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in the past


i'm probably never going to stop jamming to the music in this game. the other stuff is fun too

oyunda uçak olabiliyorsunuz

No me gusto la jugabilidad , lo abandone despues de 1 hora

They gotta make a new one already so I can stop replaying this

mission 20 kiss my ass

jogao brabo pilotem caças eh mto gostoso tacar missel nos outros

As a long time ace combat fan this game is a great return to form and disappointing as hell at the same time story wise. Gameplay wise it's near perfect but the story could've been so, so much more.

This would be my favourite Ace Combat game if Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere didn't go so hard. The story is ok, I like how the game looks and plays, only a couple missions are not very fun, the gameplay is the best in the series and the OST is imo on par with Ace Combat 2 even if completely different. If you didn't get emotional during the climax of mission 19 you are lying

Amazing game. This is the game that you get when you listen to the fans.

Dogfighting high as hell goes hard

This is what peak character dialogue looks like.

Ace combat is one of those rare franchises that manages to deliver good to amazing games even more than 2 decades after its beginning. Ace combat 7 is no exception. It is a flight sim that presents flight in a very unrealistic manner. You are able to do impossible stunts, carry hundreds of missiles and other physics defying stuff. If you are a diehard player of realistic flight sims like DSC then I don't recommend AC 7, but if your knowledge of fighter jets is “they are cool” then I highly recommend you give it a try.
Unlike a lot of other modern flight sims, this one has an actual story, and a fairly engaging one at that. The shortest way I can describe it is Metal Gear Solid, but worse. The storyline is set in a war between two countries in an alternate universe. It isn't your regular cookie cutter war story. By this I mean that it has some weird elements and a deeper moral message if you're willing to look for it, but it can also be very campy at times and that weirdness can go both ways. The worst part is the way they handle the characters. Some get replaced too quickly, while others seem useless.
It is an arcade flight sim, whereas I said before you can do impossible maneuvers and can carry dozens of missiles. This applies to all the planes in the game, of which there is a wide variety. They range from popular ones (F-22, F-15, SU 27) experimental (YF-23, SU 47, FB-22) to completely fictional (ADFX-01, X-02, Darkstar). You acquire them with points you earn during the missions. Grinding will be required if you want all the planes. In addition to aircraft, you can also get special weapons, like missiles with very long range, extra guns and more. Gameplay pacing is fantastic, as the mission you are playing is rarely similar to the previous. Bosses are okay, although they are rare. Returning players will notice one big addition to the mobility - PSM (post stall maneuver). They turn the previously improbable mobility to downright silly. Overall, I would describe the gameplay as fun. There is also multiplayer, but I couldn't be bothered with it.
Graphics and artstyle
Since you won't be looking at the ground at a very close range, it can get away with lower quality textures while still maintaining AAA levels of graphics. Other than that, everything else – plane models, weather, cutscenes make the game look very beautiful.
It did make me feel like an unstoppable ace pilot at times.
Probably the best in the franchise thus far. The Latin adds a level of mysticism that is just right for AC 7. Favorite part is “Archange”.
Final Thoughts

The king has returned! It's great to see one of my favourite franchises come back in such triumphant fashion, with a mainline entry that finally seems to have hit some mainstream appeal. This game feels like everything a modern Ace Combat game should be. The improved visuals and weather effects are a very welcome addition, making a game that takes place entirely in the skies finally achieve a dynamic environment that isn't just a blank space. The clouds providing temporary cover, lightning knocking you off course, wind pushing against your plane, it's a great addition to the formula.

As a longtime fan of the series, the main draw in AC games for me is the narrative, because the series always wears its themes on its sleeves, and the overly dramatic and grandiose plotlines it comes up with are so enjoyable. In this case, Ace Combat sticks to what works, with a story that delivers on what the series is best at, though it does fall into the trap of relying a bit too heavily on nostalgia with certain key moments and threads. It's an overall fun story, but some lacking characters and a few too many ideas that don't quite mesh together, keep it from the heights of the past.

On the gameplay front, this is, to me, the best in the series. The plane handling is as top notch as ever, with additions like the Post Stall Maneuver offering some fun ways to pull off some truly insane stunts for those willing to dive deeper into the physics. The real highlight though is the mission variety, with almost every mission having some uniquely designed objective and play space that make the levels stand out more than any other game beforehand. The plane variety is a bit lacking compared to older entries, and the parts system doesn't really add much of anything meaningful to customize the gameplay, resulting in a bit of a tedious unlock progression system that is more of a distraction that a fun system to engage with.

Special mention to the excellent 3 DLC missions sold separately for this game, offering 3 of the absolute best missions in the game. While it is unfortunate that these are sold separately and not included in the game, their quality is at least worth the asking price.

Overall, it is a triumphant return for this classic franchise. While the structure and narrative of the campaign are a bit messy, a result of what was supposedly a tumultuous production, it still sticks the landing, and with the improvements made to gameplay, coupled with some truly excellent mission design, AC7 takes its place with the best in the series. I really hope this leads to the franchise getting more entries, because it shows that the formula that works best for Ace Combat is the formula that always did work, and after some rough years of experimentation after the PS2 era, I'm glad to see that the game has retained the identity that made me fall in love with the series in the first place.

Wonderful jets game, amazing soundtrack and a well voice acted story overlaying engaging dogfights.

Ace Combat sparked a whole new hyperfixation for me, but even besides that this game is just good all around. Very responsive and satisfying arcade gameplay, likeable characters, interesting story and absolutely masterful soundtrack.

the soundtrack really really pulls you into the game, the story may not be the best but the presentation immerses you so well you really feel like you are participating in a war


What a game! Wish it was even more anime and over the top!

First time you dodge a missile felt like magic

Great game but FUCK Tyler Island

It'd be easy to dock points for the admittedly half-baked and at times shaky writing, but the fact that it manages to still hit when it wants to hit, and the DLC missions managing to deliver a spectacle all in of itself, gives it some leeway. Also Daredevil makes this at least 4 stars automatically.

I thought this series would be an excuse to destroy some planes while barely having a story, but it's much more than that. Even in a game where you just shoot air or ground targets with your plane, it keeps coming up with new ways to make it interesting, while also making full use of the setpieces that the story presents. There's a lot of emphasis in the story and a lot of work in the way it's presented, and while it kind of falls flat at some points, overall there's more positives than negatives to it.
Really surprised how enjoyable this was.

It's a new Ace Combat game that went through hellish development. The DLC is way better to compensate and the controls are the best in the franchise.

AC7 is one smooth mother of an arcade-style plane game. There are some rough edges, particularly in the occasionally-last-gen graphics and questionable story execution (that I'd probably chalk up more to iffy localization than anything) but overall the missions just flew by with this game.

Arcade shooter with real world planes and Belkan warcrimes that aren't, all set to the awesome music of progress.

Excelente como todos os outros. O gameplay é excelente com várias armas criativas e balanceadas. A história é muito boa, com missões com o esquadrão da prisão, que muda completamente a dinâmica, até missão de stealth, porém, não tem missões tão malucas quanto algumas do Ace Combat 3, na qual vc lutava na estratosfera e também numa cidade subterrânea.

Algo que pode ser chato na campanha é o excesso de elogios para o jogador, mas até isso tem um motivo nas ultimas missões que faz valer a pena.

Joguei até as missões extras (que seriam DLC), e ainda tem opção de jogar online, mas não cheguei a testar. Acredito ser o melhor jogo do gênero.

This review contains spoilers

Ace combat was recommended to me from a mutal friend who was showing me flight games on his stream, I liked the gameplay of it and bought it when it went on sale, I had a idea what kind of game it was from the stream and also I finished Project Wingman before it. When I loaded into the game and went into the 1st mission I had a hard time but got used to it very fast, The music captured my interest and I wanted to hear more mission themes, the story with Trigger going through different squads and being blamed for the ex president's death had me like what the fuck kind of twist just happened?, I enjoyed the layouts of the missions BESIDES defending mckinsey I HATED him, The selections of planes always had me thinking which one I should use and tried using most of them and get a feel for them with different SP weapons and parts, I eventually got the F22 Raptor and it was wraps for the rest of the game and replaying the game but the best part was doing the different maneuvers such as cobra maneuver and kulbit maneuver. Fav mission was between Lighthouse or Last Hope they gave me CHILLS and always love going back and playing them again and again, Mr X was very fun to go against every time trying to be on his tail while he does crazy moves dodging my missiles and machine gun, The fight when he's in the X02 gave me chills and I had a bit of trouble but cooked him anyways, I think it was a fitting end for him and felt bad for him in the end since the skies were all he wanted to be at. The final mission had me fucked up trying to catch them annoying ass drones and the twist with them able to "shred their wings" and have a smaller drone try to upload my data to the rest of the drones was crazy and going into the tunnel and out the space elevator was something I never seen in a game before and solidified the rating for me. If you read this then please play this game and before I end this entry, I love Count's character he's my GOAT.

Love these games, it's exactly. What you would think. Sadly only complaint is not as many planes as in other games, and a bigger focus on air to ground targets. But overall great game.

theres no way he can shoot down all those guys