Reviews from

in the past

E.X. Troopers honestly has one of my all time favorite finale segments I've seen in a game. That shit was cool as fuck

How they managed to pull some of this stuff off on the 3ds is beyond me. One of my new favorites on the handheld and just in general

i played for like 1-2 hours in march or so 2023

maybe actually starting it now oct 20 23

It is so fucking cool how this is actually a console quality action game on 3ds, which I longed for on the 3ds in general especially when the 3ds was out, and which even these days I desperately look for through the 3ds library, but surprisingly honestly hardly exists at all. Everything is a kinda smaller scale jrpg, puzzle game, or some sort of monster hunter-like. theres so little full 3d action games on here. This is one of the best ones!


it was kinda repetitive, lot of bosses are reused and stuff, i kinda wish there was more emphasis on actually having to dodge or something. almost every single mission is especially piss easy because even if you mess up you get 2 extra lives, I think just adding no or only 1 extra life would've been perfect in making you kinda able to actually fail some of these.

I played a horrible google translate translation so I can't totally fairly judge it that, it seemed extremely typical from what I can see. Cringe anime bikini moment or whatever included

I wish there were more actual action games on 3ds, this kind of thing could've gone so much farther on 3ds if this was just a more popular IP or something (or just released in the US) and that would've been very cool to see

Cel-shaded anime Lost Planet spin-off with Monster Hunter-gameplay loop.... It's a tragedy I missed out on playing this online; single-player's way more tedious than your average MonHun. Should give it another go.

Really solid 3rd person shooter on the 3ds. Wish it got a sequel.

Cuando menos me di cuenta...... yo era el E.x. trooper.
Es un shooter bastante sólido con un OST tecno muy bueno
Lo juge en su versión de 3ds y me sorprendió lo tan poco diferente que es de su versión de 3ds, con ninguna caída de FPS y con casi la misma calidad gráfica salvó algunos efectos

E.X. Trooper is a 2012 3DS game by Capcom. The art has a stylish, poppy, and bright manga style which is eye catching and fun! The coolest part is most characters (main and secondary) are voiced in Japanese.

-The combat style is a real time FPS against alien-like creatures with the choice of numerous weapon types the further along you get into the game and can level up (get stronger, more ammo, etc.)

-The combat does get a tad repetitive but owe it to getting good. Also there is multiplayer and online options to play with friends and strangers but the 3ds online options will close April 8, 2024 for the 3ds.

-Story is nothing to write home about but its solid for its time period. Music is has a fun electronic feel that some songs i've had on repeat!

I am really enjoying how fun this game is and hope to experience more games like this in the future!

Really fucking impressive for an early 3DS game. I think the plot pacing gets really silly in the back half but it's not in a way that negatively impacts my enjoyment. The finale rocked.

I do think there should have been more V.S. segments though, it feels like you get Gingira way too late in considering he's in the prologue.

Also side-nitpick, the FMVs, be it for this port or the fan translation, have some pretty nasty data artifacting at times. It's not really busted, just scuffed. I kinda wish it was in a better spot on RPCS3 (supposedly has softlocking issues).