Con 2022, a trip I went on with Ethan and some of his friends. Played through the first stage to see if it was as fun as Yoshi's Woolly World; it was not, so I do not intend to pick this game up any time soon.

NOTA: 7,25

Yoshi's Crafted World é um divertido e carismático plataforma 2.5D que utiliza de seus visuais em forma de papelão para construir levels, bosses e esconder seus segredos de maneira bem criativa, com aquela jogabilidade parecida com o glorioso Yoshi's Island.

A inspiração em Yoshi's Island permanece apenas nos controles e ações, pois de maneira geral, o game não apresenta aquela sensação de perigo e timing necessária não só no título que citei acima quanto na maioria dos games de plataforma, oferecendo na verdade uma experiência bem casual e light. O que acabou não me empolgando para ir atrás de todos os coletaveis.

Falando neles,o jogo faz bom uso do seu background para escondê-los, porém, a ideia de usar os mesmos levels para o resgate dos cachorros é bem massiva e desnecessaria, ja que por si só cada level já tem bastante coisa para ir atrás.

O game acerta demais em mudar constantemente a temática das fases e criar alguns eventos interessantes no meio delas, embora haja poucos e por outro lado, isso torna a seleção de mundo meio confusa e quase sem chefes em exceção dos principais que por sua vez, são meio bobinhos. Além da trilha sonora ser bem pouco criativa.

De maneira geral, Yoshi's Crafted World se mostra bem mais uma experiência para um público um pouco mais infantil tendo em vista que há até costumes que aumentam a vida do Yoshi e o coop que talvez já sugira uma experiência entre pai e filho ou algo assim. Ainda sim, o game é super divertido e tem uma vibe muito boa, recomendo!

Eh, it's alright. I expected a little more since a Yoshi game made in Unreal Engine was mindblowning to hear. The framerate was a little disappointing, Switch hardware or not. Level design is kinda boring.

EDIT: and now that I've finished...that final boss fight was great. Yeah, I'm definitely not going to 100% it, getting all the flowers and doing the Hidden Hills.

This is Nintendo comfort food for the soul. Do not expect much of a challenge or exceptional novelty, just well crafted relaxing gameplay that provides brief moments of wonder.

Charming game, cute n satisfying. Music kinda lacked but im not a yoshi's island ost enthusiast anyway. Pretty simple but its yoshi's island so. One day Ill play wooly world too.

.5 cuz i "arrg shiver me timbered" that joint so it was free

ma réaction quand le jeu pour enfant n'a que deux musiques

a cute time-waster if you're feeling low on energy and just want something simple to play. some parts got a little long and grindy.

more like yoshi's crappy world i ain't playin dis

mto fofinho mas muito desinteressante

É um joguinho bem simples e curto, mas ao mesmo tempo consegue ser até que bem divertido, e com um visual estupidamente belo.
Porém não vale os 300 reais :D

too easy (negative connotation) probably good for really young players but i am not really young players. its really neat visually but besides that i wouldnt revisit this

I had this game downloaded for years and finally gave it a try. The art is so cute and original, loved all the crafted things. The mechanics are fine, it's a fun game, but it gets repetitive. Also, the difficulty feels always the same (easy). You can complete it 100% for the extra challenge, but it's more tedious than difficult.

Really neat looking, meh gameplay

Critica Portugues / Ingles

Yoshi: DIY World

Mais uma plataforma Nintendo, mais um jogo da já classica sub-série da franquia Mario chamada Yoshi. Dessa vez saimos dos mundos de giz de cera, croche e coisas do tipo e adentramos o mundo dos papelões, origamis, reciclaveis e afins...Tudo no mundo desse jogo gira em torno de coisas comuns do dia dia como latas e tampinhas, papel origami, papelão e etc....para compor os cenarios e até alguns inimigos ou eja...praticamente um mundo DIY(Do It Yourself....faça você mesmo). È inegavel que a Nintendo é mestra em fazer jogos cheios de charme e ainda que na minha opinião esse jogo não seja tão charmoso quando o anterior(wooly world) ele com certeza ainda sim é encantador, passar por fazer feitas de papelão e materias reciclaveis é muito relaxante....e bota relaxante nisso, no geral a dificuldade do jogo não é lá muito alta, é um ótimo jogo pra quem quer só relaxar ou curtir um bom e velho classico plataformer, ainda que a dificuldade em sí não seja muito alta(ao menos não para passar das fases) ele com certeza é um jogo não sei se diria desafiador mas que requer uma certa dedicação se você quiser desbloquear o verdadeiro ultimo mundo, visto que para isso é preciso coletar as famosas flores da série que podem ser encontradas tanto escondidas pelas fases ou conseguidas juntando 20 moedas vermelhas ou terminando a fase com todos os corações do Yoshi e acredite fazer tudo isso nesse jogo dá uma certa trabalheira já que algumas moedas e flores estão muito bem escondidas enquanto em algumas(poucas)fases você vai precisar suar um pouco pra chegar ao final com todos os corações.
Outra coisa legal desse jogo de inicio parece possuir poucas fases(39 senão me engano) mas ai tem um pulo do gato, se você quiser liberar o mundo secreto/ultimo mundo é preciso juntar como disse TODAS as flores e você tem connsegue elas passando a fase DE NOVO só que dessa vez correndo contra o tempo(quanto menor o tempo, mais flores) e encontrando todos os cachorrinhos, o legal dessas fases ao contrario é que você literalmente enxerga toda a fase de um outro ponto de vista, oque deixa divertido revisita-las.
Até agora praticamente só coisa boa nesse jogo né?? Bom....infelizmente ele peca em algumas coisinhas, duas delas me chaman mais a atenção a primeira é a dificuldade que como eu disse é MUITO facil se comparado ao clássico Yoshi Island ou mesmo Wooly World a segunda é a trilha sonora, as musicas são muito hã....como posso dizer? Fracas, elas até são bonitinhas, mas tambem não são nada demais, nada de musicas marcantes que grudam na cabeça como no classico Yoshi Island. Ah e quase ia me esquecendo, outra coisa que me decepcionou são os chefões que são terriveis de faceis, sério acho que tirando o ultimo eu consegui passar de todos de primeira. ótimo jogo de plataforma, ainda que tenha suas falhas como dificuldade facil demais e trilha sonora esquecivel, mas que brilha com seus graficos encantadores e que com certeza é uma ótima pedida pra fãs de plataforma ou mesmo novatos no genero.

Yoshi: DIY World Review

Yet another addition to Nintendo's lineup, Yoshi: DIY World is a welcome installment in the classic sub-series of the Mario franchise. Departing from the familiar worlds of crayons and crochet, this game immerses players in a charming realm crafted from cardboard, origami, and recyclables. Everyday objects like cans, bottle caps, and origami paper form the backdrop, creating a delightful world of DIY (Do It Yourself) creativity.

Nintendo's expertise in crafting charming games shines through once again, although some may find this installment slightly less enchanting than its predecessor, Woolly World. However, traversing levels constructed from cardboard and recyclable materials proves to be an incredibly relaxing experience.

Overall, the game's difficulty level is moderate, making it suitable for players seeking casual enjoyment or a nostalgic trip down memory lane with a classic platformer. However, unlocking the true final world requires dedication, as it necessitates collecting the elusive series flowers hidden throughout the levels, or by completing specific tasks within them.

One intriguing aspect of Yoshi: DIY World is its seemingly modest number of levels (approximately 39), which conceals a hidden challenge. To unlock the secret final world, players must gather all the flowers by replaying levels under time pressure and locating hidden puppies. This twist adds a fresh perspective to familiar terrain, making revisiting levels an enjoyable endeavor.

While there are many positive aspects to praise in this game, it does have a few notable shortcomings. The most glaring issue is its relatively low difficulty level, especially when compared to classics like Yoshi's Island or Woolly World. Additionally, the soundtrack, while pleasant, lacks the memorable tunes that defined previous titles in the franchise. Furthermore, the bosses pose minimal challenge, with most players likely breezing through encounters on their first attempt.

In conclusion, Yoshi: DIY World is a delightful platformer with undeniable flaws. Despite its easy difficulty and forgettable soundtrack, its charming graphics and nostalgic appeal make it a worthwhile choice for fans of the genre, as well as newcomers looking for a lighthearted gaming experience.


They made this game a pain in the butt to 100%. Still looking forward to a new Yoshi game eventually though.

Sigh...I really really wish I could like this game more, yoshi is one of my favorite video game characters but..I played wooly world and that was one of my favorite games on the Wii U and I was honestly really excited for this game just is so much worse, the levels are bland, the music sucks, they took away the unique color yoshis, they made it even EASIER than other yoshi games, and the 100% completion feels awful to get because you have to go through a stage about 5-8 times just to get everything you need. It's just sad, I really dislike this game but really wish It was good/fun for me, but everything about this is like "why am I not playing yoshis island or wooly world right now"