Reviews from

in the past

The Arsenal Bird fight is one of the best moments in any game ever. Also goddamn the music in this one kicks ass.

it's good! it doesn't quite reach the heights of the golden era of 4 5 and zero but it comes very close. daredevil is one of the greatest musical arrangements in video game history

Entertaining arcade game with a healthy dose of Japanese drama and twists. Overall, I enjoyed it but probably won't play the campaign again in a hurry.

Not only is this one of the best games in the series but also one of the best games in the entire eighth gen.

Would be a 3-and-a-half if it wasn't for the DLC missions.

Metal Gear wishes it could be as cool as the alicorn or the arsenal bird

I liked this game despite its efforts to get me not to like it...

My thoughts are mixed. It has what has to be one of the worst stories I have ever seen in a video game. It's poorly written from a macro and micro level. The characters are all stupid and unlikeable and say stupid things, stupidly. The cutscenes are largely dreck.

What I really wanted from this game was a newer, prettier Ace Combat 6. I would not have minded if they had tried to amp it up, juice it up a little in keeping with the Assault Horizon approach to the game. As far as arcadey, non-sim flight combat games go, AC6 is relatively tame. Assault Horizon is completely bug nuts. I was hoping 7 might kind of split the difference, but it doesn't, really. Which is okay I guess.

It's definitely gorgeous to look at, but what's crazy is that its core components do not look demonstrably better than AC6 looks, which again is like 13 years older. That's less an indictment of AC7 looking bad and more a compliment for how remarkable AC6 looked back then.

The environments here are better and the weather is impressive, namely the clouds and lighting. The surface textures look better too, although honestly, not by a lot. The bottom line is, the things you'll spend most of your time looking at are the planes, and they pretty much look as good as they ever have...oh and explosions. The explosions look stupendous here.

The gameplay is mostly familiar territory. I found the fighter movement a little disorienting here, but now I forget why. Something about the way the camera either does or doesn't roll in sync with your aircraft. I don't remember exactly, but it was counter to what I'm used to and it felt weird as a result.

One other thing they introduce to spice things up and keep them interesting is a couple sections where you encounter thunderstorms and it screws with your controls and flight path. I thought this was......fine. It was fine. Whatever. I'm glad they're trying to keep innovating, but I wasn't sure what to think of those sections. They're kind of annoying more than anything else.

Once I beat the game, I put it away promptly. It was oddly long and oddly not-endearing. It's hard to mess up an Ace Combat game when the core gameplay and graphics are so good, and I guess they didn't really do anything to ruin it. If I replayed it without the story and more casually, I might come away with higher regard for it.

Oh, parting note: the upgrade tree kind of sucks. I get it, but it kind of sucks. And it's not presented very well. Could seriously benefit from some visual streamlining.

The story is very difficult to get attached to, but the polished and continuously enjoyable combat in a wide variety of selectable jets is plenty motivational to keep you playing until the end

A wonderful comeback for the Ace Combat series that brings back everything fans love and pays tribute to the series' history and themes as one last hurrah. The game is so earnest and fun that it almost makes me want to forgive its messy plotting, minor gameplay downgrades and missing features.

Für einen Stream mal wieder von Anfang bis Ende gespielt und nach Jahren sogar mal wieder auf die Story geachtet.
Immer noch ein sehr spaßiges, sehr engaging Spiel mit vielen guten Missionen und Momenten. Von den Missionen und der eigentlichen Steuerung das tatsächlich beste Ace Combat, was das grundsätzliche Gameplay angeht allerdings... jaaaa, da gibt es einige lose Enden und dumme Problemchen die sich über die Jahre entwickelten.

Die Story ist relativ schlecht mit viel Kram der lang gesagt, aber nur wenig was wirklich erzählt wird. Zu viel passiert, zu viele Leute reden zu viel, zu viel wird nicht erklärt, während das um was es eigentlich geht so halb untergeht.
Dafür ist der Verlauf des eigentlichen Krieges ganz gut und besonders der Werdegang des Protagonisten wird, auch ohne die Cutscenes zu gucken, extrem überzeugend umgesetzt mit so manch Gänsehautmoment während der Missionen.

Insgesamt mein zweit-liebstes Ace Combat von dem ich mir aber einen Nachfolger wünsche der entweder wieder einen Schritt zurück geht, oder drei Schritte weiter.

voar é legal mas foda-se esse sistema de checkpoints lmao

As a huge fan of Ace Combat and flight combat games in general, I was extremely excited to try this game. However, I was quickly disappointed. One of the major draws for me is the quasi-near future setting mixed with outlandish technology. The missions of Ace Combat are generally over the top with massive floating jet airships and unrealistic combat scenarios. Ace Combat 7 appears to do away with that and focuses on relatively realistic combat scenarios that are boring and slogs to get through. In addition, the checkpoint and mission failure systems are incredibly punishing, often resulting in losing a significant amount of progress.

Beautiful graphics, rock solid performance, and top notch production values are not enough to save this game for me and while I might pick it up again, I can't see myself slogging through the mud to get to the end of the story.

I had fun with it but it just couldn't motivate me to keep playing.

Maybe in the future

I like the plane, it go fast.

Just a good arcade jet combat sim. Forgiving enough to be fun, yet challenging enough to be interesting.
Just wish the multiplayer wasn't so terrible.

2° Ace Combat que eu jogo (primeiro foi no PS2)
É um bom jogo, a gameplay é bem feita, tem gráficos bonitos e a trilha sonora é sensacional. A história é ok.
Algumas partes são frustrantes de maneira ruim, e as melhores missões do jogo tão nas 3 DLCs.

I'm extremely upset that I had nobody in my life to pull me aside and tell me that this series is actually an anime as hell Metal Gear-esque pulpy war melodrama with super rewarding arcade gameplay rather than the dull military flight sim I expected it to be. This ended up being one of the most invigorating and intense gaming experiences I've ever had and NO ONE is more surprised than me! Every level has a unique and interesting mechanic that challenges and totally reinvents your concept of how to play, all alongside one of the most rousing soundtracks in modern gaming that's effectively used to create some real and memorable m o m e n t s. When the weather effects fog your windshield as lightning rages while dogfighting in a desolate canyon, all while the immense ost blasts... it's so fucking good. The story is INSANE anime gibberish told via these outrageous hyperstylized cutscenes and i wouldnt have it any other way. Can't wait to explore the rest of this series and see what I've missed.

Fantastic missions, an amazing soundtrack, beautiful graphics, incredibly fun new mechanics and references that are sure to make any fan of the series smile, however, it isn't without its flaws, the story is nowhere near as good as 5 or Zero's (although still quite fun on its own) and it's difficulty is rather underwhelming, make sure to play on hard at first and give it a replay on ace.

ahora jugar esta mas guapo pero las misiones no estan tan guapas y abusa un poco de poder poner un millon de enemigos

My first foray into the series and its still going for a reason. Once you get used to the controls it is a blast. Some missions can be annoying. The DLC campaign is better than the whole game.

O jogo é bonito, muitas naves e algumas personalizações. Me lembra da época em que eu jogava no PS2, joguei somente por isso. Abandonei na última missão do jogo.

Another great entry to the franchise after about a decade of hiatus. Can't wait for more.

I enjoy this game a lot I know story is somewhat lacking compared to previous titles like Ace Combat Zero and AC5 which were amazing stories. I mainly play this game for its music since that is one or the main things this game is known for.

"Então eu finalmente soube... Eu entendi o motivo pelo qual ele não tinha interesse em retornar a glória do seu antigo país, e pelo qual ele não se interessava por nada que acontecia no chão. É claro... O reino de Mihaly era o céu."

Ace Combat 7 é simplesmente o melhor jogo de avião que eu já joguei em toda a minha vida.


Curti bastante mas n estava no clima pra jogar na época, e n pretendo voltar pra ele, ótimo jogo.

The story is funny but it's not really my type of game. Worth the £6 on sale I spent on it though.

i never even really liked star fox anyways

Story told by cutscenes is the melodramatic ridiculousness that I remember from six with the more interesting moments both character wise and thematic coming from the in mission dialogue. Story about how war is bad and there are drones but drones are bad so human pilots should be fighting in the wars instead of drones, and going to space, and drone country took over a lot of other countries taking the culture and language of those countries away from the natives which is bad but they should also just move on so everyone can come together to watch the only not useless pilot (MC) shoot down the super drones. Some story moments and characters do seem to tie into Ace Combat 0 and 5, which I have not played.

As far as I remember this plays like the Ace Combat 6 with no real improvements other than having missions that tend to change things up more with the environment or how you go about destroying targets, which can lead to some nice sights but more often than not the missions changing things up are easy, shorter, and lack the more intense fights of larger air battles or the more story heavy or fun moments of flying around the battlefield supporting your allies in larger fights. I think that's the thing I miss most from my memory of six, a lot of that game was fighting with the same groups of air, vehicle, infantry, and support crafts and you choosing who to help or helping everyone in time could change dialogue, mission medals and who survives, having more larger battles and allied communication is something I'd take over flying through a sandstorm to locate enemy vehicles with noting really posing a threat to your plane or your allies. Having so many allied groups over and over again gave you more of a connection with them unlike here where your support is frequently changing. Having less story significant enemy aces appear in most missions of some of the previous games that you may or may not shoot down also felt better than the one story guy appearing every now and then to do impossible maneuvers until you hit him with 8 missiles to get him to leave.

The game is a lot of fun though, even more so in larger battles, so it's just a shame so much time is spent with what are basically tutorial missions or doing really simple things like guiding bombs or flying in low viability areas against a couple normal targets. Really could have used more larger and more challenging battles.

Solid game - Good story and S tier music.
I was very close to abandoning the game twice because it's hard to get a grip of the controls at first - But once you do, you're in for a great time. The game also gets much more fun and easier to control when you get better planes, so stick with it

Story is good but confusing, especially if you're a first time AC player. Still makes enough sense to know what you're doing. I love the dialogue and banter between pilots