Reviews from

in the past

day 1.5 of finishing the sumeru archon quest before fontaine releases (i was playing yesterday lol): i tried pulling for kagura's before the banner was gone and got a c2 chungus💀

EU ESTOU VICIADA ALGUÉM ME TIRE DAQUI, genshin é bem agridoce pra mim, porém foi o primeiro jogo 3d que me fez desafiar minha motion sickness (e descobrir que tenho uma tão FODIDA, fico tonta pra caralho jogando), eu tenho muitas memórias boas com esse jogo e ainda adoro cada att de exploração e boa lore, só o endgame ~inexistente~ que me deixa deprimida.

Gave this game a try back in 2022 after hearing the hype for so long. Yeah, kinda a waste of my time, even if it is only around 30 hours. Gacha system to get characters is like Xenoblade 2 all over again and as a result, it feels like your typical cash grab mobile game except with higher graphics.

English dub is so annoying that it made me choose Japanese so I guess that's a star for it being the second game ever for me to switch it like that.

The story had me hooked but definitely not enough for me to play a game for several years just to find out how it ends. The daily stuff for you to do is rather annoying rather than making me want to play. It will become a chore, eventually.

1 star for having a better sub than dub and 1.5 for having a decent and surprisingly in-depth combat system.

I know this game gets a lot of hate but honestly for being a free game, the amount of content it provides is insane.

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I've done a bit of the story and a lot of chest opening. I like this game. I don't mind the gacha system, as it's surprisingly generous. But I can't help feeling like, moment to moment, this game is a waste of my time. A story that unfolds only to refold eventually for the shiny and the new that comes with another batch of characters just doesn't excite me. I see these chapters less as complete stories and more of a collection of character advertisements. Do you like a badass pirate lesbian? Here's Beidou. Do you like an icy cool sarcastic lad? Here's Kaeya. But you might not want to use either of them, since they're only four star characters, after all. The only characters we want you to care about are these shiny new five star characters. I hope you didn't want to see the ones you like anymore, because their stories may as well be over. Maybe this form of storytelling doesn't bother you, and that's great. Because otherwise there is a pretty enjoyable game loop here. Explore, gather, kill. Talk to people, solve problems, play a mini game. Fun, but ultimately not enough to carry me onward into whatever else this game provides. I'm okay with this game, I don't hate it. I don't love it, and I wish did.

During version 1 I grinded it to the point that I burnt myself out on it. I don't think I missed much in the past couple years tho

Just play breath of the wild man.

The story is honestly the only reason you're playing at this point, cuz the gameplay is pretty shallow and the grind to level up your chars is just brutally painful. It's definitely a side game than a main game in terms of time investment

good game, community shit, music tracks absolute bangers

Honestly it's a good game.

Still need them 36 stars though.

The game was fun at first but after doing commissions everyday you will reach a point where you're like.

wow this is boring as hell I dont wanna do this anymore. I should stop forcing myself to finish all of the events for my own personal benefit.

You can get really burnt out from this game as time passes. And you cant find the enjoyment you had at the first time playing this game.

i hate that i played this 8-12 hrs a day for months

Soulless cash grab full of gacha mechanics and anti-counsumer practices.
Every single bit of design is made with the sole purpose of making the player spend more money, be it the lootboxes, the skins, the limited time events, the resin mechanic, the limited amount of primogems you get out of chests, and more. The game is literally Pay to Win, at a point that getting 5 star characters while being F2P happens once every 5 months because of the limited amount of primogems you get without spending money. I played for 8 months DAILY and only got 1 five star character that I actually wanted.
Even when the game is not being obscenely anti-counsumer, it is just pretty bad overall. The exploration is dull and uninteresting, the grinding is repetitive and boring, the story is told in a really boring way, the combat system is too basic and focuses too much on building than actually fighting, the puzzles are atrociously awful, and the boss fights go from "Ok" to "FUCK THIS MISERABLE PIECE OF SHIT BEING AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO IT".
It's not a BOTW rip off as some people say, but it still is a terrible experience that i never want to have again, and I played this game for 8 fucking months.
I'm only giving this game a 2/10 because the music is incredible. For me, a 1/10 game needs to be useless in every single way.

Probably the first non-multiplayer game I've played for so long. The best example of a live service game. I could go on for hours on why I love this game. In short, it's just incredibly dear to my heart

I played this for a little bit, I stopped because the Gacha mentality was setting in and I'm not attracted to kids

I was addicted to this when it first came out. Since burnt out, and now incredibly luke warm on it.

Got really into it in the beginning and log in every now and then when new story missions come out, but the gameplay loop is not as engaging and I hate the incredible amount of grinding in it.
I have very lukewarm feelings for the game: I find the characters and story interesting and the designs beautiful, but having to grind like a madman to have a fun experience isn't my cup of tea.

its a fun expirience, that lacks depth gameplay wise which keeps me from continuing to invest my time into it, story gets updated every 6 months which is a format i really dont like. Characters all look the same, very bland design, souless at times. If you want to turn off youre brain and look at pretty colours for a few hours then its a pretty ok game

gameplay et histoire supers mais on se fait chier la

phenomenal game, especially when you start playing it at the start. Early on this game was so addictive and i would log in everyday to complete dailys, but now i struggle to even spend an hour or even 30 mins playing... I guess its burnout...

Breath of The Wild da Shopee