Reviews from

in the past

Arthurian Legends is a cool uh, boomer slasher I guess (sorry for my lack of knowledge). It feels really good and the levels are intricately designed. The weapon/tool diversity is really good too.

There are 9 main weapon slots, but there are multiple tools per slot sometimes. You also get 3 off hand slots that are separate things (excluding bare handed fist). There are ALSO multiple potions to drink for buffs, bear traps/caltrops to drop, and probably like 7ish spells that are considered consumables to use. There is almost an overbearing amount of things to use, and I felt like I barely used a lot of the consumeable stuff, but every thing is has its place. That's what makes a good Boomer whatever, every tool/weapon having a purpose and being good in the situations you need them. The spike club stuns enemies after you hit them if you need to stun lock particular enemies, the bastard sword has long reach and can hit multiple times per swing, but its two handed, grenades for immediate AOE, flame grenades for AOE and DOT, holy hand grenades for Fuck You moments, among some other stuff. Off hand stuff includes a shield for blocking, bare fist for 1 + 2 combos to get more damage in (feels very satisfying once you get that rhythym), a dagger for higher 1 + 2 damage, and a mini crossbow if you dont want to take out your 2 handed crossbow. Also, everything but fists/axe (base weapon) has durability or ammo. Your shield or bastard sword will deteriorate eventually, but you can just make up more to refill that. There are different tiers of shields and armour too. The spells are the big Fuck You shit that feel good and are each pretty different enough to judge what you want to use.

The levels are fills with secrets and are fun to explore. Some of the levels have real bad framerate dips though, but only a couple (to me anyways). There are 8 relics to find across the 3 chapter campaign, and they are all permanent upgrades, and I find that pretty cool. Stuff like hold more ammo, hold more tools, better armor rating, +2 to all melee damage, 50% less elemental damage.

There are also a couple of bonus modes. Arena mode has 4 different arenas you can fight through and you get a preset loadout before hand and have to fight a pre-set order of enemies. Horde mode has 2 maps (I didnt get to the second one) where you progressively unlock more load out the higher kill score you get. The enemies are randomly generate sets of 3 though. The last mode is 3 challenges you can play. The first one is a Axe and a Shield 1v1 vs every enemy in the game endurance, the second is you berserk mode fist punching like 20 enemies at once, and I didnt unlock the third.

Overall I think this is just a good Boomer whatever. Combat feels thrilling, levels are dope, and every tool/weapon fucks.

Was having a pretty good time in Chapters 1 and 2, and then it started to overstay its welcome in Chapter 3, until it decided to mess up my save. I eventually finished it with cheats. Poor performance and framerate really hurt this one too.

It's initially fun, but once the novelty wears off, the gameplay doesn't have enough going on for any staying power (enemy variety devolves into colored variants than anything new by Chapter 2, the melee is super basic, level design is whatever with very samey looking environments). The levels in the third chapter in particular decide to increase the enemy count and drag out the levels long enough that I just wanted it to be over sooner than later for how mundane it got.

Also I have no clue what the "001 Engine" is, but I hope to never have the displeasure of playing a game with it again. This is probably worse than any low effort "le boomer shooter" game on Unity when it comes to poor performance and taking 15+ seconds for something as basic as a "quicksave" on a M.2 SSD.