Reviews from

in the past

[European Portuguese - PlayStation 5 - Dated 01/08/2022]

"Embora a mudança de gráficos 2D para 3D não tenha sido do agrado geral, para os fãs Disgaea 6 Complete representa aquela prato favorito que se pede sempre no mesmo restaurante, agora com um sabor um pouco diferente. Mesmo com algumas modificações para (pelo menos) colocar os novatos a completar a história principal, quem não é fã da propriedade é muito provável que não seja convertida. Não deixa, no entanto, de ser um bom videojogo e uma boa experiência para quem gosta de RPGs táticos."

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Look hpw they massacred disgaea

The change from 2d to 3d is hard to accept, and the level cap kinda ruining it on 9.999.999

no funny shit. this is the only singleplayer game that has ever made me wish i were dead. like, actually. whenever i remember that i put time into getting the platinum i feel so ashamed of myself that i need to go lie down. please just play 4 or 5 instead

Man, what a charismatic game, I really liked the visuals and graphics, the gameplay is also very good and works very well, the story is very anime so at least you can have fun, the soundtrack took me by surprise, I really liked it . Anyway, if you like a good strategy RPG and a great game to pass the time, I recommend this one.

Played time: 26hrs

loses a lot of love by turning 3d and bumping numbers, not to mention if your power goes out while you're autosaving it deletes all your saves+you cannot make new ones so the hundred hour rpg turns unplayable