Reviews from

in the past

First ace combat game I’ve played. Really great plane game!

Play if you havent, trigger goated

the game is very cool, with good graphics and gameplay, interesting story, sadly the multiplayer is dead...

my first ac game but it was pretty fun

Um jogo otimo, pode ser realista caso queira
a lore é bem interessante e atual e mostra uma possibilidade real do que pode acontecer caso tenhamos uma guerra em grande escala atualmente o que inclusive da até um certo medo

the game kinda drops the realistic tone at the end but its still very good, they should have focused more on the war instead of the "AI Planes" stuff.

Brought me back to the days when I first played Ace Combat 5 as a kid in high school. Such a fun experience, game certainly leans more into the arcade style of flying, but that's what makes it fun. Dog fights, stealth missions, air to ground combat, are all fantastic in this, I only wish I was better at it.

Nothing like skimming along the water in your fighter jet before going into a controlled stall and shooting up at some joker you're about to kill. I know the game is made for controllers, but using a flight stick felt great, and once I got the hang of the movement/high-G maneuvers it really felt like there wasn't anything I couldn't pull off with the right plane. The story and dialogue and cutscene animations can be a bit silly, but who cares, that's part of the fun. My main gripes are that, for a game where 90% of the fun is coming up with and executing wild flight tricks and dogfight scenarios, the free-flight/custom-encounter system is extremely rudimentary (how hard would it be to tell the game to spawn X enemies in Y map and let me just jump in?) and the replay/recording system is nowhere near adequate to capture all the cool stuff you do (there are some mods you can use to get around this, but so far it's been a pain in the ass). Haven't tried the multiplayer, I'm guessing at this point I'd just get creamed by people who have been playing for years.

الجنس ٢

(مالعبت الجنس ١)

Great Game, Best game in this genre. But it has a big issue with cpu usage on pc, even when you standing still in menu. If it hadn't this issue it was a 5 star game for me.

Planes go zoooooooooom, music go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

This is obviously not on the level of earlier titles in the series (coming from someone who has only played Electrosphere and 4), but it accomplishes too much on an aesthetic and gameplay level for me to truly dislike it. They don't make AAA games like this anymore! We have to savour the few we get! Ace Combat 7 has compelling arcade gameplay that never falls into repetition through a huge variety of mission objectives, an incredible soundtrack that, while weaker than the rest of the series, hasn't declined to nearly the drastic degree of something like modern Fromsoft scores, and it's all tied together with great visuals and real use of colour that goes far beyond the muddy grey palettes of most modern AAA slop. I'm about to go on a bit of a tangent here, so bear in mind I do really enjoy this game. I think it's great, and absolutely worth playing. But still...

You'll notice I didn't mention the story. That's the major aspect that pushes me to reconsider giving this four stars. Again, I think it more than makes up for the messy narrative with all the other aspects (which are, of course, far more important to a videogame), but it's worth mentioning just how confused this game's story is. It almost feels unfair to criticize because it's clearly not all there, and what is feels tied together from multiple unfinished drafts. There are at least three stories here that alone could and probably should carry their own games. If you ask me, the penal unit should have been the entire game. In the final game it only lasts like five missions, but it's the most fun and fleshed out section and the side characters you fly with there are more interesting than any of their later replacements. You could argue about how "realistic" it is, but that would be silly both within the context of the game and frankly art in general. Who cares, The Dirty Dozen with planes is a fun idea. There's so much potential to take that idea further that it kind of astounds me how quick the game drops it. Have Spare Squadron defect to the Eruseans, or have them go rogue coinciding with the satellite stuff (I guess this kind of happens but Trigger should still be with them). Hell, expand Shilage Castle into a full final mission to get that real war adventure movie vibe.

As is, everything past the halfway point is a complete mess. Wiseman is like the only likeable character in the new squadron you join and he goes out way to early for the player to ever get invested in the rest of the new side characters. The IFF failures should have led to more serious examination of the political landscape of the war but the game mostly just tries to distract you from the fact that it really doesn't care to take an even remotely nuanced approach to the war. It's hard to tell where the story went wrong, or even which of the numerous ideas here was the original concept for the game, but the biggest letdown for me is the role of the space elevator. The ending of the game positions it as a sort of ultimate representation of humanity that rises above the ultimately purposeless war (see the Yggdrasil connection with the names of the two final bosses), which is a cool, if melodramatic idea. It even fits with the whole drone thing, which also seems to boil down to "Humans are cool so they should pilot planes instead of AI" ( I don't think the game should be pro-drone or anything, it's just weird that the main theme of the game is barely fleshed out at all. Besides, Top Gun Maverick executes this exact same idea way better lol). But none of that works when the game also implies that the war was intentional and directly instigated by the evil Belkans who I guess are just conspiratorial sleeper agents waiting to start wars across the globe in the name of revenge now? It's such an awful moment made more annoying by the fact that you could fix it so easily, just make it so Schroeder was acting alone, and his drone project combined with existing tensions between Osea and Urusea led to the war. It wouldn't magically fix the game, but it fits with the otherwise entirely pro-humanity ending a lot better than randomly implying that all Belkans are actually evil villains.

Ultimately it feels like the game is constantly in conflict between wanting to do the everyone gets along happy ending and this awful political intrigue Belkan conspiracy angle. There are so many loose ends and unfinished storylines that feel out of place, a moment that comes to mind is when Osean fighters fire on the Space Elevator early on and everyone briefly reacts to how weird it was before never mentioning it again. They mention "Babel", in fact the mission is called Babel, which is like the exact polar opposite of the later comparison between the Elevator and Yggdrasil. Weirder still, the later satellite destruction actually IS a tower of babel moment, and no one comments on it! Was the communications breakdown initially going to be caused by the destruction of the Space Elevator before that plot point was changed? Did the Belkan conspiracy initially expand to include rogue Oseans as well? There are, as far as I can tell, no answers.

I'm not invested enough to do real research on this, but maybe someone smarter than me knows what went wrong with this games story. All the ideas are there, too many ideas, to be honest, and the presentation is really stellar. The cutscenes are effective enough on an audio-visual level that you can almost ignore the fact that they have nothing to do with the player character. I'd even say the story has enough thrilling moments and interesting ideas that it managed to be completely palatable, even pretty compelling at it's best. Mihaly is a great rival character, the first dogfight with him in the valleys with lighting flying around you like something out of a Wuxia film is one of those great gaming moments that's stuck with me since the first time I played it. The radio chatter is always fun, in fact all the character interactions are fun, and there's no shortage of memorable lines. All the big moments they put into the missions like Spare Squadron forming up around you in 9 or taking down the Arsenal Bird in 19 are great. And again, the gameplay is really incredible. It's nothing new, but having Ace Combat with this level of polish and variety in the mission design finally available on PC has got to be worth something. I went through the DLC missions for the first time as well and they're some of the best the game has to offer. Torres is a great villain and maybe one of my favourite characters in the game. (don't like the implication that the two secondary villains in the DLC are working for General Resource from AC3 though... maybe that's a topic for a different review). I'm not sure if it's worth the full 33$ for the season pass, but still.

The story is never great, and maybe I was just more lenient with it this time coming from the abysmal Project Wingman, but that absolutely shouldn't distract you from how fun this game is.

A quantidade de paixão que esse jogo teve na sua criação é uma das maiores que eu ja vi, Ace Combat era quase uma franquia morta durante o desenvolvimento desse jogo, a Project Aces sabia de que essa seria a última chance de poder salva-la depois dos fracassos do Assault Horizon e do Infinity, mesmo assim eles triunfaram e todo esse triunfo é visto na missão 19 do jogo quando a música Daredevil toca,
Ace Combat 7 foi adiado somente para a criação dessa música, porque o diretor Kazutoki Kono sabia de que como esse jogo iria precisar de um momento explosivo de emoção capaz de fazer o jogador se arrepiar ou até mesmo chorar, tudo isso para garantir o futuro dessa franquia.

Stick with Trigger and you'll make it.

Como fã de longa data da franquia digo que é um bom jogo, tanto para fãs quanto para jogadores novos, ainda mais depois de 12 longos anos sem um jogo da série principal.

O plot não é original, basicamente é uma guerra a ser vencida e você é o Rambo dos céus, boa parte dos personagens são bons e memoráveis, o que mais me incomoda é o protagonista ser mudo, acaba tirando a emoção de algumas cenas, nos antigos era aceitável por que poderia ser uma limitação de hardware, mas um jogo da metade da geração PS4/One ter isso parece preguiça. Porém a história aborda e trabalha temas bacanas como política e substituição dos humanos por I.A, então tem seus pontos altos. O fator replay também é muito forte, o jogo é extremamente divertido e gostoso de jogar.
A trilha sonora é sem palavras, Keiki Kobayashi fez outro trabalho absurdo como de costume, algumas OSTs são obras de arte.

Em questão de gráficos o jogo é bonito em algumas coisas e limitado em outras, na parte de detalhamento das aeronaves a maioria é muito bem feita e fiel as da vida real, os cenários são sim bonitos, mas tem partes que parecem mal acabadas, principalmente quando se chega mais perto do chão, coisa que provavelmente se deve aos atrasos que o jogo sofreu, pelo menos uns 2 anos, então em 2019 esses gráficos eram bonitos, mas já estavam atrás da maioria dos jogos lançados na mesma época.
Mecânicas novas foram adicionadas, a melhor foi a do clima, que afeta o avião com tempestades de areia, raios, gelo e ventos fortes, bem caprichado e adiciona mais dificuldade, porém tem coisa que tinha nos jogos do PS2 e não tem nesse(Tipo dar comandos pro esquadrão, já que você é o líder não ter isso não faz nenhum sentido), então vacilaram bastante nisso.

Na minha opinião os 12 anos de espera valeram a pena, entregaram um bom jogo pra série, só não aproveitaram todo potencial que o jogo tinha. Mas ainda vejo muito mais pontos positivos do que negativos.

This game convinced me to join the Airforce

all I did was count screws


This review contains spoilers

that one part of daredevil
you know the one.

A great game that’s unfortunately held back by a lacking story and some steps back in mechanics.

By main issues can be summed up with the story having a pretty bad narrator, the narrative itself relying too much on callbacks, and it just not having the depth and weight that all the PS2 games had. The presentation of it is good, but that’s the most I can give it.

The characters are very hit or miss. Some were fun (especially AWACS Long Caster my beloved) but others were pretty uninteresting. It’s not quite as bad as what 6 was, and even Assault Horizon, but it’s still a ways from the peak of the series.

But, other than that, the gameplay stands out as some of the best in the series! It’s super smooth and true to the best of the series, having all the mechanics you expect, but with the addition of the Aircraft Tree as a shop replacement. It’s hard to say if I prefer it, but it works well enough and I got a pretty great plane by the end of my first playthrough.

Other than that, the visuals are breathtaking and are obviously the one biggest focus which I do think paid off. It looks amazing, and made flying around feel even cooler at many points!

Overall, it’s still a great game, but not at the point of the classics in terms of its quality.

…but given how much the DLC missions improved on everything, story, characters, writing, pacing, and even gameplay…I feel confident we’ll be getting something stellar in the near future.

too bad it didn't really felt like it tried anything new at least until the dlc missions

I think I will be replaying this game until I die

It's just such a perfect game to replay. It's not long, it's very high on Adeline, its mission structured and it's about jetssss.

When I have 20 mins to spare Ik what I can play and enjoy

I just sucked at this game and I didn't wanna admit it.

This review contains spoilers

Probably the worst final level in the history of video games, who tf thought of the Space Elevator section? FESS UP

Overall, this was super fun. Even if it's completely unrealistic to what actually air-air combat is actually like (no, an F-16 doesn't have 100 sidewinders, they'll usually have 2)

Graphically I think this game looks really bad considering it's not that old at all. The gameplay is a bit rough, and the tutorial didn't even tell me you press a for the gun (that may be on me)

Story is not interesting. I just wanted to fly around in a Eurofighter Typhoon or F-14 and shoot stuff

Its VR missions are a revelation. I was grinning ear to ear after the first takeoff. It’s truly transportive. Having the ability to turn your head during exhilarating dogfights completely changes how you play the game compared to its non-VR campaign. You can see the enemy fighters coming for you and evade them.

It’s a shame the whole game wasn’t VR capable. I hope they go that route for their next game’s campaign and multiplayer as well because it’s a game changer. Playing the campaign after VR felt like a lesser version. It’s too good not to be capitalized on. I think its the shake up this series needs to stay relevant and interesting.

Also the campaign mode wasn’t balanced very well. I played on normal difficulty and they had these difficulty bottlenecks on some missions. I tried for nearly two hours to beat mission 6 before I gave up. You also can’t change the difficulty to get past tough moments, which is asinine.

One of the few reviews (maybe the only one) that I'm writing while still going through the game. I'll start with saying that I am really enjoying the game but not sure if the genre is for me. I remember playing Air Combat back on the PS1 and the games have come a long way since then.

There's plenty of aircraft to choose from and unlock with plenty of small upgrades too. The gameplay itself though I can find a bit tiresome on some missions, especially when you have to dogfight with a named antagonist. Sometimes the objectives aren't always clear either but a point in the game's favour is that the missions don't feel repetitive and between the odd mission here and there where you need to hit a certain score there are some memorable ones. Like the one where you need to get through a canyon avoiding searchlights so you can surprise attack an air base on the other side.

I can't quite comment how this compares to games between AC1&2 and this - since I haven't played them yet. But one thing I can say is that the game is little bad at communicating what it wants to the player to do. The part I probably got stuck the longest was when (SPOILERS)the game wants you to shoot at the direction of Harling(/SPOILER).

I'd say the middle of the game is easier than the beggining and then it starts to ramp up near the end.

Also, if you have a bad monitor, atleast on PS4 version, some of the graphics can get awfully bright. I pretty much had to do Mission 13 (Bunker Buster) half-blind. I had to fiddle with TV settings (which work fine for other PS4 games) almost like every second mission to diminish the most distracting visual elements.

Having played AC1&2 - and I know this is many people's first - I have feel like this game is not the best choice for beginner's first Ace Combat. Otherwise its decent enough flier.

When their country needed a hero, they asked a demon to fly.

Ace Combat 7 is the first game in the series that I have played, and was one of the strongest introductions to a franchise that I've experienced. The entirety of the game is an adrenaline fueled rush that had me on edge the full duration of my playtime, and the coupling of excellent controls and exciting campaign missions brought this full circle to be a near perfect experience to me. I will mention since I barely ever play games online U have only done the campaign mode so my rating does not reflect what the multiplayer experience may be like.

The campaign is genuinely one of the best story modes I've played in a while. I found the narrative to actually be pretty compelling, and also very sensical as compared to a lot of military plots. It does an excellent job of explaining prior world history so you can easily pick it up as your first game and not be confused by the story. I have to commend the hard work put into the various cutscenes of this mode, it really felt like a cinematic experience at times that also ties in extremely well to the actual gameplay. Another highlight of the campaign is the various radio talk that occurs in missions, I really enjoyed listening to the occasional banter that Trigger's fellow pilots would give, while of course gunning down legions at the same time.

The campaign offers some extremely strong moments in its highest points, such as incredible battles accompanied by some of the greatest songs ever composed. I can firmly say that Daredevil will never be leaving my playlist any time soon, it was actually the reason I wanted to play this in the first place. Probably the only thing I didn't like about the campaign is ironically where the game gets its "Unknown Skies" title, the gimmick slowed the gameplay down quite a lot so it was definitely the weakest point of the mode. Luckily that segment is over pretty quickly and the game returns to all guns blazing every which way until the credits roll.

With such an amazing game in existence, I think it is worth giving a shot atleast once even if you don't believe it will interest you. I have never really cared for military-style games but this easily puts them to shame and won me over. Looking forward to trying the rest of the series!

one of the better drakengard clones, but not quite as good as Snoopy Flying Ace for the Xbox 360