Reviews from

in the past

This is honestly such a good game for young kids. Super charming, could be beaten in one sitting even with a low attention span, and very replayable with how the culprit and what you do in each playthrough are randomized. Even as an adult, it's just a nice time. Take it from someone who used to play this game a bunch at the age of 3-5, it's legit!

Nostalgia courses through my veins

Step aside Finding Nemo, there's a new fish on the block

i got briefly stumped which is embarrassing considering the amount of times i beat this as a kid. so charming and nostalgic

My favourite Freddi Fish title. Had a fun cast of characters and the fact that you have to pick out the suspect yourself at the end was really cool at the time.

it's nice to have a reminder that video games are for children

I got this game in a cereal box back when that was still a thing. Freddi Fish 3 was a very early PC game for me and so I have a lot of nostalgia for it. It's a really simple point and click adventure game targeted towards children but I think there's still entertainment value here for anyone interested in adventure games.

My first EVER PC game that I played when I was ~4 years old. Has all the charm you would expect from a 90s adventure game made for small kids. Super accessible with decent replayability as certain events can be different every time (as is the case with a lot of the Humongous Entertainment series of games). Soundtrack is great, it's no Pajama Sam but it has that Hawaiian/Caribbean vibe you would expect from the Ocean.

This was also my first exposure to Gallagher and his genre of comedy via a clickable gag. RIP to a legend

formative memory game, i can still remember being in my preschool and clicking on the jukebox outside of the goofy tubes room.

Easily one of the most nostalgic things ever for me. Love it.

Игра требует невероятного интелектуального уровня

I have most of the same comments for this game as I do for the previous title. They're all kind of under the same umbrella in terms of quality.

Probably my shortest post on this site, just to say that I beat it haha

Me and 5 others played this children's game together and with our collective brainpower, we still managed to get stuck and not know what to do...not our proudest moment.