Reviews from

in the past

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i was so excited for this game up until its release. for some fucking reason the devs thought it would be a good idea to not only poorly summarize the events from the manga, but they decides it was a good fucking idea to START THE GAME AT THE END OF TENROU ISLAND AND END IT AT THE END OF TARTAROS. not only did they cut out most of the best parts of the story but they also made the final arc postgame and not even finish the whole thing. the only good thing i can say was the combat is really good. overall it's a dogshit game and, as a huge fairy tail fan and fan of mashima's works in general it broke my heart to think of what this game could have been.

It covers my two favourite arcs so I like it

JRPG de Fairy Tail até que divertido, meio repetitivo e infelizmente não cobre toda a história do anime, nem o começo e nem o final inclusive, mas pra quem curte o anime e quer algo dele dá pro gasto.

A somewhat competent JRPG that doesn't really do much to stand out. Clearly meant for Fairy Tail fans and not many others. The turn-based combat takes place on a sort of grid, and doesn't really try to become any more complex than it is near the start of the adventure. The story is also just a retelling of the events of the source material, taking place many arcs into the narrative. Only look into this if you're an existing fan, or REALLY need an RPG to bide your time.

Até hoje me pergunto porque fizeram um RPG de turno de Fairy Tail DEPOIS que o anime acabou...e não, eles não adaptaram a história completa (apenas Tenroujima como tutorial, grandes jogos mágicos e Tartaros).
Jogo totalmente voltado para fãs. Extremamente repetitivo e tecnicamente não é nada demais mas jogar com os personagens do anime que tu gosta, é sempre bom demais!