Reviews from

in the past

Si se te da bien las partidas te pueden durar horas.

i found out RECENTLY that the third installment wasnt just in original Xbox cryostasis like a handful of other titles darts my eyes angrily over at jet set radio's sexy ass

So naturally I lunged on the opportunity to play it!! I have no idea why this is so Out Of The Way to really get your hands on to play. The first crazy taxi was a smash hit and i knew this even before getting to play the games recently this year for the first time, so what the hell? whys the second And third one not supported... like at All
Could it be that SEGA simply felt "oh theyre similar enough i dont think anyone cares"
because thatd be like..

thinks really hard

atleast the eighth stupidest thing theyve ever thought
crazy taxi 3 high roller boasts the same experience you can expect from the past two games but I actually think I like this one more than the second but slightly less than the simplicity of the first and hearing The Offspring each time I start that bullshit up
which is basically a splitting hairs way of saying I think this is a near perfect trilogy of games and i like each entry for reasons so marginally different theyre not even really worth bringing up in review

especially when crazy taxi 3 lets you use.. EVEEEEERYONE
new drivers and old! you even get a mission mode/campaign thing accompanying the quickplay stuff youuve come to anticipate, but this one especially kicks ass six ways to space and back because get this

you can JUMP in this one. you can J U M P, you can even combine the crazy boost/dash with it for some good shortcutting
though this does favor some situations better than otherssss...

you cant just completely trivialize these maps with this ability(thank god)
but you can get some run saving shit done hohhhhhhhhhh and there's a handful of areas tht can act like ramps
this is both helped and hurt by the physics engine allowing for you to just tip over cars or shove them now instead of more often than not feeling almost like youo slapped into a brick wall or something oblong and hard for a moment before they just kept driving and you kept going
its weird

But yeah I love this game i dont got too much to say on it because with all due fairness it IS just crazy taxi again but that formula is already so good that they didnt even fumble with this one in any way shape or form apart from the PC version not including some of the most classic songs, and thats not even really the GAME'S fault thats more whatever shitlord was running the show when this was hot off the press' fault
i g et these games came out really close to one another but cmonnnn
why is this treated like a dirty little secret
its really good </3

there is no other game quite like crazy taxi 3. it is the peak of driving games which it is a natural extension of. if sega does not rerelease this game by 2025 we are going to have some problems.

the two newer maps are absolutely atrocious like how do you fuck up this bad

It's a very fun game and it has some of the greatest music, just perfect for this kind of gameplay. Loved getting to play it again after so many years! Couldn't complete the Crazy X challenges because they where a bit too hard for me, but I enjoyed the game nonetheless.

This is the good shit, one of my childhood games and I recently revisited it, mm-mm that's some good gaming

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This is literally Crazy Taxi 2 in Las Vegas. The Graphics are about the same as the second game, no surprise there. The Gameplay is the same as the second game, no surprise there, with no differences apart from the setting, no surprise there, and a new city alone doesn't justify a release. The Music has the same quality as the second game, no surprise there, but is slightly better, that WAS a surprise. Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller is on the loose after escaping from Pointless Prison, stay away form it at all costs.

Its more crazy taxi so like that's cool.