Reviews from

in the past

Oynamadım ama reklamlarını görmekten gına geldi ve kitlesi de cringe

Esse é um jogo complicado de avaliar, porque apesar de ter varias qualidades como um visual bonito, personagens interessantes e carismáticos com um mundo aberto divertido e combate bom,tudo isso para mim é muito afetado pelo gacha,alguns podem dizer "o gacha não é obrigatório", mas eu não consigo ignorar, porque para você conseguir personagens novos você tem que usar o gacha.
"Ahh, mas você não precisa de outros personagens,os iniciais são fortes o suficiente", não é questão de ser mais forte ou mais fraco, o problema é que você vai achar algum personagem que te atrai mais, seja por personalidade, aparência ou gameplay,e usar esse desejo do jogador para fazer ele engajar com um sistema predatório na minha visão isso é algo meio merda.
Mas mesmo assim anida gosto muito desse jogo por aquilo que ele faz de bom.

what can I say? I don't really like children.

I've been playing since 1.0 and it's bizarre how boring this game is and I've already quit it twice for over a year and a half, but I can't get rid of it.

The amount of stuff you can do in this for free is crazy. There is gacha, but it really isn't needed. Have a lot of fun messing around with it every now and then.

Olha, quando eu virei para mim mesmo e pedi para ter um jogo RPG de mundo aberto para mobile eu esperava receber algo muito melhor.

O sistema de Gacha é horrível; Mundo todo lagado; Conteúdo replicado; O PASSE nem se fala; Sistema de melhoria de personagens horroroso (PASSEI HORAS TENTANDO DEIXAR MINHA HUTAO COM OS ARTEFATOS CERTOS E NADA); E é claro, não tem conteúdo pós-game, o que é uma porcaria.

Mas tirando isso, os cenários são bonitos e às vezes o jogo me prende por algumas horas.

Gameplay wise not bad since its a reskin of Botw

Good stuff to be found tbh. The story and world-building are very interesting, but it's one of those games that has a very sluggish start since it only recently began pacing its story better and cutting out some weeds (Paimon). Other than that, the gameplay is serviceable, but you're probably better off playing other open-world games if you have the time and resources.

What holds this game so far behind from being at the level of other games of its genre are the gacha mechanics, which I guess do help fund an otherwise free game, and seldom do you need to spend money on, but that's the least they could do to not make it impossible to get to the endgame like other gacha games do.

friendly reminder to shower and use deodorant, friends

i don't know how i managed to play this for a straight year

but ngl it's not as terrible as everyone makes it out to be

Hu tao can crush me and ei can suffocate me

Isso já foi um vício que me dopou, graças a Deus me livrei.

мне не выпала райден

Cool at the start then realized I didn't care

Graphics are great (Honestly what I'd prefer an open world Pokemon game to look like), everything else is just a weeb's wet dream. I'm not into modern anime so I don't really care to play much more of this game.

It is certainly a gacha game of all time, for better or worse. The world, graphics, and music are seriously impressive, though.

it's a poor quality bootleg of loz:botw, the creators hate it and the fanbase as well. the only redeeming quality is that some characters/locations/mechanics are like. ok. and that's it

Hayatımı, paramı ne varsa bu boktan oyunda kaybettim.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ The OST is probably the best thing about Genshin.
+ Fun combat mechanics (Elemental reactions, elemental skill/burst, team compositions, etc).
+ The world lore/Teyvat lore is somewhat interesting, but not too interesting or dense to deep dive and theorize like that Charlie Day board meme.
+ Huge range of character personalities, making the in-game world not feel monotonous.
- The main story (Archon Quest in proper terms) pacing is slow.
- Version events, character story quests, and character hangouts started out interesting and fun to do, but over the years it became boring and shameless filler. When it came to that point, I started skipping dialogue as I'm only doing it for the primogems now.
- Side quests/world quests are dragged on for too long with making the player wait real-time days to fully complete a chained world quest.
- Recent character kits have been uncreative; just slight changes from a previous character's kit. The animations get better, but the concept always stay the same.
- Despite the lore itself being engaging in its own right, the story-telling is subpar in terms of character dialogue and cutscenes.
- The worst of all: No attention/consideration to player feedback.

Been playing since October 2020. Definitely not worth the time and money, in my opinion. I have heard about the 7 year or 10 year development plan and it's a terrible plan. The long ride would have been enjoyable if the developers knew what content to keep players interested. However, no one is willing to stay for the long ride because the developers only know how to spread the game too thin. So many of my friends quit this game and it certainly wasn't the gacha system because most of them play other gacha games so I never understood why because the game was so fun to play in its first 2 years, but I now understand.

As of now, I quit this game. If I somehow come back to this game, FOMO will be the reason.

so-called "free thinkers" when the function has gacha mechanics:

this game made me so horny that i jacked off to EVERY single existing character in this game

I've played this for 3 years, and will likely continue playing for another 5. As a game, it's fairly great all things considered, at least if you want an open world action game with a lot of variety in team composition. New content is shot out at a rate I can't even really fathom. The game earns billions of dollars a year, but at least it looks and feels like it.
The problem comes with the gacha / live service aspects. The gacha asks you either spend $400 to guarantee ONE 5-star character, or grind for 8 months and save enough to even get a chance when their gacha banner comes around, if at all. Don't even get me started on the weapon banner.
The live service end game on the other hand, kind of just boils down to farming the same challenge for 2 years at a chance to get minute stat boosts on your character. The Artifact system is perhaps the worst set of RNG statistic setups I've ever seen in any game.
I could go on for an hour about both the good and bad, but I'd rather just keep this review at that. I would never recommend this game due to the problems that arise with what the game asks of you.

I've played it a LOT, but it's so hard to upgrade the characters and weapons, so hard to get the characters you want as well. I've dropped it

fun to play, easy to meet people in, gacha mechanic kind of cringe but it be how it be