Reviews from

in the past

fun, challenging and immensely satisfying with a very retro and distinct artstyle
prolly the most underrated gem, this game absolutely FUCKS OH MY GOD

Good sprite art, functional gunplay. But very one-note and shallow. It's no HOTLINE MIAMI.

Кроваво-грязный футуристически-индустриальный Ад бросает Вам вызов минимальной сложностью «Hard» и единичной попыткой на прохождение каждого уровня, невольно вызывая умиление с искренности чувства собственного достоинства людей, ответственных за производство данного трай-контент очарования.

My very first impression was fantastic. It was fast and brutal. I had that unique adrenaline feel of Doom. Unfortunately unnecessary platforming was introduced. I knew that was going to drag the experience down for me. Then it showed off instant death mechanics. Getting smashed by a trap or sliced by a giant saw. I can see people liking this, but not me.