Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo bem tranquilo e afável, a história pode ser bem fraca e fiquei bem decepcionado com o vilão, que fica 500 anos planejando uma vingança pra no final ser convencido por um discurso do Jutsu... Mas fora isso a história, apesar de não ser nada demais é legal de acompanhar, os personagens são ok também.

Como o foco principal é crafting de alquimia, o jogo parece mais um anime slice of life, fazendo dele um bom passa tempo.

Apesar de não ser nada demais e faltar as belas coxas que tem na série principal foi um jogo legal pra passar o tempo e conhecer a franquia.

I really like this style of Atelier! The most distinct feature from the games I've played in this series before, the tetris-like alchemy is more fun than I thought it'd be! I thought I'd grow tired of making every single thing individually, having to do the puzzle each time, but I honestly didn't, except for maybe once or twice near the end.

The characters are pretty good too, above average for Atelier. The art was great, and the combat was a good mix of everything I've played up until this point, more or less. The only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the story. I did like its initial loose direction, but the added final conflict felt generic and uninspired. Not to mention, the difficulty spike that exists during this bit was immense.

Other than that though, probably one of my favorite Atelier games I've played up to this point! It was a lot of fun, and definitely a good starting point to the series if you don't want to try Ryza first.

I played about a dozen hours of the original, shelved it, came back for the DX version, and it was like seeing an old friend. This time I managed to complete it.

Main gripes: No time limit is nice for people (like me) that would normally be scared of it, but with it comes never knowing where I'm supposed to be "at" level or alchemy wise. Lots of areas are unlocked long before you can visit them all and so you can be vastly over or underleveled without realizing (not knowing the main level cap was a mere 20 before I got there was. surprising to say the least)

Mixed: "Story" is also kind of disappointing and barebones-y whenever it tries to go beyond "Sophie is doing alchemy." Could use a lot more show, less tell. But the main cast is pretty endearing and likeable (if not necessarily that memorable).

Good: Music is great. Tetromino alchemy never gets old, and it can be fun to experiment with. There are lots of locations, but not too big to get lost in. Quest and craft system kept me engaged enough to go to the finish. Sophie and Plachta are just really cute and easy to support, so I think they carried the game.

Character designs are so good but this game lacks a cohesive main narrative. It relies too much on its very underwritten and oftentimes underwhelming side characters. Not only are character events EXTREMELY RNG heavy, but the game does not make it clear as to when a character is ready to progress their respective stories.
In terms of gameplay, item creation is great as per usual, but the turn-based combat is half-baked. Very disappointed in this one.

Generally fun game even if it takes a fair bit to click and give you enough options to actually get around to messing with its systems, and surprisingly for the more open-ended games without proper time limits in the series, the general story and event progression is very natural. Sadly the endgame is bogged down by the rumor mechanic. While not much, some key materials (and recipes that are unlocked by gathering those materials) are locked behind getting specific rumors to trigger in the café, leading to situations in which you can basically spend 4 hours just fishing for a rumor to gain access to a material that would let you finish specific event chains. The idea for purchasing rumors being tied to actually spawning what they're about instead of just nudging the player in the direction of a nice secret in general feels completely wrong. Thankfully the postgame is its entire own thing, so you can ignore having to deal with that.

On a more positive note, this game has some of the best tracks in the series, and considering how good the music in GUST games tends to be, that's saying something.

It was Fun and Cozy, the story is meh but the characters are pretty lovable

Plain old iyashikei.

My entry to Atelier — there's a few annoyances like missable achievements and really cryptic instructions for recipes, what conditions you need to complete specific events and quests, etc etc. But honestly, I don't know if that's just a grievance against RPGs as a whole. Overall, the pattern of making items and staying small scale actually made it more memorable than most RPGs are to me.

I like this small German-ish village aesthetic where everyone is vaguely Christian. Like all iyashikei I feel like I will just come back to the series when I need to remember the fundamental gifts of life.

This is one of those strong cases where the characters singly handly carried the game.
The gameplay loop is too tedious and outdated for it's own good.
Having to play Where's Waldo for 40+ hours just to trigger characters events, recipes and story stuff isn't fun at all.
The mediocre and directionless storyline doesn't help much at all, as it's just the typical JRPG stuff that you seen before.
It's just unnecessarily padding for the sake of it.
The game really needed the event/quest markers.

Barring the characters, Alchemy system is excellent and arguably better than the Ryza Trilogy, due to being more complex and rewarding.

Fortunately, Sophie has a decently compelling cast of characters with Sophie, Julio, Corneria and Plachta being the standouts.

Oskar and Monika were okay, but they felt more typical best friend/childhood characters that you have seen before with not much depth to them

Overall, Atelier Sophie is a decent game, that is held back by jarringly outdated gameplay loop and meandering padded storyline.

The characters and alchemy system were the saving graces of Atelier Sophie that ulimately prevented the game from failing for me.

My first atelier - was cute and a good time. Was pleasantly surprised by the combat customization even if it's a relatively easy game. It didn't change my world but I had a fun time - looking forward to playing more modern ones such as Ryza and Sophie 2. I've heard Sophie 2 is pretty peak Atelier so starting with this one made sense to me.

My 4th Atelier game, and the start of my second Atelier sub-series. Story is almost non-existant in this one, world isn't built up at all compared to the world of the Dusk, but Sophie and Plachta are very strong and lovable characters. The combat in this one doesn't have the swapping with the back row characters anymore, and instead has a new Defense and Offense stance system which I never felt as fun or engaging as the combat systems in the previous games and as the game went on, and in most battles can be mostly ignored. The Mysterious games have added a grid system to the crafting, where the grid represents the space in the cauldron, but the glowing bonus nodes aren't taught as well as they could be. You can acquire and swap out different cauldrons for different effects too, but the EXP gain when using anything other than the EXP cauldron feels too low. EXP gain is lower than previous games when using anything else and the exp cauldron boosts it up to around what they were, so using anything else feels bad. Sophie is the weakest entry I've played so far, but I did still have a lot of fun with the crafting despite its annoyances, and the characters and music were real nice. During the back half of my playthrough, my grandmother was taken to the hospital so the focus on what Sophie's grandmother meant to her as a person really hit me in a way.