Reviews from

in the past

Surprisingly more fun than I thought!
Still not buying it tho.

my favorite part of this game was when they said "it's switchin time" and everybody switched all over the place

I would rather do Sonic Frontiers Pinball than that fucking UFO game.

i need more ibuprofen

note: i will kill the horse

Glad I did not buy this cause wow it feels as baron as the original. Has some decent mini games but just get Mario Party or something instead.

Leaving this review as a formal apology to whoever comes over to our house to visit for the rest of the year, as I will be forcing you to experience this. You will know true pain.

An incredibly disappointing sequel to the best tech demo for the Nintendo Switch

I'm gonna send this horse to a goddamn glue factory

Everybody 1-2-Switch (2023): Apenas tiene minijuegos y no tarda en hacerse repetitivo, sí, pero con muy poquito sabe cómo hacer aún más divertida cualquier fiesta. Va directo al grano y permite que se involucre hasta el jugador más inexperto. Escaso pero suficiente (6,35)

“We have The Jackbox Party Pack at home!”

The Jackbox Party Pack at home:

1-2-Switch worked well as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, demonstrating a lot of the unique ways the console could be played as well as the unique tech in the joy cons (HD rumble and IR sensor). It has obviously sold well enough for Nintendo to experiment with a sequel but another tech demoy experience 7 years into the Switch lifespan just doesn't cut it.
They did a similar thing with Wii Play and Wii Play Motion on Wii but those had the benefit of coming bundled with a controller to sweeten the deal, Everybody 1-2-Switch on the other hand has been chucked out at half the price of a regular Switch game without really offering any incentive to pick it up.

This is another collection of shallow minigames for a multiplayer only experience. The twist here is that by using your phone as a controller you can have up to 100 people playing at a time, which is pretty cool but when the games on offer are as shallow as a dried up puddle, it doesn't really offer much of a reason to gather that many people.

You have stuff like a game where you call an alien by moving in a rhythm, or trying to count to a specific number before flipping a cooking ingredient and these are like, cool, neat, they're functional but calling them fun is a stretch.
The best game on offer here is one where you hide your joy con in a room and the other team can press buttons on their joy con to make the hidden joy con vibrate to help find it. It's ripped straight out of Wii Party sure, but it's a game that is really fun, especially when you have a ton of places to try and hide your joy con.

My biggest issue with the game is it's all wrapped up in that corny over the top patronising American style voice over. You know the one where they really want you to have a good time and you can just imagine them asking you over and over if you're having a good time while telling you the lamest of puns and everyone else is putting on that fake over the top laughter. It's the type of thing I feel like you can only really enjoy when you're in a specific mood with a specific group of people. Heck having a horse mascot called MC Horace perfectly sums up the vibe of the whole thing.

Everybody 1-2-Switch is a functional game that is probably best enjoyed in the right setting with the right group of people and possibly a generous amount of alcohol. Otherwise it's a pretty shallow offering of mostly mundane games that get old pretty fast

i actually have it downloaded on my switch i don't plan to play it but i wanna join everyone's hate

edit i played it it's the most joyless game ever and it took us around 10 minutes until the game actually started cause of the first long ass cutscene

joguei com a clarinha... sinceramente eu acho q deve ser melhor com varios amigos

This game wants to be Jackbox so bad that in the process it forgot to be good. Color Shoot is really cool and fun and I actually got enjoyment from the Quiz Party but other than that this game is a painful experience.

whoever added that bonus where two people get the same amount of points, sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life

man, they really SWITCHED it up with this one XDDDDD🤣🤣🤣

the game does not let you put COVID as a username

It has a few good ideas here and there, the rest of this is fucking dog shit. UFO and Squats are miserable

Played this in a Discord call with about 15 people total. There were no screams of joy. Only those of confusion, screams that wondered how Nintendo could release something that's simultaneously this frustrating and BORING. The games we played are stuff that's just not fun to begin with. We had to play two rounds of Bingo. Fucking BINGO. I was mercifully spared from making first contact with alien life because my phone isn't an iPhone 17 with a sophisticated motion sensor or whatever. There's no real competition in these games. It feels like the devs hoped, nay, expected that your friends would provide the friendly competition. Well, for starters, you could've provided ME and EVERYONE ELSE with a good game.

The leaks were right, this is just a completely directionless mess. There's a good reason why the Jackbox Party Pack games were outselling the original 1-2-Switch on the Switch, people! I'd say Nintendo had the option to just not release this, but judging by the production values at play (there's a ton of voice acting), the sunk cost fallacy probably took hold of the executives, and by god, I hope they pay the price.

peak fiction better than re4 remake better than ffxvi etc etc


It's actually incredible how little this feels like a Nintendo game, a lot of shit barely works and the worst part is they made us compete for squats and we're all too honorable to cheese it with lifting. My legs are screaming and the we3d didn't numb it.

NintendoLife gave a first party Nintendo title less than a 8/10.
IGN gave a first party Nintendo title less than a 6/10

Both too generous, I think.

This is below a pack-in game, and it fails to do anything better that Jackbox or WarioWare already do.

Great game, especially since my browser actively stopped me from playing half the games in a session when playing with a phone, so I just had to sit and watch the whole time.

...though from what I saw, I can't say I was missing much.

It's scary how joyless this game is. Me and my friends were having a genuinely fun time with the original 1-2 Switch and as soon as we booted up this one its like all the fun was instantly sucked out of the room. The best part of the game is when you could make your own icons using pics on your phone


"Everybody 1-2-Switch!" offers a collection of 17 team-based minigames with variations, hosted by MC Horace, a character sporting a cartoon horse head. While the game allows for control using both smartphones and Joy-Con controllers, the execution of gameplay leaves much to be desired. The lack of originality and uninspired mechanics make it feel more suitable for a future Mario Party title rather than standing on its own. The game presents a mix of smartphone-only and Joy-Con-exclusive minigames, providing options for different playstyles. However, these variations fail to bring excitement or unique experiences to the table. The reliance on smartphones for certain minigames can introduce technical difficulties and hinder the overall gameplay flow. The inclusion of a "Quiz Party" mode attempts to inject variety into the experience, allowing players to create custom questions for a trivia game. While this feature has potential, it fails to overcome the overall unoriginality of the gameplay. It feels like a mere afterthought rather than a captivating addition. The disappointment lies in the missed opportunity to deliver engaging and innovative gameplay. "Everybody 1-2-Switch!" lacks the charm and creativity that players have come to expect from titles like Mario Party. It falls short in offering memorable moments and fails to carve out a distinct identity for itself. In the end, "Everybody 1-2-Switch!" feels like a middling experience that would have been better suited as an add-on to a more robust party game collection. With unoriginal gameplay and missed potential, it struggles to stand out among its peers, leaving players craving for more engaging and unique experiences.

Mini Games

"Everybody 1 2 Switch" features a collection of 17 mini-games, some of which have multiple variations to add a semblance of variety. Here's a breakdown of the mini-games categorized by their control method:
Games with Joy-Con Controllers Only:
Balloons: The game offers Balloons 2, Balloons 3 (Pop It!), and Balloons 4 (Intense Mode).
Hip Bump: It includes Hip Bump 2 (Small Ring) and Hip Bump 3 (No Screen Reference).
Relay Race: This mode also has Relay Race 2.
Samurai Sword Fight: Players engage in a sword fight with Joy-Con controllers.
Joy-Con Hide & Seek: A game that involves finding hidden Joy-Con controllers.
Games with Smart Devices Only:
Bingo: Along with Bingo 2, players can enjoy a game of digital bingo.
Ice Cream Parlor: The game offers Ice Cream Parlor 2, Ice Cream Parlor 3, and Ice Cream Parlor 4.
Color Shoot: Players engage in a color shooting game, with Color Shoot 2 featuring faster speed and a busy workday theme.
Auction: Auction 2 introduces a faster auction experience, while Auction 3 offers additional variations.
Games with Joy-Con Controllers or Smart Devices:
Statues: Players participate in a statues game, with Statues 2 offering faster gameplay and Statues 3 providing more variations.
Quiz Show: Enjoy a quiz show experience with Quiz Show 2 (Images), Quiz Show 3 (Speed), Quiz Show 4 (Sounds), and Quiz Show 5 (Trivia).
Ninjas: Engage in a ninja-themed mini-game with Ninjas 2.
UFOs: Experience UFO-catching fun, with UFOs 2 introducing a reverse variation.
Jump Rope: Players can jump rope with Joy-Con controllers, and Jump Rope 2 introduces an invisible rope.
Squats: Engage in a squatting exercise, with Squats 2 incorporating fake-outs.
Kitchen Timer: Play with the kitchen timer, exploring Kitchen Timer 2, Kitchen Timer 3, and Kitchen Timer 4 variations.
* Musical Chairs: A mini-game that mimics the classic party game of musical chairs.
Unfortunately, despite the variety of mini-games available, these experiences often feel unoriginal and repetitive. "Everybody 1 2 Switch" attempts to mimic real-life party games but falls short, resulting in an annoying and lackluster experience. The lack of innovation and repetition diminishes the overall enjoyment and fails to provide a fresh and engaging gameplay experience.

Gameplay: 5
The gameplay of "Everybody 1 2 Switch" falls short of recapturing the fun and excitement that made its predecessor enjoyable. The mini-games lack originality and fail to engage players. The reliance on the smartphone for certain games introduces technical issues, such as performance problems and potential disruptions in starting a game. Nintendo's attempt to recreate the party game experience falls flat compared to the more enjoyable Playlink concept introduced by Sony.

Graphics: 7
While the user interface of "Everybody 1 2 Switch" is decent, it doesn't compensate for the game's other shortcomings. The menu design provides a colorful and visually appealing experience, but unfortunately, it's not enough to elevate the overall quality.

Mini Games: 4
The mini-games in "Everybody 1 2 Switch" lack originality and fail to impress. The inclusion of quiz modes takes inspiration from platforms like Kahoot or Blooket, but these games don't offer the same level of enjoyment. The limited ability to create and customize quizzes detracts from the overall experience, making other dedicated quiz platforms more enjoyable and preferable.

Content: 4
With a limited selection of only 17 team-based mini-games, "Everybody 1 2 Switch" offers significantly fewer options compared to its predecessor's 28 mini-games. This reduction in content diminishes the game's replayability and variety, leaving players wanting more.

Music: 7
The music in "Everybody 1 2 Switch" manages to capture the energy and atmosphere of each mini-game, even if the games themselves are uninteresting. However, the music lacks memorability, failing to leave a lasting impression on players.

Difficulty: Very Easy
The lack of challenge in "Everybody 1 2 Switch" makes the game too easy and uninteresting for some players. The absence of difficulty options or scaling prevents players from experiencing a more engaging and rewarding gameplay experience

Perk: Borrow Or Stream
I Wouldn’t Say, Avoid The Game Completely Because Some People Out There Actually May End Up Enjoying This, Honestly, I Did Not. I do not recommend purchasing "Everybody 1 2 Switch." Instead, it's advisable to borrow the game from a friend or play it on their Nintendo Switch. Considering its underwhelming performance, the game does not justify its price tag of £25. In my opinion, the "1 2 Switch" series would be better off discontinued after this installment due to its mediocrity and lack of substantial improvement. Luckily, I Dodged A Bullet & Didn’t Actually Purchase The Game, I Played The Game At A Party

Final Score: 5.4/10 (Mediocre)

"Everybody 1 2 Switch" falls short of expectations, failing to deliver a captivating sequel that builds upon its predecessor. The game's bland mini-games, reduced content, and overall lackluster experience contribute to a middling outcome. While the concept of "Everybody 1 2 Switch" may have held promise, the execution disappoints. The mini-games lack the excitement and variety that would engage players for extended periods. Additionally, cutting the content in half diminishes the overall value and replayability of the game. Regrettably, "Everybody 1 2 Switch" fails to deliver a fresh and memorable experience. It doesn't successfully address the criticisms of the original game, leaving players longing for more innovation and enjoyment.

Müll, aber leider auch perfekt für Partyabende, wo man entweder nicht alles ernst nimmt oder schon ein paar alkoholische Getränke intus hat.
Ich hatte damit einen geilen Abend, aber für sich betrachtet ist es einfach ein miserables Spiel leider.

Played this with a group of 7! Here are all the reviews:

Colton: this game blew donkey ass it was only fun bc of who I played with and it made me reconsider how butt games are nowadays

Davin: Butt/10 I don’t say that’s bout of a lot of games.

Dallas: it was lowkey butt

Tyler: I think it was a cool concept but personally but starts rambling about porn

Jesse: it was uh good concept but the games were tedious bc of phones

Robert: that shit was ass

Me: yeah I can full understand why this was held back for a year and sold at budget. Not good lmao. Fun with friends tho