Reviews from

in the past

i enjoyed my time with it, pretty cool to see where it all began

Would have been 1 star higher higher if not for the endless reinforcements on the last two maps and the really annoying inventory system. Otherwise, charming sprites and music with decent gameplay for a 1990 NES game.

i spent 81 turns capping everyone’s str spd and skl

Fun for like two chapters and then it gets tedious. Somehow a strategy game that gives you zero important information to make decisions manages to be trivially easy.

The start to an excellent series, While it may have not aged the best I still personally believe that everyone interested in the series should at least play through it at least once. Even if you have to get used to slow gameplay and story (or lack there of)
Playing as intended where you don't reset on unit death is optimal for really enjoying this game personally, primarily due to the slowness of gameplay.
However despite this, it's very charming and has very great moments that make this game one that can still be enjoyed to this day.

The thing about Fire Emblem is that it didn't invent the turn based strategy RPG. There had been numerous games that had done this sort of setup by the time it released, but for whatever reason it ended up becoming one of the originators of the genre in gaming canon.

While the core gameplay here plays similarly to that of many other games, and would be built upon in later titles, it is severely lacking in the first iteration causing everything to feel like a tedious back and forth of checking stat menus over and over again. The story and visuals are both serviceable, and it certainly did a better job of making you care about your units than other games in the genre at the time.

Very interesting to see where the series began. Coming to this game from later installments make FE1 feel very slow and sluggish. Game does not tell you vital info like crit chance.

Unit perma death and the rpg mechanics work well in not because of, but in spite of the game. Im glad this series continuted and begun to refine itself.

The ost was good but it got grating after a certain amount of time.

The story is not really that memorable at all.

genuinely still fun in the modern day

This is that one 2 out of 10 that I am ride or die for just because of the circumstances of when I played.
A couple years ago, me and a friend streamed this game on Twitch and I had accidentally forgot to get the translated rom but I decided to roll with it anyway because I thought it was funnier. The entire game was me playing and my friend frantically trying to translate and walk me through whatever freaky FE1 shit was happening. Neither of us knew Japanese so every time we got a new character we just made up the name on the spot which led to lots of hilarity. We never used save states and we rolled with the permadeath which really allowed the game to shine whenever a character would die and suddenly we had lost "Eminem our best mage."
I will never forget when one time on some random map my army suddenly got jumped by near infinite ambush reinforcements and my only option was to run some random mage who I had named Fumo all the way over to Marth and emergency warp staff (which had unlimited range in FE1) him to the capture point and just barely making it out before even more of my army died. I was also raided by a friend who is a much bigger streamer so for like 2 minutes I was the #1 Fire Emblem streamer on Twitch which is kinda chill. Probably one of my favorite gaming experiences in my entire life and I couldn't read a single thing.

Il m'en aura fallu du temps pour le finir mais what a peak