Reviews from

in the past

ruim, mas até que joguei bastante
fiz modo carreira com o tottenham nesse jogo

Maybe it's because this was the year I got into listening to music outside of video games but this soundtrack doesn't really reflect anything about the current year it just feels like a repeat of 16's soundtrack which like I get that Fifa soundtracks have their own vibe but I've also seen them as a pretty good indicator of where popular music was at the time of their release and this just isn't that. Still overall catchy even if outdated for it's release year.
This has a shoegaze song and I didn't realize it was Slowdive until a month ago.

Can't tell the difference between them so I'll just give them all the same score.


Last fifa i played
Had fun with it tho
But no more

Esse aqui tem o modo do Alex Hunter e diga-se de passagem bem melhor do que o Breaking Point do F1, mas sei la na época que eu comprei meu ânimo de futebol tinha ido embora, voltei a jogar em 2022 pelo retorno do meu hype por futebol, e consegui aproveitar bem o meu modo carreira, e olha quantas promessas boas nessa edição, Martial, Rashford, Barco, Coman, até o Bernard era bom.

2.5☆ - And this is where I realised FIFA was the same game every year, though the graphics still went somewhere because they still could.

The FIFA game I played the most was FIFA 2000, and since FIFA 2004, I have only played FIFA 2014 and the last one was FIFA 2018. Although I became a fan of the game with FIFA 2000, nowadays the only football game I still play is Football Manager. With FIFA I tend to get bored quickly, usually after playing 2 or 3 matches. So, I dropped the FIFA franchise.
Before playing FIFA 2018, I tried PES 2018 and, to my surprise, I found myself enjoying it for a while. I was curious to compare it with FIFA 2018 to see which one was better. And without any doubt, the better game is PES 2018. It excels in almost every aspect.

122 hours isn't anything to sneeze at


Nice to play with your dad from time to time, and nothing else.

Probably the final FIFA entry before things really started to go wrong. The gameplay was certainly a step down from 16 & 17, and bugs started to become more and more prominent.

Bom jogo, mesma coisa do 17, na promoção valeu a pena.

I gotta finish a fifa game one day

I consider this the last good FIFA game. The defense AI was good in it. E-sports players hate it. May be it was made for casual players like me.

eu não sou mto bom em jogos de esporte, não sei dizer se esse jogo é bom ou ruim... mas n tem o flamengo como time selecionavel, ent a nota vai ser mais baixa.