Reviews from

in the past

Such a beautiful game
I love it

Spoilers farther
The combat is honestly fun and addicting, it clicked for me which is something that I can clearly see didn't happen for everyone else, and with some missions allowing you to ride Angelus really fucking hit, like I loved the feeling of riding her.
The Aerial Missions were also fun, the target lock and the flame breath really felt fun to use.
The gameplay overall has this early 2000s PS2 charm which I loved.
The music is also wonderful. Dissonant, chaotic, destructive, but also hopeful and heroic when it wanted to be
My two favourite tracks are
Chapter II In the Sky
Chapter XIII Closing

Weapon grinding really wasn't as bad as people say, apart from the staff on Seere's chapter 5, too many nemies to kill in so little time really makes that shit hard. But most other weapons were got in one or two attempts.

This game is extremely emotional and hard hitting.
It also plays with the characters wonderfully with most of them having major flaws making them horrible people.
I can praise everything about this game and someday I will who knows when that will be though

awful awful terrible first playthrough. gets slightly more points bc the story is slightly interesting but only at the end

What a special game. Though if you ever meet someone who likes this game just know they are the most deranged lunatic you will ever meet and run IMMEDIATLY.

This gotta be one of my favorite horror movies

Dogshit but bad on purpose so sure. Rip Yoko Taro you would have loved that PETA flash game about Pokemon animal abuse

This game is awful, I think the only listenable tracks are like Staff Roll A, and Chapter II - In the Sky. The ost is simultaneously the worst music I've ever heard while equally interesting and very fitting. There's probably only one likeable character in the game and that's Seere, everyone else is so bad.

At least it's uhh... unique?

Drakengard is a game about revenge and bad musou gameplay, the quirk of the game is that it's terrible to play due to wanting to be a musou while not knowing what makes a musou good. The game is definitely playable but anyone with a brain will instantly recognize that the game is poorly made and not really worth going through, I personally wouldn't recommend this game to anyone with how frustrating it can be and the story is really overhyped, it's a pretty basic fantasy story with a weird secret ending and that's pretty much all of it, it relies too much on being weird rather than telling a good story ending up with people acting like pseud when talking about it... it's not that deep guys no need for a 5 hours video essay...

On the positive side, uhhh the dragon missions are fine, really repetitive but it's not bad like the ground musou sections.
The game itself is quite ugly but some of the designs are kinda cool.
The ost is unique in an "I wouldn't listen to that outside of the game but it's unique".
And ending D and E I guess, as I previously said they don't really make the story good but it's kinda like the end of Evangelion where it's visually interesting and cool rather than telling an actual conclusion, though I guess for this game it's better than nothing since the normal story you get via ending A, B, and C isn't that interesting or groundbreaking.

I could go on and on about all of the terrible quirks of the gameplay and just the general tediousness of the game but that would just be flogging a dead horse, I'm pretty sure Yoko Taro already apologized about how bad the game played and
also apologized about some of the more "Edgier" stuff of the side stories as they can seem a bit insensitive, though that isn't my issue with the game, games are supposed to play well.

Overall I wouldn't really recommend this game to anyone in its current state, the game is way too rough for anyone to fully enjoy it and the story isn't anything worth going through those terrible musou sections.
I'd say either wait for a remaster which may or may not happen but crazier remastered happened before so I don't think it's impossible for Drakengard 1 to get a second life, or just play something else.

J'ai regardé un let's play faut pas déconner

painful, torturous. tedious among other things. it depicts a decent into madness like I've never seen before; if you can manage to slog your way through it, the experience alone is worthwhile. It was awful, but I look back on it fondly.

this game offers the best experience of a dooming apocalypse, a decent into hell, madness upon the world; death need not be the end of hope. But do the watchers laugh too? sing with me, sing! Lalalala

I would give it higher, but it wouldn't be right with just how bleh the actual gameplay is. This is one of the most bold and dark fantasy games out there.

A completely unhinged and purely unfiltered artistic vision
The gameplay, sucked. Like the onground combat was just NOT fun, yet despite that, I can't really bring myself to dislike this, it was just such an interesting experience with some bold plotpoints

i envy all of you who have the mental capacity to withstand more than 30 minutes of this gameplay.

se eu tivesse jogado uns anos mais cedo drakengard seria uma das coisas que me fariam ter certeza que jogos são arte

gameplay might not be that good, but it's very nostalgic to me and has a very good story

This game is not as bad as people say, it is not as good as drakengard 3 or NieR but it is still great, the gameplay is simple but effective at conveying the psychotic nature of Caim, my only real gripes with the game are the music and the camera controls, the camera controls are non existent, you have to just pray to god that it looks where you want it to look and most of the time it does not. And the music is fine but it is not on par with the rest of the series, the ending B song was great but every other one was just kind of meh, and the ending E boss, even if cool as hell was definitely lacking an incredible song like the one in Drakengard 3 , in this one it is a rhythm boss without the rhythm, but overall , good game and great story and characters

Very good stories given that the story told changes depending on the ending. Great gameplay with fun weapons to collect and level up. Honestly it was a game that was just really fun for me where plot almost became secondary. Only issues would be the useless right stick camera, wonky lock on, and the projectile enemies which can be annoying to deal with.

Nier Automata fans do not interact

Let's just say. Loud explosion sound effect fans are in for a treat

i just have no urge to play this after the first few hours

My ass is not getting all the weapons

It's peak.

Play it if you like Berserk or Evangelion

This game does everything terribly, I thought the story would be it's saving grace but it turns out it's nothing special, if you're coming from nier replicant or automata to play this for the lore, just watch youtube videos don't waste your time and sanity, ESPECIALLY your sanity because this game will test it.

thank you yoko taro for this experience i will never forget 👍

Other reviews have already said everything I would want to say but I just want to add that I adore how the final boss of the final ending completely invalidates all of the progress you've made as a player by 1. completely disregarding how you've developed your character (since your level is ignored, weapons aren't used, etc) and 2. completely disregarding how you've improved as a player by randomly making you play a janky rhythm game. Perfect irony for the game to make you perform the most Pointless Video Game Task of all time by collecting every single weapon just to turn around and say "that was a waste of time and you're a moron for doing it. Fuck you." I don't think any of Yoko Taro's games (many of which are trying to do a similar thing to Drakengard) pull it off nearly as well because most of them are at least trying to be fun.

somehow the gameplay was worse than the pedophile

Imagine thinking for a second that this game is “intentionally bad”. One of the ps2s best without question.

So, after Nier A and R I had to. Right?

I can't even... This was torture...

And yet... The story just... MADE me play it... I really don't even. Okay? The game is easily a -5, so don't ask me why I gave it a 3, I guess the story? But it's so confusing how it works... I guess I have Stockholm's...