Reviews from

in the past

Its a okay game to play with friends but don't play it alone it will kill you

Secretly the best action combat in FF.

sampled this for a couple hours cause I don't really have the patience to grind out a multiplayer expansion by myself, maybe one day I'll go throw on a podcast series and go back to it but probably not lol
if you got three buddies who REALLY like FFXV's combat and REALLY like MonHun grinding this might be the game for you! the combat is pretty good honestly, you don't have as much auto tracking as Noctis so you have to play a smidge more carefully and you have access to more weapon types based off some of the royal arms like a katana and mace. It is very much a grind out missions kind of thing tho, don't expect much story besides a little bit of insight into what's happening during Noctis's naptime and getting to hang around some of the C-listers of FFXV. I really dig the color palette and visual style, borrowed heavily from Kingsglaive, tho you can definitely tell this was a very budget expansion

Fun with friends but overall just a grind fest that's rather boring

could be cool if there were actual comrades online anymore but that doesn't seem to be the case and idc enough to join discords and try to organize shit when i could just... play better games with similar mission-based structures and co-op

It was so lonely playing this game. Literally no one was playing this

Kinda fun. Glad I played with friends! (Bolt and Dark)

Most boring expansion to ever excist I'd rather be get a lobotomy

Very fun and can even be played offline on steam!

I was not there in time to enjoy what could have been something above a decent grind.

You can't play it anymore haha