Reviews from

in the past

you play this game to feel bad about yourself 👍

This review will be all about A Real Reborn.

Probably the longest story of all the expansions, despite being quite slow and locking a lot of content behind the MSQ (believe me you better get the mount asap), its most important aspect is the world building and characters. It's less of a drag when you consider the post ARR where it starts to deliver a lot - up until the last.

its fun and i like dressing my gay little catboy up, but you have to pay a monthly subscription just to play? sorry, but I can't do that right now.

if this was free though? 4/5. Story at the beginning really sucks and is hard to follow.

(review wip)

Legit, my first MMORPG i've ever played in absolute. Originally intended to start playing World of Warcraft at a young age somewhere around the 2000s but couldn't do so because my parents restricted me internet. MMOs didn't peek my interest until recently when i saw someone in an art community share their experiences from that game, so i decided to give this a try.

Final Fantasy XIV manages to outdo the best of MMORPGs creating a really expansive world basing on the Final Fantasy mythos, including most familiar creatures that many Final Fantasy enthusiasts appreciated such as Chocobos, Moggles, but as much as i don't know a lot of FF i can't really say anything, but what i know is Final Fantasy is that kind of game series that keeps making allusions and familiarities all over the place no matter how the story looks different, no exception for FFXIV here, too, even if it takes places in a kind of Expanded Universe.

The game takes place in Eorzea, where you, as a recruit who recently got into one of the three starting cities, Limsa Lominsa, Gridania or Ul'dah, are called to arms against the imminent threat of a menacing empire. The high detail of the game's lore tells so much, even in little fragmented Main Quests, but what this game offers so much is that its really huge Free Trial edition allows you to experience the whole A Realm Reborn story alongside Heavensward, at the cost, however, to experience it solo without having access to Community and Contact related features, and that is PERFECTLY FINE (but to much comfort i had to buy the Starter Edition to be able to meet with people even if few).

What about the gameplay? Well, it has lots in it, i saw. The combat system is not the usual turn based stuff but it's done in a way that has you perform so many actions in a quite

Bout the most enjoyable MMO I've played. Sadly they require so much time commitment, but I know that's kinda what they're made to do. Surprisingly good story and solid combat and music.

(Free Trial only and overall experience, not just A Realm Reborn even though that's all I played so far)
Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Wholesome community (from my experience).
+ The OST is a staple, the OST of the entire FF series is a staple.
+ Very diverse class/job system.
+ Console-friendly. Not many MMO's/live-service games take care of their console versions, "take care" as in QoL features that usually only PC users can do.
+ Noob-friendly for new MMO players.
+ Fun rotations, dungeons, and trials of all kinds.
- Mog Station is a nightmare.

Been a FF fan since childhood. MMO isn't really my thing, but I decided to try XIV. Finished A Realm Reborn, but quit during the post-ARR / pre-Heavensward section.

Everyone was polite even when I said I was new to the dungeon and the game. People have corrected me on where I should be standing as I played a tank (Gladiator/Paladin), but no one scolded me or raged at me for it.

I will probably get back into it, but I'm just personally scared of messing up my rotations. I even skipped some dungeon cutscenes because I heard some people don't wait for new players if they watch the cutscenes. I also google a dungeon before I do it so I know what to do before getting into it. It's just a lot of "blind new player" fear coming from me.

worst game I've ever played hands down

I think I tend to be more charitable towards ARR than most and it's hard to know how much of that is based on its genuine merits and how much is just plain nostalgia. In any case I think the base game is good, but for completely different reasons than the rest of the game. Yeah, the story is pretty by-the-numbers and bland barring a few stand-out moments. Yeah, the gameplay is a hollowed shell of its former self and no job gets fun until lvl 50. BUT, those early areas are just so cozy and fun to run around and get lost in, and when I think about my time with ARR, that's what I think about.

Whereas I look upon the later expansions as great stories that took my breath away, ARR feels like a city I once lived in, full of fond memories and tucked-away, unremarkable corners that nonetheless mean something to me. Some of my fondest memories with this game are from the times when I ignored the MSQ and just walked around, filling in all the blank spaces on my map, seeing what I could see, like the aimless walks I used to take in my old neighborhood in Nashville, arriving at intersections and picking a direction at random, learning every twist and turn. I remember wandering the Shroud, not even following any questline, just wandering, looking up at the sunlight through the leaves, my aging laptop perched on my knees, purring like a jet engine and turning my blanket into a sauna.

Like I said, the bulk of these feelings are probably nostalgia. I played ARR at a formative time and it gave me the Something I desperately needed to latch onto at the time. But there are plenty of other games that I played in similar states and don't feel this fondly towards. These feelings couldn't have gained a foothold if there wasn't something in this game for them to grab hold of. The early game areas really are something special, and as the game "got better" in later expansions, the feelings I felt towards the lands of Eorzea itself started to change. As priorities shift towards paying more attention to the narrative (because it's good now), the game world itself eventually becomes a means to an end. A desire to find out what happens next leaves less and less time for the aimless wandering that characterized my ARR experience. This isn't a bad thing necessarily, just an attempt to maybe explain why those early areas have such a grip on my brain in the way no later expansion areas ever have.

I think this is also why Stormblood was such a disappointment to me--it lacked both the compelling narrative of the "good" expansions and the lively exploration of ARR. It's just so barren, and not even in a fun or interesting way most of the time.

really fun untill it DELETED ALL OF MY CHARACTERS

this game is pretty good i like it

I tried but i can't have 2 lives

did you know ffxiv is FREE until level 60 and heavensward??? now u do

My favorite game of all time other than Nier. This game is one of the most beautiful things I've seen. The way it was created was a miracle in itself. Not to mention the community and how this game is treated by the developers. It's really a diamond in a field of money hungry MMO games that don't care about their players.

story lmao KEKW. Crafting is an MLM scheme. Got 9 classes to 90. no content, will play when more content/new expansion

the game is huge hope my friands well paly with my one day

And so the journey begins...

What makes a good MMO? That was a rhetorical question. Quite frankly, I have no clue. When it comes to these things, my only real experience prior to FFXIV was Toontown and Club Penguin, with only the former having RPG elements. It was a simple game, and I sank hundreds of hours into it as a kid. Since then, the concept of MMORPGs fascinated me, but rarely did I ever feel the motivation to actually get into one because I knew the time investment would be great, and I lacked the proper motivation to try.

FFXIV has become bigger than anyone could have really imagined back in 2010. A game that was plagued with technical issues, terrible UI, and just plain boring gameplay. I wasn't there for it, but I've heard the horror stories and watched analysis videos. Those were dark times. It amazes me how Yoshi P quickly turned things around. A Realm Reborn was, as the name suggests, a new beginning for this game; a rebirth that kickstarted one of the most interesting and successful comeback stories in gaming. Despite the hype, what ultimately convinced me to try it is my love for the franchise, and, as a new player who jumped on the free trial bandwagon, I have some thoughts so share.

First of all, it took me a long time to finish A Realm Reborn. Not because the story is actually that long, but because I kept taking really long breaks. As someone who's pretty much a MMORPG noob, a lot of XIV's systems and its UI felt very overwhelming from the start. I had to consult Google on multiple occasions just to figure out menial things like how to change my hotbar size. It admittedly turned me off, initially, but as I kept trudging through the main story quests and started getting used to things, I found myself getting into a cathartic rhythm. I was genuinely enjoying my somewhat relaxing newbie experience at first, but, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it... it's true what veteran players say: ARR is a slog. This is something that I didn't really come to terms with until I got about halfway through the MSQs, and this is where those multiple long breaks come in. I would be playing this game for an hour or two at a time and then just forget about it for a few months.

ARR focuses on worldbuilding, and this is what it excels at. You're definitely not going to get a top-tier FF story here (at least, not yet, as I have been told). It all feels like set-up for bigger things to come, and this is definitely exemplified with some pretty foreboding foreshadowing in its ending. By that point, I was fully on board. I would say that in terms of story, ARR took a solid 35-40 hours to "get interesting," and even then, it's still not as balls to the wall as one would expect or would probably hope for. But the small taste I got of Eorzea's vibrant world and its political struggles was enough to satisfy my curiosity for what's to come.

You know, I really didn't think that I'd ever get invested in another MMO quite like I did with Toontown. While these are two very big contrasts, there were times while I was playing this game that I felt that same sense of childlike wonder and intrigue I experienced with TT. There's just something that hits quite different with these massive online worlds that you just don't feel with other games. It's this sense of community; a sense of belonging. You feel like you're there and like you're a part of this world; moreover, you feel appreciated, especially with how welcoming this community is. I'm still not sure what makes a great MMO, but perhaps this is a start. I truly look forward to where this journey through Eorzea's bustling world will take me next and beyond.

My thoughts on the post-game patches:

Patch 2.1 - A Realm Awoken
Patch 2.2 - Through the Maelstrom
Patch 2.3 - Defenders of Eorzea
Patch 2.4 - Dreams of Ice
Patch 2.5 - Before the Fall

Without Post-Game Patches: Light 7/10
With Post-Game Patches: Decent 7/10

This is for the game as a whole, including all expacs. A video game redemption story and my favorite mmo I’ve ever played and probably ever will play. Constantly expanding world. More activities to do than I’ll ever get to. A fantastic story that only gets better as more content is added

I will admit, I am a bit biased about this game. While I have Final Fantasy XIV online as a single entry here, as a full package, it is the best final fantasy game since FF10 in my eyes. It really brought the series back to what I personally loved about it. From all the references to past titles, to all the original spins and ideas it brough to the table.

It isn't just a superb Final Fantasy game but Also a fantastic MMO with an amazing class/job system and wonderful to play.

As a veteran of this game, it has my utmost recommendation if you enjoy both Final fantasy and don't mind the MMO Format. The story goes to some pretty wild places in the best possible way.

You cant make papa smurf in the character creator

This review contains spoilers

The following is a review of A Realm Reborn, and the patches bridging the gap between it and Heavensward.

ARR is a rollercoaster that feels like it's on train tracks for most of the playtime, and then occasionally throws in a loop-de-loop when you've almost forgotten what ride you're meant to be on. I was aware that most of it was setup that would come into play in future expansions, so I tried to pay attention as best as I could where it would have waned and drifted off in other games. I didn't find it as dry as most people did. That being said, even with the higher tolerance I'd set myself for this, there were far too many times the pacing slowed to an absolute crawl. The gameplay requires much less attention than I would have hoped for the vast majority of the MSQ, and I was able to do my rotation and avoid attacks well enough while literally half asleep at times. So what did hook me? That question's going to take a bit to answer.


This was my first time playing an MMORPG since I played FusionFall when I was 11, and it was overwhelming. There's an onslaught of information when you start the game, and once again every time you log in afterwards. After getting past the initial learning curve, however, it's all laid out in an intuitive manner. Options and gameplay menus are where you would expect them. While a game like this also seems like a nightmare to play on controller, the way they've done the support for it is fantastic. Once you know your way around, you can fly through menus as efficiently as on a keyboard and mouse.

Confusion with the systems presented initially aside, the combat while actually playing the game is not as complicated as I imagined it. I started out as a Black Mage, which guides told me was a difficult starting class. I never really struggled too much with remembering my opener and rotation, beyond the initial hurdle of getting used to the controls. Enemy AOEs and mechanics are very simple and easy to avoid and required little of my attention for most of the game, up until the final gauntlet of bosses, from Rhitahtyn onwards, as well as the final duty of the patch quests. These fights actually had some more complexity to them and required at least a modicum of spatial awareness to not be hit.

Performing skills and abilities and playing a class efficiently is satisfying in a way that feels similar to practicing a combo in a fighting game, there's a rhythmic sort of feel to it. I did enjoy memorizing my opener/rotation and optimizing it to make it more complex and learning the song, so to speak. It's fairly restrictive to play your class efficiently, though there are a few moments of improvisation gained through procs for free ability uses.

I wanted to play at least one job from each role, so I also played White Mage. The rotation is mind numbingly simple with not much to keep track off, but the engagement with it comes from, well, the healing. Instead of an emphasis on managing your own resources and rotation, you manage other people's health bars. I found this simultaneously more and less engaging than BLM; it was more stressful, but far easier. I just panicked less when I was playing BLM. I plan to play Dark Knight through Heavensward if I end up enjoying tanking, and the job itself.

I don't think XIV's combat will ever really touch most other action game combat for me, but it is a unique experience of memorizing a complex set of skills to keep up the use of while also managing your position in relation to both your allies and the enemies. It's not consistently satisfying yet, but I could see it getting there.


The plot of ARR - as meandering as the questing is - is quite simple. Primals are being summoned by the beast tribes for various reasons, the XIVth legion of the Garlean Empire seeks to conquer Eorzea, and the Ascians aid them while having ulterior motives of their own. One of these threats is resolved by the end of ARR, the XIVth legion. I believe (I hope) Primals are also resolved by the end of the patch quests, which leaves the Ascians to be the overarching villains. I guessed that'd be the case, but I wish they were more compelling than they are. Even Gaius Van Baelsar had what felt like more thought put behind his imperialist ideologies than the spooky dark wizard cult. Based on the words of Midgardsomr, however, Heavensward seems promising in delivering a more complex conflict, so I'm looking forward to that. The patch quests also have a substantially more interesting story, based largely around political intrigue and scheming.

Where some of the story of ARR shines is in the smaller, more macro story arcs revolving around the nuances of the city states' societies - particularly Ul'dah - and other factions. I enjoyed the refugee plotline with the Domans, as well as the simultaneous critique of Ul'dah's hyper-capitalist society. I also enjoyed learning about places like Little Ala Mhigo and Little Solace and their troubles.

While the broad strokes of the story are average, what makes ARR really drag is also the smaller, more macro story arcs. The other ones. The ones that have you delivering ingredients to a feast (for yourself!) that the game acknowledges is a waste of your time in the face of a calamitous threat, but still carries on with it regardless. I know this is done to narratively develop certain areas and characters, but there are more entertaining ways to do that than having NPCs that ask you to do mundane tasks for them that they reward with thinly veiled exposition. These moments brought down the quality of the major events of the main story because by the time I got to something interesting, I felt more relieved than excited.

In fact, while writing this review, I realize that I honestly can't really remember much of the minor events I found interesting at the time throughout base ARR's story. There was just not much there that was memorable, even if I was mildly into it at the time.

The overly flowery dialogue is also worth questioning. I don't usually mind it, it does add personality to an extent (and hell, it's similar to the way I myself write), but it did make my eyes glaze over at times. I didn't find myself tempted to skip through any text, but I did have to check the log a few times to remind myself what the importance of a conversation actually was.

There are also a few other executional issues (likely caused by budget constraints) that bring the story down in terms of taking it seriously:

- The voice acting. I think this possibly had some of the worst video game voice acting I've heard - stiff, robotic deliveries are all over the place. God, this seriously undercut some important moments. One of the first examples that comes to mind is Cid's flashback. It improves vastly in the patch quests, but it's still iffy. I'm aware that it all changes in Heavensward. I hope it's substantially better.

- The animations. I don't mind the animations themselves per se, but there's a very off-putting, quick transition for people going in and out of idle poses. It's tolerable for the most part, but jarring during big moments, especially when the unnaturally fast unsheathing animation is juxtaposed with a fully choreographed fight scene afterwards.

- The lighting. The lighting could be softer during cutscenes, or have a secondary source, as some angles are distractingly unflattering for a lot of characters. There's some spots in the Rising Stones that are examples of this.

The characterization is also fairly flat. I should at least care about the Scions, and I kind of do… after the celebration in the ending of the patch quests, which is far too late for their characterization to be considered successful. Minfilia is the standard noble leader. Thancred being controlled by Lahabrea made me feel nothing, the effects of it weren't acknowledged much afterwards either. Papalymo and Yda are just bickering archetypes. Urianger's personality is being cryptic and he takes the flowery language I mentioned earlier to an all new level. Y'shtola is a smart, no-nonsense kind of girl. Tataru's insecurity due to her lack of relative power to the others was kind of interesting, but didn't wasn't developed long enough for the conclusion to be satisfying. Alphinaud's strong sense of justice and idealism combined with the naivete and unearned confidence that comes from his own privilege is perhaps the most complex it gets.

With a combination of bad pacing, exposition that feels so obviously like exposition, poor cutscene direction and voice acting, characters that just aren't fleshed out enough... there was a lot left to be desired in the storytelling of ARR.

Why did I keep playing?

Throughout ARR, there were glimpses of what could be. The Primal fights, the nuggets of clever writing, the music occasionally popping off. The final gauntlet I mentioned before felt like it was from a different game; the music finally swelling to a peak in both melody and emotion, boss patterns actually mattering and requiring full attention, and spectacle that doesn't feel empty due to the lack of any actual challenge. One of those loop-de-loops I mentioned at the start. That was when I decided to keep seeing this through. While nothing quite rose to that height again until the end of the patch quests with Vishap, and then the Sultana's celebration, there was definitely a leap in storytelling quality between the base game and the patches. This bodes well for the future.

I used to desperately wish this game was singleplayer, and I still kind of do. Though the MMO subscription scheme makes sense monetarily, I much prefer just paying once for a product and being able to access it at any time afterwards. I acknowledge though, that the game was built around this format, and that I am asking for a fundamentally different video game at that point. So, that being said; there is a magic to MMOs that makes this game feel different, and - trade-offs aside - I'd be lying if I said it didn't enhance the experience in a unique way. Seeing other people currently experiencing the same story beats as me, piling into an important trial with seven other players, and the act of filling a dedicated role in a party were all things I enjoyed.

And while I sounded harsh when discussing the characters, I did like getting any information about them that I could. Minfilia struggling to keep everything together, Thancred's attitude of joking and bantering the pain away, Papalymo and Yda's camaraderie despite the bickering, are all compelling to me on some level. I did find them endearing enough for the Waking Sands and the Rising Stones to really feel like a home within this world. I just wanted the game to give me more reasons to care about them. And with most of them gone for now, I'm eager to see what Heavensward and perhaps even further expansions will do with their return.

This review contains spoilers

"For those we have lost.
For those we can yet save."

I've played over 15,000 hours of this game, send help

Didn't feel very MMO, kinda felt like a regular FF game with co-op dungeons. But they are some damn good co-op dungeons.

XIV fans on fraud watch after this one jesus christ

I would've absolutely loved this if it were a single player game.

Organizing my reviews based on the expansion instead of one all encompassing review of this great game. In this case; A Realm Reborn.

ARR is a fairly standard MMORPG story, at the beginning, fetch quest, go here-talk-go back game loops are abundant but that is par for the course with MMO's. However there is something special with FFXIV/ARR in that the characters story is enthralling enough to keep me entertained for these beginning hours, and then ramps up once we get to the primal hunts and fighting the Shadow Wizard Money Gang Lahabrea, and finally Gaius Van Baelsar which makes for an interesting assortment of villains.

The classes are all seemingly unique, whilst still falling into archetypes and specific identities, you cant say that there's "no difference" in playing a BLM vs MNK or WHM vs SCH.

It's a shame that many wrote this game off because of its MMO genre, and while the subscription model is annoying, the quality of this Final Fantasy game is well worth it. This is an endearing story only amplified by its great community.

Game is fun, just after a while not much was happening and started to lose interest. 3 Stars of 5

Não só é um ótimo MMO, mas como é uma ótima historia. algumas lagrimas cairam. Trilha sonora incrivel btw

At the time it was a very good game and only looks worse in hindsight