Reviews from

in the past

For its NA release, at-the-time President and CEO of Square Enix USA said of Drakengard, "Drakengard is not your ordinary action game. The unique blend of RPG-style character growth, action, and a solid story that binds it all together makes this title a perfect hybrid of genres. This style of gameplay found in Drakengard is very addicting and appeals to gamers looking for a deeper action game."

What the hell was he talking about? Listen, I've got to rip the band-aid off immediately, Drakengard is an absolute mess. On paper, this game is a dark fusion of the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors and Panzer Dragoon. It definitely does blend those gameplay styles, but if you are a fan of either series looking for more of it, Drakengard is probably nooooot the place to go! The controls feel like they're actively fighting you, combat constantly switches between exhausting endurance tests and just mindless but admittedly satisfying button mashing, and the process of reaching this game's B, C, D, and especially E endings is as if the game is punishing you for trying to learn more about it and experience it because it just becomes increasingly frustrating and all over the place. Drakengard's gameplay is bad, and no, it is not "on purpose."

...But I honestly really love this game. I didn't know what kind of rating to give Drakengard because from a gameplay standpoint, while it isn't the worst game ever and ends up being fun at some points, it's still exhausting and frustrating enough to where it'd be below average at most. The ideas behind Drakengard, however, are so insane that I ended up loving the experience and seeing it through to the end. Once you get past the very beginning of the game, and especially after you complete ending A, Drakengard's story and world becomes this spiraling sinkhole of "what the fuck?" moments. I can't think of a better way to describe it.

It's not perfect at executing its story or its gameplay. With hindsight I'm able to acknowledge that Yoko Taro and the developers he works with did a much better job with Nier, but Drakengard is loaded with so many interesting ideas that you don't really see in any other video games—including Nier—and in my opinion, would only really work in a video game. Developer Cavia's approach to getting what Yoko Taro wanted to get across to the player was sort of like the expression "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks," but instead it's more like "take everything and staple it to the wall with absolutely no regards of alignment or aesthetic."

So... yeah, don't play this looking for a fun action game, but absolutely do play it if you are a fan of Yoko Taro's Nier and Nier: Automata. Those games may be more polished experiences, but Drakengard 1 is incredibly fascinating and full of so much insane BS that I'd hope most players would be able to appreciate and find as neat as I do.

Also, the music is pretty awesome, it uses a lot of effects to make the music tracks sound like a disc that's stuck on a loop of skipping, and it makes me as uncomfortable as about everything else in the game.

Эта игра... Ну это было что-то.

По фастику отмечу крутые моменты.
Крутая система обновления оружия, где после поднятия уровня у него меняется внешний вид и усиляется магическая способность и улучшается качество владения им. И таких пушек 65!!!! Но загвоздка в том, что их сначала нужно найти среди всех многочисленных уровней игры, так ещё и прокачать, убивая врагов тысячами. Так что тут 2 стороны медали.
Ещё понравилась система глав и выбивания концовок. Тут можно зайти в довольно удобный список и сразу увидеть что в указанной главе тебе доступно из нового контента + что нужно разблокировать и как для открытия секретных глав на другие концовки. Так ещё отличие этих концовок впечатляет и их, на удивление, прикольная сюжетная задумка моментами (но на протяжении всей игры сюжета практически не было). К сожалению не смог пройти игру на все концовки, пришлось остановиться на первой из-за лока на одной из глав напарников. Посмотрев финальные ролики каждой из концовок, впечатлился и вдохновился от 5 концовки, которая является преддверием спинофа Нир. Хорошая постановка кадра и красивые финальные строфы. Ещё удивляет, как из такой базовой шизы фэнтезийно-японской с божествами из первой концовки всё переросло в несколько порядков безумнее в 4 и 5 концовках. Просто КААК?
Ещё геймплейные ситуации первой половины игры могу описать как чилловое залипалово на месилово с монстриками. Не говорю, что оно приятное, но залипательное и невыбешивающее. Этакий кликер на первых порах геймплея. Но вот следующая часть становится довольно хардовой и уровни могут длится на протяжении 30 минут с несколькими ресетами.

С потенциально плюсовыми моментами закончил, остальное...
Геймплей по сути никакой, тупо слешер супер простенький с двумя кнопками действия и тысячи врагов, причём они подгружаются только группами по 10-20 врагов.
Сюжет помимо концовок из себя ничего не представляет, т.к. его не представляют никак нормально, кроме нередких катсцен, слабо о чём-то повествующих. Но реализован забавный концепт силы как в недавней манге Человек-Бензопила.
Отдельно отмечу, что помимо +-не бесячего геймплея наземного, существует геймплей на драконе и он сууупер неудобный и кривой. летать неудобно, стрелять ещё неудобней, фиксироваться на цели вообще кошмар. Ещё был ужасен финальный босс первой концовки, где все перечисленные проблемы суммировались с кал мувсетом несправедливым, где он пускает волны урона по воздуху в горизонтальном направлении, при этом не имея нормального уклонения по горизонтали. Потом ещё он пускает волны на 360 градусов вокруг себя, где нужно просто надеяться на рандом и тайминг.

Вот такая вот игрушка эта дракенгард. Опыт был вполне и вполне интересный!

This game is incredibly niche, so it's impossible to recommend it generally. The story is esoteric but I found it enjoyable. The gameplay is repetitive and frankly boring. There's no need to play it unless you're a big fan of Yoko Taro or unless you have some other specific and personal reason.

im too bad at this game i dont like to want to keep playing. i tried

kinda boring, the gameplay already show everything in the first 20 minutes of the game.
The different weapons are kinda cool

I'm not even going to sugarcoat it, this game is pure ass (I like it a lot)

I don't know where to start with this game. The gameplay is bad, yes, but the overall package is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It has those visuals, those story moments, and especially some of those songs that will just stick with you after playing. If you can't stand the gameplay I get it, but I'd say watching the scenes isn't the same experience. I highly recommend emulation for it's save-stating and fast-fowarding however.
I'll also say I sincerely hope this game doesn't get a remake if it comes at the cost of trimming the edges from certain subject matters in the story or watering down the unique music. If they don't do that then I also genuinely believe the game WONT be remade.
I just hope the game gets some form of recognition as these memories will stick with me- be it the frustration, boredom, captivation, or honest sadness/emptiness when the journey was over.

My rating is based off the gameplay alone.

I can't in good conscience recommend this as a game, because the gameplay is just godawful. It's a 3D beat 'em up and the game is mission-based, separated into two-types of missions. The ground missions are musou but worse, and the aerial missions, while serviceable, are very boring. There are two really good boss fights, out of several, and that's all you get. I fell into Stockholm syndrome, and eventually just got used to it, but it's not good. If you're insane enough to go through it anyway, you'll be greeted with an interesting meta-narrative that escalates extremely well until the final cutscene. It's full of "this is just okay enough that we won't get sued"-style Berserk references, which as a Berserk fan, kept me engaged enough to continue. The narrative only begins to pick up after you get a couple of endings. However, the narrative gets so wild beyond that, that I think it's very worth experiencing. If you're willing to put up with a lot of shit, you'll get rewarded by the end. Make sure to get every ending.

"This game is pretty cool" - Guy that hates video games.

The gameplay for Drakengard isn't good, it's engaging. What you're left with is a game that simply spills the blood of your victims, never allowing that element to be muted or sped through. It's pure in presentation, and I love it for that.

fuck my chungus life, i'm not reviewing this fucking game

destroyerofmid was right

interesting so far, but gameplay makes me want to kill myself dude, praying that i won't before i get my first ending at least

{to the tune of On The Ground- Chapter IV}

I have sort of an... odd relationship with this game. While playing it, I found myself frustrated with its clunky ground combat, annoyed by the story's convoluted pathing, the charting of the chapters splitting at times with seemingly no cohesion or continuity..
The grating soundtrack, the middling presentation, the even MORE clunky air combat sections, everything about this game is screaming at you, almost as if its begging you to drop it and go play a fun game.


For some reason, I couldn't stop playing. I played all the way up until the end, and I finished this game. I thought to myself, as the credits rolled and I laughed to myself over the absurdity of ending E, "I'm finally done.. I can finally move on!"

But that didn't happen. I still think about this game.

I think about the quality of the voice acting, the darker elements hidden beneath the surface lost in the translation from the Japanese release.
I think about how unapologetically abrasive it is, how it's cast of protagonists consist of the most evil, and unlikable people in this universe, as they struggle to fight against the inevitable. No one in this universe is without sin, and the ones who are without sin can only live on due to the sacrifice of others. This world is a living hell, and the game will take you there.

The question is if, and how long you can stand living in that hell with these characters.

This game is a work of art, and I do not hesitate to consider it such.

a game that can't really be reviewed or rated accurately, you HAVE to play it yourself. if anybody tells you to watch a playthrough/cutscenes on youtube instead of playing this game, you shouldn't be friends with them.

I fucking hate this game but it's also one of the most deeply fascinating pieces of fiction ever made. Every shitty aspect of it just makes it that much more interesting.

I deeply admire this game's commitment to its vision. Everything aspect of Drakengard works in total synergy to provide an overwhelmingly unpleasant experience. And I say unpleasant, not bad, because it isn't bad, much less bad on purpose. It's pretty simple musou-style stuff, nothing particularly out of the ordinary in terms of mechanics. It's fun and satisfying on a basic level - too simple to carry the experience, but functional. I would say the gameplay is deliberately monotonous and discomforting. And that's good, because it's a strong match for the atmosphere, characters, and story.

I don't think any of those aspects are particularly strong on their own except the atmosphere (thanks to the hazy visuals and incredible soundtrack), but everything complements each other and allows the game to become more than the sum of its parts.

This is a 6/10 aerial combat game with a 2/10 action game attached to it. A messy story with hanging threads, weak characters, and underdeveloped themes. Anyone who claims this game is bad on purpose is huffing too much copium

o jogo com a gameplay mais horrivel que eu ja pude presenciar na minha vida inteira, eu nunca senti tanta raiva e angustia jogando só um jogo, mas pelo menos a história consegue fazer que esse jogo seja jogável e que realmente valha a pena o tempo gasto com ele.
o que me deixa tao feliz com esse jogo é como a historia é feita, tipo, claro que tem alguns personagens meio duvidosos, mas eu acho que isso é justamente o que deixa o mundo do jogo mais real, voce consegue enxergar que os personagens nao sao aqueles bonzinhos das historias mais tradicionais, aqui o protagonista é um psicopata que sente prazer em matar tudo que ve pela frente, ele anda com uma mulher canibal, tem uma irma que gosta dele, mas ela meio que gosta ate demais, e tem coisa muito mais estranha do que isso, muito mais.
todo o desenvolvimento da lore foi o que me fez ficar tao entretido com esse jogo, apesar da jogabilidade ser a pior coisa criada pela humanidade, de algum jeito LANÇADO NA MESMA EPOCA DO DMC3, eu sinto um carinho enorme por ele e é pra mim, peak fiction pura. eu amo esse jogo.

Descend into insanity, immensely carried by experimentality and bravery of it, but actual substance is painfully overrated mess that is barely worth experiencing, mainly due to horrid(serviceable, but horrid) gameplay that might overshadow interesting story, that is nowhere near as good as people describe it and starts getting interesting only in last 1/10th of the game.

Stockholm syndrome might make you pretend that you didn't waste your time, but it didn't last long for me.

Don't expect anything nowhere near Drakengard 3, Nier Replicant and Automata. Just a weird pseudo-arthouse experience with few good ideas here and there.

(this is the 4th log lmfao, this game just can't leave my mind and it certainly makes Drakengard remarkable for that)

The most 2/10 game ever made that didn't become 10/10 because it told me life is worth living, no no no instead it told me to kill myself.
It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, where you come from, what your political views are, who you are as a person or human being, what your gender is or what social status you have you MUST experience this game at least once in your life before death.

I haven't played this in about 15 years, so looking it up recently I was surprised to find that it had carved a badge of infamy for itself. I was obsessed with this as an impressionable, un-diagnosed ADHD teen who liked hacky/slashy combat and hadn't been exposed to much dark fantasy, and so the certifiably bananas Yoko Taro insanity this visually and narratively gives way to seared itself into my brain. The ending that eventually birthed Nier blew my mind. I've got a big giant soft spot for this game, and I'm so glad Taro went on to become a big weirdo game creator.

The Stockhold syndrome is real, the more you think about this game after beating it the more you begin to like it.

An angry and brutal deconstruction of rpg and action game tropes, but like a punk song it quickly reveals itself to be little more then a simple 3 note ditty with a lot of rage. Once you get past the shock of how awful each character is and the beauty of the surreal imagery, you are left with a barely functional, esoterically padded action game populated by one note characters in a frustratingly unexplored world.

Years earlier Moon: Remix RPG Adventure tackled many of the same concepts with a lighter touch and more nuance. Years later many more games (including those by Yoko Taro) would explore many of the same ideas in more depth) yet there is something to be said about how bleak and direct this game is. The music and visuals have a very avant garde and ethereal quality which is lacking from Taro's future work on Nier which visually is a snooze fest in comparison to the boldness on display here. Drakengard said what it needed to in the time it came out and paved the way for many future games, but I'll be damned if I touch it again any time soon.

People like to pretentiously harp on about how "intentionally bad" aspects of this game are and while there is some truth to that, there is nothing intentional about the controls and camera.
Aside from that the on-foot gameplay is just even shittier Dynasty Warriors, it's tedious but nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. The dragon gameplay is... fine but not something that I'd ever willingly play again.
The music at least somewhat makes up for the gameplay with a cool sound collage of classical music that does a lot of heavy lifting in terms of atmosphere.
Many import story concepts (pacts, goddess, seals etc etc etc) are barely explained (if at all) and with how the verses and endings are structured it makes the story needlessly confusing to borderline nonsensical at times (ending C for example). Aside from some cool visuals and fun dialogue, there's just not a lot there and it's overall pretty uninteresting.
If this wasn't a Yoko Taro game I probably wouldn't have ever played it and certainly wouldn't have finished it.

This game really is as bad as people say it is. Gameplay sucks, music sucks, story isn't all that interesting. One of the worst games I've played. I guess one good note is that there was a character I did kinda feel sorry for but that's about it. I managed to get 4 of the 5 endings at least.(I'm not collecting every weapon that's absurd) Guess someone could argue that ludo narratively this game is great but it doesn't matter if your game is bad and has awful music in my opinion. Would recommend you play if you hate yourself

You either love this game or hate it. Due to how frustrating the gameplay actually is, you will remember it for the rest of your life and the insane characters in it.

More interesting than good, the story is fine, the gameplay is fine, everything is fine. The only real standout part of this game is the dialogue, the characters here are absolutely insane and hearing their random quips interjected throughout your hours of cutting down waves of enemies gives just enough motivation to explore the games different endings.