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Donkey Kong Country 2 for GBA is a great improvement as a game in general as well as a port with respect to the first title. It is one of the best platformers with one of the best soundtracks of the SNES era.

To sum up, the changes it brings with respect to the SNES version are more or less the same of DKC on GBA. The graphics and music have been compressed so the quality of these is a bit lower, but in compensation have been implemented quality of life improvements such as being able to save at any time (which considerably reduces the original difficulty of the game), a screen that shows you the statistics of the levels that are a great addition if you like to complete games at 100% and alters the movement a bit making the gameplay in my opinion is slightly better by making the characters feel more agile and lighter to control. Finally, there are also a lot of new spirtes (like the world map, which was redone and is more detailed) which I won't say look bad, but I think they clash a bit with the original sprites.

Extra content is also implemented, in the addition of 2 mini-games and a new collectible in the levels, which will be necessary to obtain to complete 102% of the game. These are a helicopter mini-game (which is a bit frustrating) and an ostrich racing mini-game. Both minigames are pretty easy to be honest, and feel too simple really, no big deal. As for the new collectible, it's some golden feathers and to my surprise they're very well placed throughout the levels, so they're not always in plain sight, but they don't get to be too hidden either, and to tell you the truth, it's an addition that I liked because of how it made me explore the levels and pay more attention to them in general. And the above also applies to the photo collectible, which returns from the first DKC for GBA.

Speaking of the game itself, it's fantastic. Donkey Kong Country 2 is an improvement over the first one in every way; better level design, better scenery, better music, better everything. Although the first DKC had good levels and good design in general, the levels here are more memorable, bigger and more entertaining, and the bonus sections are also more worthwhile, because compared to how simple and repetitive they were in the first DKC, now they are small segments with small challenges that give us a coin that serves to unlock secret levels. It is, without a doubt, more satisfying to complete 100% and a game that overall feels much more solid and fun than its predecessor.

A game worth playing either in its Super Nintendo version or in this version, which although it has changes that may not be to everyone's liking, they were decent enough to justify a re-release.

One of the best 2D platformers of its time brought the GBA.

[GBA Version] Finally put the stamp of completion on this after getting only to the 2nd world as a kid. I really enjoyed it, but I don't see at all why most people think this is superior to DKC1. I completely disagree with that opinion. The worst part about this game is all the final levels just go on way too long, as does the final boss. Great game, but DKC1 still reigns above all the rest.

Love this remake, extra collectibles are fun and infinite rolling is novel.

Just like the GBA port of DKC1 this is a worse looking version of the SNES game. Still impressive but I barely even played this portably which has really left me questioning my life choices, I guess this still counts as replaying DKC2 though and DKC2 is a masterpiece and I'm sure having such an amazing game on the go was brainmelting at one point.

Its obviously not as good as the SNES version but its actually a good port. The physics feel slightly different but the game is overall, easier. But the QOL changes are nice, especially since you can check collectables in levels. Its too bad this is all only exclusive to the GBA port.

As for the colors, I get what its going for with the Analogue Pocket's "Original GBA Filter". Its not perfect but it makes the colors look more normal even if there is a brown tinge to it. This game was obviously designed with non-backlit screens in mind and will look awful on modern displays.

É um bom porte para o GBA mas ainda é melhor jogar o original, o conteúdo "filler" só interessante se você não tivesse opções melhores e tivesse somente esse cartucho para te divertir (o que foi comum, jogos eram caros).

As limitações do GBA incomodam e em vários momentos o jogo ficou pior.

Pros: Finally, a portable DKC2, you can play one of the best SNES games on the go. Some added features, like a new collectible on every stage, and more involved minigames like Expresso Racing or Funky's Gyrocopter shit. There's a neat new boss fight in the final world, that's a plus... You know what, I gotta be honest...

Cons: It's all pretty bad. The new minigames, not fun, not well made, even though I respect them bringing back Expresso the ostrich, even Candy Kong shows up in Swanky's minigame here. And the problems that permeated the DKC GBA port, are all still here as well, and maybe even worse, killing the moody vibe of the SNES original. Washed out backgrounds, smudged sprites, a worse looking worldmap, worse sound effects and music, the new boss also looks pretty crummy despite being a badass giant red dragon Kremling, and even the new story and ending cutscenes take away from the excellent vibe of the original (just one look at the 100% ending screen compared to the SNES original is all I need to say about that, really)

What it means to me: DKC2 was never my favorite DKC, so this one meant less to me than it would to most others, but, this was still the first time I ever had DKC2 portably, and so that was something. Eh, I dunno, as a big DK fan, I mustered up the ability to complete it back in the day anyway, it's mid.

Primeiro jogo que joguei na vida, sem ele provavelmente não ia gostar tanto de jogos como hoje em dia. É um jogo que ta envelhecendo bem, vale a pena jogar mais uma vez.

Incrível como a trilha sonora desse jogo consegue ser bom ate hoje, depois de escutar uma vez não tem como parar mais.

I feel like I would love this game more if I grew up with it. I don't think it's bad, I'm just not as in love with it as I probably should be

The GBA ports are interesting and overall pretty solid. DKC2 GBA has some bonus minigames and a new boss which is fun (but looks kinda ugly).

SNES version looks and feels a lot better to play, but this is the version of the game that led to me falling in love with DKC 2 and the Donkey Kong country series so it's special to me.

Sounds, looks, and feels worse than the SNES version. Even the new boss is pretty bad, being almost exclusively trial and error. The minigames don't fare much better. Funky's Flights II is just not fun at all and a little janky, Bag-a-Bug is miserable, and Expresso's Racing is boring. Compared to DKC1's GBA port's fishing and rhythm games, all of these are very disappointing. Just do yourself a favor and play the original.

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🍌 One banana for the cute aesthetic!
🍌 One banana for the amazing soundtrack I still play today
🍌 One banana for the cute story
🍌 One banana for the adorable Easter eggs, collectibles, and character idle animations!

I named the one with the ponytail 'Marshmellow' when I was a kid because I thought her hat looked like one. I loved playing as her the most since she can fly with her propeller ability.

This would be five stars if ONLY IT DIDN'T HAVE THOSE DISGUSTING BUGS! EW!

4 🍌's out of 5!

Donkey Kong Country 2 with the GBA's trademark overly bright visuals, screen crunch, and awful sound quality. The atmosphere is a big part of what makes the Donkey Kong Country games stand out. Without it, the experience is severely compromised.

Not as good as the first imo

First time I've actually managed to finish the game and it was with this version. It has some mandatory QoLs that I was annoyed to find out there wasn't on the SNES (keeping track of all Kremlin bonus coins) and just like most (if not all) the SNES classics that have been ported/"remastered here: it is way more lighted alright. Could feel slightly bothersome if you play it on a different hardware, but for GBA as always it makes sense.

It's still a classic gem of my childhood, so I'm biased. But the visuals obviously don't look as good as the original game. It's still a great way to play it for first timer and not.

Played on Analogue Pocket

DKC2 still goated, but obviously if you have the chance to play the SNES version you should play the SNES version. GBA version is more washed out, has much worse sound and music (wtf happened to Rambi Rumble holy god), and the added new boss was a waste. Still had a blast playing this though, and I like having some of the QOL improvements.

As a kid I got this game and Mario 3 for Christmas and I remember playing this game and getting stuck because it's hard as fuck so I would play Mario 3 because it was 10x easier. Long story short I beat mario 3 as a baby but I still havent beaten this game. I love the first four worlds tho lmao

This is still one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time, but NGL I do pretty heavily prefer the SNES version for its atmosphere and OST.
The new stuff was fun though! getting 102% was really satisfying with all the new stuff to get.