Reviews from

in the past

Jogo realmente fraco, claramente não tá terminado, os cenário são vazios, o pulo acelera sozinho, os chefes perdem quando querem e a pior parte é esse jogo ser um plataforma com controles que não funcionam em um plataforma

Everybody knows this is a slog to play, I don't need to repeat that, but it does have a lot of creative ideas and cool visuals that I'd love to see replicated in more compotent productions. I really respect what it was going for and its place in gaming history, even if I'd very much not want to play it. If I was rating this game based only on aesthetics and ideas, it would be about a 5-star. Really that goes for the Bubsy franchise as a whole.

this is one of the games of all time, it has graphics, gameplay and music, and it is on the playstation so it is a video game

it's not THAT horrible but it aint good, i still feel a little bad for this game, it just needed a better camera, somewhat better controls and fewer weird sounds

i know i’m usually the 3D platformer guy but i gotta draw a line fuckin somewhere, man

was a funny prank my parents pulled off when they came home that day with a brand new ps1, spyro 1 and fuckin This

From this to Days Gone...some people never learn.

Scientifically proven to be the worst possible platformer.

The worst did they think this was enough?

Give me a a few hours by myself and I can make a better game than this


This is just Conker's Bad Fur Day if it was shitty

you can see why days gone sucks when you realize that its from the same developers of this shit

i played this game as a kid and i liked it