Reviews from

in the past

The only saving grace for this fifa imo is the world cup mode which is pretty good. Still not as good as 14's WC mode though. Tbf the career mode is pretty solid too but the UT is meh. The journey should've been a one off thing because part 2 simply doesn't work, or they could've yano... innovated

Desapontado com o modo Copa do Mundo, tanto potencial desperdiçado...

Honestidade? Não consigo dar nota baixa apesar dos problemas, adorava jogar com os amigos, marcou minha vida

No soy un gran conocedor de los juegos de fútbol, pero sí puedo decir que este se siente mejor que el 17 y El Camino se amplia con hasta tres personajes sin dejar de seguir a Alex y alguna nueva mecánica. Así que un paso hacia delante diría.

el mejor fifa que jugué, un amigo rompió una tele por un partido entre nosotros, goat fifa

Actually liked this one. Best modern FIFA gameplay. FUCK EA, though.

It pains me to say that more Fifas have been made than mainline Mario games.

Mucho mejor que el Fifa 17, más completo y con un gameplay más dinámico, pero obviamente igual de básico. Personalmente lo encuentro más agradable por sus nuevos trofeos que implican más juego y dedicación.
Como todos los años, la personalización del juego es una basura y da mucha pena.

pra mim o melhor fifa, apesar da gameplay ainda ser cagada

why is the story mode longer the ended it well

I finally was able to break away from these pile of shit money grubbing games. Took me a while but i was able to do it. Seriously it's like hypnosis, but I broke free and saw the repetitive shit over and over again... jesus.

Every fucking FIFA is the same. I played it with my dad though so there are some fond memories.

As the first entry of FIFA on Switch, it was already bad since it was a port of the dated PS360 games, still with bugs that had been plaguing those versions for years, so that totally displayed zero willingness by EA to put a somewhat decent game on shelves.

I'll admit, though, I played it a lot.