Reviews from

in the past

😬 al menos ha sido corto

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Please God do not let there be a Crysis 4

Its crazy how good this still looks and even more crazy is how fun it is.

(reposting as I reviewed a different version of the game from the one I played)

A middling end to a middling series.

The first few hours of Crysis 3 were the most fun I had in any of the Crysis games. (Note that at the time of writing this review, I have not played Crysis Warhead.) The predator bow is awesome and the levels are well designed for creative gameplay approaches. The game fully embraces a sneaky hit-and-run disappearing into the shadows style of combat which is where this series is strongest. After Crysis 2's sharp turn into linearity, it seems the developers listened and brought back some of the sandbox creativity from Crysis 1. On top of that, it all takes place in beautiful overgrown ruins of New York, totally dripping with atmosphere. It's tremendous fun.

For a while.

Then the game's hurried development rears its ugly head. Crysis 3 is much shorter than Crysis 1 and 2, and it seems the developers knew this because the back half of the game mostly consists of large swathes of land with objectives plonked at opposite ends, which you just sprint or drive across with no actual content in between. It's a very obvious attempt to pad the game's length for as long as possible because it would otherwise be about four hours long. The last level turns into a corridor but still blatantly tries to delay the game's conclusion with pointless objectives and it plays like discount Halo, with a terrible final boss to boot. But desperately trying to stretch the game's length like this only served to make the game's final act more exhausting to get through, despite it still being shorter than its predecessors.

The Crysis series was built on a fine premise of a sandbox shooter with stealth-infused predator style combat. But somehow it let a mountain of potential slip through its fingers and each game fumbled the premise in unique ways. I still think the series deserves a revival, but only if it seriously takes its failures into account and properly builds on its strengths. There is definitely room in the market for a sandbox shooter that isn't Far Cry. A new Crysis would only have to stick to its guns and avoid trading player freedom for linear corridor levels, and ideally drop its nonsensical plot. But as it is, this series will probably be forgotten except for how amazing the first game's graphics looked in 2007.

german company makes mid first person shooter the old fashioned way, cool bodyhorror though

I tried quitting the game twice and playing again but no, it's too boring.

The first half of this game is some of the best moments in the entire series, but the second half completely derails into the worst game in the series. I felt so drained out by the end of it and that upsets me because it started so strong, but it couldn’t hold itself together throughout its entirety.

A mixed-bag conclusion to the Crysis trilogy, but I still overall think that this series is one of the better shooters during the 7th gen consoles that have mostly held up, and as someone who got into it for the first time recently. I had a good time with it and I’m curious to see how Crysis 4 turns out.

Here are my Crysis 1 & 2 reviews:

It's too easy, even on the hardest difficulty... I like the mechanics and the predator bow, but you can cheese the whole game with armor and stealth. Even the predator bow is absurdly powerful because it doesn't alert enemies. The Ai is also atrociously bad. This is just a generic shooter, with a generic protagonist and characters. It feels good to play, but everything else is not exciting.

Only get on a deep sale, if you like the sandbox element and are willing to nerf yourself to have fun.

Despite the negative backlash Crysis 3 faced at launch, it turned out to be the installment in the series where I had the most fun playing. The game made me feel like I was in a Predator movie, stalking my enemies with a bow while using the invisibility cloak. It was an exhilarating experience that truly captured the essence of a high-tech hunter.
For me, Crysis 3 felt like a "best of" compilation of the series' greatest elements. The stealth mechanics were particularly well-executed, and I found that taking a stealthy approach was the most satisfying way to play. Sneaking around, picking off enemies one by one, and using the environment to my advantage made for incredibly engaging gameplay.
As with the previous games in the series, Crysis 3 is no exception when it comes to impressive visuals. The game looks good, with detailed environments and top-notch graphics that push the boundaries of what we expect from a first-person shooter.

However, one area where Crysis 3 fell short was in its length. The game could have benefited from a few extra levels, as I found the campaign rather short.
Looking ahead, I'm not sure what to expect from Crysis 4. I hope the next installment will be better than the first 3 games.

What a game man..... i know a lot of people dont like this game like i do but the story finale and the levels of this game are so good
has the same stuff as the first two games but better somehow, and the final boss is super awesome
and that ending..... such a good message