Reviews from

in the past

The animation automatically makes it a 10/10

gosto demais, mas demorei quase dois anos pra acabar kkkkkkkkkkkkk
o motivo disso foi que eu e o nicolas jogávamos no co-op, porém ficamos presos em algum boss e desistimos de jogar

2 anos depois me deu vontade de jogar denovo, só que o nicolas já tinha zerado sozinho
então em uma semana eu completei o resto que faltava! é ótimo, cada boss tem seu design e sua especificidade única. recomendo se quer passar raiva e se sentir satisfeito

The lesson we can learn from this game is: Don't gamble, kids
And yes, that includes Genshin Impact

Feel someone one of the hardest games I've ever had to play plus with the DLC and everything just adding in more stuff is just terrifies me

The visuals and the amount of work put on this proyect is amazing, the difficulty tho? I think it was not hard, it was just very repetitive and boring, just learn the patterns and dont get hit, after doing a bossfight 40 times in a row you start to get sick of the goofy animations and sounds. Also they should re-work the black and white mode to be able to see the pink parry better

Too hard for me so I never could complete it but the gameplay was really fun

irritating as shit but fun as shit when playing w friends

haven't played the dlc, but got damn.

very challenging, a refreshing change but I only play when I only have minimal time to game.

The art style is genuinely incredible and the gameplay is just as fun

cuphead is a fantastic game. great artstyle, great battles, literally everything about this game is great. only thing that i do not like about it is that it's way too short... i beat the dlc in 6 hours and it took them 6 years to make. not complaining but just woah the effort

Oozing with style, fun and challenging gameplay, and is one of those games I keep coming back to for another play through. Please play Cuphead.

Well, Cuphead and his pal Mugman
They like to roll the dice
By chance they came 'pon Devil's Game
And gosh, they paid the price
Paid the price

And now they're fighting for their lives
On a mission fraught with dread
And if they proceed but don't succeed
The Devil will take their heads

This game has sat in my Backlog for so long but picking it up and finally 100%ing it was a blast - Very challenging gameplay for a platformer and not forgiving at all - Overall a lot of fun, recommend to anyone that likes repeating bosses over and over. I'd give the visuals, audio, mechanics and overall style of the game credit as well. Nothing else out there like this. 9/10

EDIT: 100%ed DLC - top tier, thoroughly enjoyed

Had more fun playing with a mate then alone

Maybe the GOAT soundtrack tbh.

hard af but im bad at platformer

Gran juego es dificil pero vale la pena simplemente por el esfuerzo que se hicieron por las animaciones

Glad it was made, super cool idea.

The tiny thumbsticks are making my mechanics worse then they are.

difficult game but isnt too bad and the idea is cool.

This game is one of the reasons on why I'm studying animation