Reviews from

in the past

I remember this game being really cool, frustrating, and not the greatest. But a good time.

It's barely 2 hours long and yet it's still an absolute chore to get through. Awful combat, boring level design, and half the stages are shitty sliding or minecart levels. Only decent stage was Lewa's, because it was at least a bit more open and the gliding was sorta fun. It also runs at a fairly consistent 60 FPS, so that's something.

Pretty crap overall.

I remember even as a kid I was so disappointed by this. The combat is mindless, and it does that late 90s/early 2000s scrimblo bimblo thing where it's trying to be 4 different video games in one, but when the normal gameplay barely works, this means stuff like the mine cart level works even less.

I wonder if this game could've been a bit more coherent if it just got to be a played-straight game adaptation of the movie, rather than trying to recap 3 arcs of the Bionicle story in 7 really short levels. Because as is, the plot feels like it's on fast-foward, and that WITH me knowing the story of Bionicle. I can't imagine how much of this game is just complete gibberish to somebody who didn't know Bionicle first-hand.

Ass, but when it's a commercial in video game form, what's to be expected?

Me and my bionicle obsessed little brother played the crap out of this but could never get passed the lava level where we consistently softlocked ourselves every single time

I actually had to watch some of a playthrough to remind myself what the fuck happened in this game.

But my god. The jump animation. That woke up memories I forgot i had.

If you were 8 years old, loved your Bionicle toys. And loved video games. You probably had a great time playing this. There is really no reason for anyone else to play it.

That being said. I dont remember owning this game, and i didn't recognise the final boss. So i dont think I got very far. May have been a rental.

There's an hour long video on You Tube of the entire game. If you're looking for a quick nostalgia hit. Probably a lot less effort to just watch that.

A servicable companion to what was for some of us a huge part of our childhoods. My advise is to keep those memories nice and pretend this game was a 10/10. Ignore my review. Let it be sweet in your memories.

A perfect storm of cut content mixed with rushing a game out the door to coincide with a movie. I loved this game as a kid, but going back to it as an adult, it truly is terrible. The amount of content that was shown off in trailers and promotional pieces, that are completely missing from the final product, are astronomical. The game is held together by chewing gum and paperclips. The story makes NO sense whatsoever, even to a fan of BIONICLE.

Skip this title. Not even worth the bandwidth to pirate, if that's your thing. It's barely even worth a watch on YouTube, even though the entire game can be completed IN AN HOUR.

Admittedly there's something decent here? Just seemingly did not get the time to get fleshed out like the devs wanted it to be.

I wish we got the Legend of Mata Nui over this diarrhea dumping dieses

The trailers showed stages not in the game, and even the manual made mention of switches not present in the game, and that pissed kid me right the hell off. It clearly wasn't finished before its deadline.

it's just so not-good it's hard to even describe it all. at least i'll never be curious about it again.

Actually pretty neat! As long as I don't play it too much. Mmm yeahhh stay in those memories babyyy

bionicle is a game all about the popular Lego brand: bionicle (who'd have guessed).
The game has many issues, and to put it briefly:
the camera controls are a bit wonky (but you could get used to it)
when you save your game, the words "save successful" stay on screen for 5 hours.
The snowboard controls are worse than bears repeating.
Enemies and mini bosses respawn when you backtrack.
Useful cutscenes are skipable, but the useless cutscenes aren't.
I can, however, point out some good in the game like the start of the game is a good introduction (even though my game bugged and got me stuck on the pause menu, so i had to restart the game), but the game isn't as good as it could of been.
(Please note that none of this is meant in malice, and please don't take offence to this opinion).

i remember some trite platforming with the leaf guy. and some frustrating lava surfing levels with tahu nuva(am i right). i had a blast, but my imagination probably did most of the work on this one. the toys were awesome.