Reviews from

in the past

chyba jedyna gra o której nie mogę nic śmiesznego powiedzieć bo była mega deep i edgy

well done story with some pretty strong moments here and there, a rare rpgmaker horror that actually makes the gameplay matter and interact with the story

just very dramatic and anime tho so its hard to get into in retrospect now that im not 12 years old

A obscure gem from the saturated RPGmaker horror game genre

Really engaging story/cast, good atmosphere, and really amazing choice of music. For being fairly straightforward in terms of gameplay from puzzle solving to dodging enemy encounters, the story 100% carries the game (which isn't a bad thing, that what RPGs need to do)

That story, man...I still think about it sometimes.

Honestly a pretty good RPG Maker horror. I really appreciate the use of handmade sprites for the characters instead of the default ones made in the character generator. It really helps the game stand out. The puzzles are also pretty well designed, I only had to check the walkthrough for one or two of the main storyline puzzles. I also loved the way the worlds intertwined with each other, with unlockables giving old areas new meaning. It's also not something the game shoves in your face, but rather something for you to hang onto if you see it and connect the dots later.

This game is pretty heavy on jumpscares and a little too reliant on chase scenes. Chase scenes are really punishing in a game like this, where the tile based movement makes it really easy to get stuck on things. And although I understand it being part of the challenge, I also feel like it's more frustrating than fun, especially when you can only save at select locations and you have to sit through the game over screen, then the menu reload, which sounds like nothing, but can be pretty annoying if you're doing it over and over again.

I didn't end up getting all the endings on my own, as there was one puzzle I was so stuck on I couldn't even get it with the walkthrough. I ended up watching some of them on YouTube, and damn, the way the storylines of the characters weave together is just absolutely insane. I don't think there was a single detail that was left out. However, I will say, it was kind of jarring to see the first parallel drawn between the two other characters you're trapped with. You gain access to some of their memories, and each character's first regained memory involves an attraction they feel. One is a girl who struggles with liking another girl and one is a man who has a strange fondness for children... The writing doesn't go beyond that and doesn't glorify it but man it was really weird seeing those two concepts put up together like that, even if it was an honest oversight.