Reviews from

in the past

Playtime: 4-5 Hours
Score: 5/10

Another 'meh' DLC! I liked the western theme of this DLC, the levels look pretty cool and the main antagonist was good. However the story, writing and side characters are just average, as most of the base game was. Theres still the problem of when major things happen in the story, your character still doesn't appear in the cutscenes which like the base game makes you feel like your watching rather then participating. Borderlands used to be the series that would always have exceptional DLC, but this entry has just been disappointing in this regard.

for how cool her design was, I wish rose and the story she fit into was a little better

best bosses, best areas (not looking), best mobs. yeah, this shit's a banger

This is probably the most interesting piece of DLC in the entire franchise due to its serious tone. A good portion of it just doesn’t land at all, but the vibes definitely makes it stand out Among the sea of Borderlands DLC. I don’t love it, but I appreciate what it tried to do.

A DLC mais fraca até então, bem sem sal. Só se sustenta por ser Borderlands e a gameplay deste é maravilhosa.